Postby Crossfire » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:03 am
Well, you have to remember that Metal Gear Rising isn't Metal Gear Solid. The whole point of this title was to create a totally new gameplay experience, while still retaining some basic fundamentals of the MGS "feel". Take for instance, codecs, hiding in a cardboard box, titles and unlockable uniforms. Everything else however, is indeed different. But it makes sense. You're not Snake trying to sneakily infiltrate enemy compounds, you're Raiden- a freakin' cyborg ninja who's sole purpose is to reap destruction and take faces. (er, I guess spinal-cords would be more appropriate...)
At any rate, yes, it's short. But it complements the style of the game itself. Besides, there's plenty of reasons to go back and run through previous missions. Trophies/achievements, "secrets", secondary mission objectives, alternate codec calls... there's a lot to do, even after completing the story. If you're a fan of robust hack n' slash style gameplay and the Metal Gear franchise, I'd definitely recommend trying it out.