Roleplay Forum Redux 2012! IMPORTANT NEW GUIDELINES.

This is where all in character roleplaying occurs. Please note that posts in this forum do not count toward your post count, and that old threads are subject to periodic prunination!

Roleplay Forum Redux 2012! IMPORTANT NEW GUIDELINES.

Postby goldenspines » Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:44 pm

*wades through the massive piles of threads and reaches for a microphone*

Greetings Roleplayers!

As you may have noticed, the Roleplay section of our forum is a bit different (and messy currently, but I'll be getting my mop and bucket out soon); it's all one forum now!

What does this mean?
To save space and time for each RP creator, you will now only need to create ONE thread that will start out recruiting players and once you have enough players (3 or more), you can start RPing in the same thread. Basically, you no longer need a moderator to approve your thread.
SPECIAL NOTE: This does NOT mean that anything goes, though. If you're RP is deemed not appropriate for CAA, it will be closed, removed, and further action could be taken. If you have any questions before you post your RP thread, please don't hesitate to contact me or another moderator!

Have any of the guidelines changed?
Not really. We still encourage you to use the same exact format you were using before to recruit members. Think of it like this. You start out by creating a thread like you would have in New RPG ideas, then once you're ready, you just flow right into the Main Roleplaying thread.
It will be a bit confusing at first, so if you have any trouble or any issues arise, please feel free to contact me or another moderator!


Guidelines for Creating a New RPG in this forum

Step One: Post your thread. Pick a nice title for your RPG, but more importantly include two very important elements. 1) A setup for your story and a plot device to get you all started. No "free"/chatting RPGs. Come in with a plan. It's okay to improvise, but as a leader of an RPG, it's your job to keep things on track and 2) a character sheet for your players to fill out for their characters
Special Powers:
Goal in life:
Favorite Color:
Feel free to look at other RPG threads for more examples.

Step Two: Recruit/wait for players to join your RPG with their characters. It will sometimes take a while, but don't give up! As mentioned before, you need at least 3 players (including yourself if you are playing a character) in order to start up your RPG.

Extra things:
- Sadly, some threads did not survived the forum conversion process. We'll try to get things copied over as we find them, but no guarantees - Sorry!
- Any of the existing RPG thread created by me (goldenspines) or any other moderators are still allowed to be active.
- I will be cleaning up some things later on, so please save what you want to keep.

- If there are RPGs with less than three people, they will be closed.
- If there are RPGs that are being used like chatting services (too much OCC), they will be closed.
- All RPGs must follow all the CAA rules (find the forum rules here:
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Re: Roleplay Forum Redux 2012! IMPORTANT NEW GUIDELINES.

Postby Zarn Ishtare » Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:09 pm

Bumping this; recommend this get posted to the top of the forum.
Zarn Ishtare
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Re: Roleplay Forum Redux 2012! IMPORTANT NEW GUIDELINES.

Postby goldenspines » Fri May 17, 2013 7:54 am

Once I figure out how to sticky this, I'll stop bumping it periodically. XD;
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Re: Roleplay Forum Redux 2012! IMPORTANT NEW GUIDELINES.

Postby sarahleinaar » Fri May 17, 2013 7:58 am

Okay! :D
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