The Untold MLP:FIM

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Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

Postby Bio_Plus » Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:57 pm

"Stuffy!?" Rarity exclaimed. "Darling! You should never be ashamed about where you come from. I admit the pony's in Canterlot can be hard to communicate with, but they aren't all, 'stuffy', as you say." Rarity's eyes went wide again. "Did you say you were in Broken Rainbows?"
"Do you know it Rarity?" Rainbow asked.
"No!" Rarity quickly said. "That is to say, I may have heard of it while in Canterlot, but their songs aren't really what refined ponies would listen to."
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Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

Postby rocklobster » Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:08 am

"Well, I am friends with Vinyl Scratch. She's told me about you." said Punky. "Hmm, some of these are nice. Maybe I could use them. Anyway, I'm thinking of using your sister. Do you think it'd be ok?"
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Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

Postby Bio_Plus » Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:09 am

"I suppose it could do no harm." Rarity answered. "On the condition I'm there to supervise the young fillies."
"Don't worry Rarity." Rainbow interrupted. "I'll look out for them. I'll be there helping Scoots anyway."
"No. I insist on being there myself." The white unicorn demanded.
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Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

Postby rocklobster » Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:17 pm

"Not a problem." said Punky. "I guess now we have only Applebloom left."
"My parents are...dead, actually." said Applebloom.
"Oh, I didn't..." Punky began to apologize.
"It's fine." said Applebloom dismissively. "I'm over it, really. That's why I have my big sister Applejack and my big brother Big Mac, and my Granny Smith. It doesn't bother me."
Your demeanor says different. Punky thought. She knew all too well what it was like to lose someone close to you."Um, well, do you know where your sis or brother might be?"
"Big Mac's probably too busy working the apple stand to be bothered. I don't know how Granny Smith would handle someone like you, but we could try. Maybe we could talk to big sis first. I think she's over at Twilight's. I know the way."
"Well, lead on, then." Punky said.
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Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

Postby Bio_Plus » Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:36 am

Scootaloo and Rainbow followed after Apple Bloom and Punky, heading towards the library.
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Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

Postby rocklobster » Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:27 am

OOC: I'll pm Diamond Dragon later today. We need to get her back in on this.
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