Postby Vilo159 » Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:47 pm
For water, I would go with Tirtouga/Carracosta. Water/Ground type, fulfills two needs and is pretty strong. Frillish/Jellicent is pretty good too, and gets you a Ghost type.
For grass, Petilil/Liligant is what I would suggest. Not the strongest, but it'll do well. That, or maybe a Sewaddle/Swadloon/Leavanny.
For Electric, I love Joltik/Galvantula. If not, Tynamo/Eelektrik/Eelectross, or Blitzle/Zebstrika. There's Stunfisk, too, but...
Psychic, try Gothita/Gothorita/Gothitelle, or if you can trade to get a Solosis/Duosis/Reuniclus they're just as good. Then there's always Munna/Musharna and Elgyem/Beheeyem, if necessary. Or, you could switch psychic with ghost, and a whole bunch of cool options open up if you want me to tell you those.
Rock/Ground really aren't my favorite on their own. I prefer them mixed with something else like Carracosta or Golurk (Ghost/Ground), which gives you a free space to fill in with a fighting-type or something. But if you want to, then you're only pure option is Roggenrola/Boldore/Gigalith (rock). Or go with a combo, like Dwebble/Crustle (rock/bug), Sandile/Krokorok/Krookodile (ground/dark), Golett/Golurk, or mix it up with a steel-type like Ferroseed/Ferrothorn (grass/steel) or Klink/Klank/Klinklank (steel).
If you can squeeze one of those groups together, that leaves you with an extra space that I suggest filling with a flying like Pidove/Tranquil/Unfezant, Ducklett/Swanna, Or Archen/Archeops. Or maybe fill it with a fighting type, if you have room.
Lots of those suggestions overlap in types, so make sure you're selecting to optimize how many types you have. If you want, of course, that's what I do and it seems to work.