help finding a bible verse

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help finding a bible verse

Postby Mr. Rogers » Sat Jun 05, 2004 1:56 am

sorry to make a new thread just for this, but I was wondering if anyone knows where the verse is, where Paul says we should keep encouraging each other so that no one lags behind? I've been looking all over for it, and can't find it.
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Postby Rev. Doc » Sat Jun 05, 2004 7:59 am

Not sure if this is the verse you are looking for:

Hebrews 3:13
But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
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Postby Swordguy » Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:42 pm

try its helped me find verses i have been looking for many a time
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Postby CDLviking » Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:18 pm

I immediately thought of Rev. Doc's verse as well. There are many online Bibles with search engines that help you to find particular verses.
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Postby Saint Kevin » Sat Jul 10, 2004 4:48 am

Well, I have to apologize for the length of this post, but Jim's question led me to do an impromptu study on the "one another's" of the New Testament. More specifically, how we are to relate to one another as believers.

*EDIT* By the way Jim, I suspect that the verse you were looking for is Galatians 6:2 "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

These two verses are from the words of our Lord Jesus:

John 13:14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.
John 13:34-35
34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Also, there are 35 other verses with a command that we are to do towards one another containing the exact phrase "one another." Most are written by the apostle Paul. Here is a link to a list with 37 verses in the New Testament that use the exact phrase "one another" - Bible Gateway Search Results All but the first two are commands for us in relation to other believers.

I came across many other verses (different from the above) in my impromptu study. Perhaps you will begin to see a pattern flowing from (and fleshing out) the theme of "loving one another."

John 15:12-13
12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:17 This is my command: Love each other.

1 Corinthians 7:5 (speaking about the sexual relations appropriate for married couples)
Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self* control.

1 Corinthians 12:25-26 (speaking about the Body of Christ)
25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.
26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Galatians 5:14-16
14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
15 If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
16 So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

Galatians 5:26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

Galatians 6:2 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Colossians 3:9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices.

1 Thessalonians 4:9 Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other.

1 Thessalonians 4:17-18 (telling us to encourage one another with the truth of the rapture)
17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
18 Therefore encourage each other with these words.

1 Thessalonians 5:11-16
11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
12 Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you.
13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.
14 And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.
16 Be joyful always

Hebrews 13:1 Keep on loving each other as brothers.

James 5:9 Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!

James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

Needless to say, this only scratches the surface of the number of verses on the subject of how to relate to other believers. These only covered the verses (almost all of them) with commands pertaining to "one another," or each other. If I were to search for those concerning how to treat a "brother" (and by implication sister), then my list of verses would be much longer.

Perhaps if the powers that be approve, I will write up a study (or studies) on how we ought to relate to others in the Body of Christ.

Till next time,
Saint Kevin.
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Postby Sephiroth » Sun Jul 11, 2004 4:44 pm

what you asked for rings bells with me in pauls writings in the book of timothy, you might wanna check there, if its not already been covered, (sorry don't have the time to check it out myself fully)
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Postby Swordguy » Mon Jul 12, 2004 9:15 am

Sounds like the second highest comment that our Lord Jesus gave us.

LOVE your neighber as yourself.
I used to "Follow" Him because i had i would give everything to follow Him.

Me check it out!

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