I have a bit of a problem that I'm sure one of the senior computer type people here can help me out with...
I'm trying to find some kind of chat for my site. I have my own server space to put it on, so I don't want to do one of those where you link to someone else's site to get the chat window. Does anybody have something they can recommend that runs fairly smoothly and doesn't have a bunch of ads all over it? The ability to alter the look through CSS or similar is a plus, but not necessary. A nice set of features would be great, but the ability to ban by IP is important. Any help you guys could give me would be great.
BTW, I downloaded the jchatbox system, but when I got into the directions, I realized it wasn't like simple java applets where you just have the jar file. Can someone please clarify this for me, and tell me if this system is any good if you know? Thanks!
Here are basic steps to install jChatBox in your servlet engine (Note that you should follow specific installation instructions if your JSP/Servlets engine is listed above).
Add xerces.jar and jchatbox.jar to the CLASSPATH of your web application.
(e.g. : Put these files under WEB-INF/lib/).
Copy conf/,admin/,skin_classic/,skin_mirc/,skin_tv/,applet/, xml_connector/ folders AND configureme.jsp into the documentRoot of your web application.
(e.g. : Put all these under a folder jchatbox/ in your web server).
Create logs/ folder with RW access under your web application. Check that conf/jchatbox.xml file is RW too.
(e.g. Use chmod 777 under Unix or Linux).
Follow configuration instructions to setup configureme.jsp AND conf/jchatbox.xml before launching your servlet engine.
Run jChatBox :
Administration : http://yourserver.com/jChatBoxPath/admin/index.jsp
Users main : http://yourserver.com/jChatBoxPath/skin_mirc/login.jsp
Users main : http://yourserver.com/jChatBoxPath/applet/jchatboxclient.html
Note : You can replace skin_mic in the URL above by others skins.