AngelSakura wrote:Welcome! Meet my fiancee, Nicholas D. Wolfwood!
Nick-chan: Hey.
I know, isn't it awesome? I get tired of having to explain to my friends what a dub is, over and over and over and over and....
sparten1056 wrote:who ever sed nothing is imposible, never tried slammming a revolving door.
I just wanted to say, ever tho i am new here, and everything, this chat room is a little more understanding, and maybe more compassionate!!!!!!!!! Alot of the people here feel like i do, and can seem to understand where i been. I have been dealing with depression most of my life, and it's not easy, not one bit!!!!!!!!! There are times i wish i wasn't born, or that i wish i was dead. I hope to make new friends here, and be happy here too!!!!!!!! Well i just wanted to say thanks to everyone, and i hope things work out for everybody on this board. God bless you all, and have a good and Godly day!!!!!!!!!
I am not much into anime, but before they tooked kenshin off, i used to watch that, and a few others, i try to be careful what my eyes and ears see and hear, so that it doesn't add to my problems, i like some science fiction, but even that i have to be careful there too, bad words i can handle , we used the mute button, but what i have a problem with the most are the dirty pictures, and things like that, that's bothers me, sorry that am not like others here, i also used to like Dorothy from Big O, i like the piano episode the one where piano music is played on, i could stay and listen to music like that, and not get tired of, piano music can be relaxing to me at times, i also like westerns too Sorry i don't have much in common with others, maybe i should leave, since i am the ugleducking one on the board. If you have any other questions i will tried to answer them for you, but some i might not, if will bring up bad feeling for me. Again i am sorry that i am not into anime or things like that. You can think whatever, i am sure i have heard it before anyway. lonelyone.
Sam*ron wrote:My dear friend Lonelyone,
I really like you being here, and being my friend.
You are a great person and I don't want you to leave.
PM me anytime and we can just go back and forth.
About your name, look at my sig, it says "You are never alone" Cause you aren't, Jesus is always with you, so talk to him when you have a would help.
Raskle wrote:aww... missed ya...
here's a cheer-up:
>Good-bye--Sam-ron. I cannot tell you my faults, for fear of losing you as my friend, i just cannot tell you anything about me, for what you would think of me---Kaji---reagarding your pm me, i ask you the same questions i ask Sam-ron, would anything change in your eyes, on my eyee color, my skin color, my hair color, if i was fat or skinny, my age, my sex, where i live, and others!!!!!!!! good-bye sam-ron
that doesn't happen here, silly! we love you no matter what you look like or anything about you. hope you feel happier soon.
These questions are not SILLY, as you put it, i am DEADLY SERIOUS!!!!!! tHESE QUESTIONS ARE NOT A JOKE, I'M DEADLY SERIOUS!!!!!!
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