The Offical Pony War Roleplay!

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The Offical Pony War Roleplay!

Postby raider~joseph » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:50 am

Yup its gotten so big I have decided (Topaz allowed it as well.) to make it into a roleplay.

Backstory time!

The Dark Empress TopazRaven has declaired war on ponies!She has many followers.Many have formed a resistence to save ponies from her wrath but the war has become quite large.A deathknight named Raider~Joseph even tried to destory CAA just to get them to stop fighting...he would have succeeded too if it wasn't for the fact he isn't evil.So he joined Topaz because of a hairbrained theory that MLP fans have become the Borg.But still the war carries on.But now a rip in time and space has allowed multiple realms to get caught up in the conflict.WHO WILL WIN?

The Dark Empire or The Resistence?

Lets find out shall we...

Powers: (No overkill I am gonna say in advance if I seem like im overkilling its a temp thing trust me.)
Side: (Resistence or Empire)
Pets of some sort:

And thats it.Obviously there is a good chance this will epic fail.Or it could be funny,epic,not too violent but violent enough, and legendary.

Bio: A Deathknight who loves the MLP show.He has joined Topaz with a heavy heart and will more then likely betray her at some point.
Powers: The collective power of all the WoW classes.
Weapons: A runesword called the Sword of evil evilness.
Side: Empire(Sorry bronies you must be cured of Borgism.)
Pets of some sort: A Magnamite named mag who can talk.

The rift will be explained in story and I need 6 people to take up a special role.This is mandatory to the story and I cannot stop it until all 6 slots are taken.PM for more info.Please Inquire.
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Postby TopazRaven » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:01 pm

Okay, so I'm not that big on RP so I'm going to ask everyone now to forgive me for how terrible I am. xD I also don't know how much I'll be on. How much time does one need to dedicate to this? Wouldn't we all have to be on around the same time for it to work?
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Postby firestorm » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:04 pm

I may jump in, maybe. Just remember that I'm fundraising for my missions trip and back in school so things will be hectic a bit So I will mostly likely be absent alot. This is the same reason why I had to jump out of the Pokemon thread sadly. :(
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby TopazRaven » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:07 pm

Okay, now for my terrible character profile?

Name: Dark Empress Topaz Raven.
Age: 22.
Gender: Female.
Bio: Was once a not quite so evil young lady. Was somehow corrupted and thus became a dark empress, but is sure she has chosen the right path. Does not know the true meaning of 'friendship.' Very untrusting. She is no fool, she is watching you Raider!
Powers: Erm, the powers of darkness?
Weapons: A magical staff of some sort and a sword.
Side: Obviously the empire. Lol.
Pets of some sort: A polar bear. Bears are awesome...
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Postby raider~joseph » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:15 pm

No you just post and the others post at diffrent times.I still need people to inquire about the 6 roles.
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:09 pm

Name: Dia
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Bio: Unknown (For the moment anyway...)
Powers: Shapeshifting (includes imitating voices), metal/gem manipulation, and breathing a strange type of blue lightning-like fire.
Weapons: Since she has metal/gem manipulation, it will vary.
Side: Neutral
Pets of some sort: Image Aoi, who breaths the same type of fire as her.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby josh_manga » Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:54 pm

Oh, what the heck why not...

Name: Xenomorph
Age: two weeks.
Gender: it
Bio: It all started with a herd of ponies playing in a field. While they were playing, a spaceship fell to earth. They decided to explore the ship after it cooled down, but unfortunately a facehugger was inside, and it impregnated one of the ponies with an alien spawn. Shortly afterward the empire found the spawn and tried to control it, to use it against the resistance, but the alien escaped into the city. Now it lurks in the dark places
Powers: acid blood, thick carapace, spike tail, fleet footedness, very strong, requires no food, metallic teeth, second mouth, dark vision, silent movement, swimming, wall and ceiling walking, amphibious, can survive in the vacuum of space, impervious to fire, can sustain considerable pressure, and is able to make additional alien creatures by stealing MLP genes and altering them with alien genes. After a short gestational period, more facehuggers will be born.
Weapons: i am the ultimate weapon.
Side: neutral.
Pets of some sort: pets are for food.


Name: Big Macintosh
Age: older than Applejack and Apple Bloom
Gender: male
Bio: After the war broke out, someone had to take the reigns and restore some order. I'm not in charge, but i lend a hand wherever i can.
Powers: wisdom and patience.
Weapons: I'd rather not use them.
Side: Resistance.
Pets of some sort: not enough time for em. gotta look after my siblings.

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Postby raider~joseph » Tue Sep 20, 2011 5:32 pm

Alright now then one last matter to attend too.We need 6 people or people who can handle multiple characters to take over the character roles of the ponies and spike themselves.Whoever has Twilight has spike so yeah...Dia said she was gonna take Rainbow Dash.I am calling DIBS on Twilight Sparkle and Spike.That leaves 4 roles left.Anyone up for it?(NOTE:You must be able to act the role.Dia is DEFINATLY tomboy enough for Rainbow.)Josh I understand if you don't want to.You don't have to.
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Postby josh_manga » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:18 pm

I am actually unfamiliar with any of this, including the MLP war, i don't mind playing multiple characters, but i don't know the roles. If that disqualifies me, no hurt feelings. ;)
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:47 pm

Well, you can look up the ponies on wikipedia, so I don't think your disqualified.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby firestorm » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:36 pm

Bio: Hi... I...I'm fl... EEP!! becomes shy [SIZE="1"]I. I...I'm Fl...Flutthershy *mumble mumble* I'm a animal lover *mumble mumble mumble* I watched in horror* mumble mumble mumble *Empire stole my animal friends *mumble mumble* became souls for their endless robot army *mumble* my friends now destroy mindlessly *mumble mumble* don't remember me *mumble mumble*[/SIZE]... I WILL GET THEM BACK.
Powers: Can converse and befriend all types of animals. Even mythical ones.
Weapons: Iron Shield on back.
Side: Ponies
Pets of some sort: A baby chimera that escaped ... the Evil Empire which I..I adopted.

and just out of spite rj

Bio: A hardened warrior in the way of MMO's. A large brutish man with an ever-loving ever-honoring attitude. His Armor is a mishmash of things from his travels across the "gamescapes" (his term for the lands within MMO's) A Sabred tooth horned helmet from a fantasy mmo. From a sci-fi MMO A bio energy backpack which emits 4 arms made of pure energy. Various swords and guns from other MMO's. Some time during his travels he was biten by a Vampiric Vampire Bat (Ironic no?) thus turning him into a Vampire. Though Undead he still obtains his love and fear for God. He travels the land on his Vampiric Panda named Vanda, and an army of panda and polar bears, as well as Serveral Coca-Cola trucks. Not wanting to see harm come to any animals, he continual fights for the ponies so that the eventual pony-cide may be averted. Also he recently gained a position at Epic Games and is a lead art director at League of Legends.

Powers: superstrength and speed. Due to League of Legends previous relation to Wow, Lol employees are naturally immune to all powers casted by Wow members and employees.

Side: Ponies

Pets of some sort: none
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby raider~joseph » Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:15 am

Well its a good thing Raider is non denominational in the art of gaming he just HAPPENS to use WoW the way league of legends was awesome but I lost touch with it along the way.They still running the servers?

Also Topaz still has not picked yet.We may have to give two ponies to two people.
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:18 am

I just changed /my/ powers just a little bit.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby TopazRaven » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:22 am

Yeah...I'm probably not going to play a pony. I'm terrible enough at roleplaying myself let alone an actual character from MLP. I fear the OOC.
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Postby raider~joseph » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:25 am

*Sigh*...alright I will do pinkie pie as well but I still need 2 other people to do two ponies....I NOMINATE RARITY TO FIRESTORM!
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:30 am

Rarity to FIRESTORM??? *dies*.......*jumps up again* I kid, I kid. But will Fire do it? o.o
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby raider~joseph » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:33 am

Do you want Rarity Dia?
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Postby firestorm » Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:34 pm

me with 3 characters knowing how I could hardly come in at times (pokemon the truth anyone?) not a great idea. I vote Dia. but in actuality I vote Pinky pie for Dia cause I want to see Dia break into song once every page XD.

nondenominational in gaming? please explain.

do you mean you can use any power from any game?

If that's true then dude, that's seriously God-modding. just saying, make it fair and put restrictions on yourself. It's no fun when one characters is all powerful and no other poster can give him a challenge. :/
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby raider~joseph » Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:29 pm its I am not limited to WoW as a hobby if I was a hardcore WoW player I would only like WoW...and furthermore if you wanna talk about godmodding making yourself immune to someone elses powers is godmodding too.Also I was gonna get rid of my powers later leaving only my deathknight and warlock was a plot device.Just trust me its gonna be epic win.Okay ladies and gents...I sent the ok to Mech...and also Fire we may need to alternate Fluttershy ownership if you leave for a time.Is that cool?

Also I want this pony buisness delt with as as possible.

Fire has fluttershy

I have Twilight and Spike...and ok I will give Pinkie to Dia and I will take applejack.

Dia has Pinkie and Raity and Rainbow dash.SOUNDS FAIR?Can we confirm this so we can start?
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:18 pm

How come /I/ have most of the ponies? And why does Fire want me to break in song so much? ._. Well, I guess I could take Rarity and Pinkie Pie....but I gotta warn you, I won't be able to do Pinkie Pie vary well. (In fact I really can't stand Pinkie Pie. =_= She's so HYPER. She's SOOO hyper that I bet she'd hyperventilate if she ever gets upset.) So, if anyone comes later who wants her, I'll gladly give her over.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby raider~joseph » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:24 pm

Look I will give you applejack.I can have Pinkie pie ok?
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:28 pm

Alright, I'm fine with that. Hope I'm not giving you too much trouble Joseph...I really don't mean to.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby raider~joseph » Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:50 pm

Actually your being awesome Dia.Ok I am sending it in to Gold...because Mech has not shown up yet.
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Postby Kaligraphic » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:29 pm

Name: Kaligraphic
Age: beyond mortal ken
Gender: male, apparently
Bio: An immortal being from a previous universe, Kaligraphic splits himself into myriad individuals to wander the universe. This form is that of a trickster merchant, selling horrific and hilarious items to all parties. Sure, he could sell you a death ray - but where's the fun in that? He'd much rather offer you a top-of-the-line bacon grenade, or even a knockoff Death Note.
Powers: The ability to create knockoff Death Notes that do humorous things instead of killing their victims. The ability to obtain absurd weapons from unknown suppliers for sale or use. The ability to produce items out of nowhere at comically appropriate moments.
Weapons: Cheese cannons, bacon grenades, breath notes (gives you bad breath), and various other silly weapons as I think of them.
Side: Independent
Pets of some sort: ALMOND, a self-aware military robot repurposed to perform physical labor in Kaligraphic's store. ALMOND's design is based on previous military robots resembling monkeys.
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Postby goldenspines » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:18 am

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Postby firestorm » Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:22 am

I know I already introduced Chasity in the story but I decided to give her a bio. Basically, she's different in every gamescape Firestorm visits.

Name: Chasity
Age: 18
Gender: female
Bio: There is an alternate of every person in each gamescape. Each similar in some way, and vastly different in others. Chasity is one such example. Most Incarnations of her that Firestorm has come across obtain some of the same personality traits. Her kindness, her gentleness, and her ability to be lady-like though grace she lacks somewhat of. Chasity continues to be a love interest to Firestorm no matter what dimension he's in. Not to say that all versions of Chasity are alike. One dimension obtained a chasity who reigned as Dark Empress over a fourth of the land called Illistria. Firestorm battled inwardly between his feelings for Chasity and what he knew was right. Eventually the Dark Chasity was slain, but his heart was torn by the turmoi this dimension brought to him. He left Illistria, vowing to never return to that gamescape. He then ventured to seek out the first Chasity he met, The one he's truly in love with.
Powers: varies
Side: varies
Pets of some sort:
Come check my facebook fan page here If you want to see some great photography and art!

I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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