I kinda feel like I need to watch Garzey's Wing at some point. The other option might be Musashi Gundoh, because man, some of those gifs.
EDIT: wish me luck, I just found the first episode of Musashi Gundoh, brb
EDIT 2: oh well, I guess I'll just do this here
We are off to a fantastic start with the OP song, which is not a very good song at all. Impressive.
Wow, they didn't even bother to fade the song, it just cuts out.
Panning stills everywhere. And it looks like these are fakesubs, but it may be for the best.
This boy appears to be making sounds off sync with his feet hitting the ground.
clearly we are seeing the door open before it makes the sound because light travels faster than sound
same goes for the moving of the mouth and speaking. What's particularly great is that this is, of course, dubbed in the original language
If your parents are old enough this might happen to you. You might show your parents a video game you're playing and so you'll go around shooting guys. Then they'll shout "THAT'S THE SAME GUY" because we've forgotten that programmers are lazy and reuse models. I am pretty sure Musashi has just fought the anime equivalent of a bunch of guys who share the same model.
it's been a while since I've seen gratuitous animation recycling like this
this guy's spear just bent like rubber, also this is really bad art and animation if you were wondering
everyone in this anime has crazy eyes
and this guy has a really huge mustache, how does it work
some historical context: what is particularly beautiful about the timing of this show is that it aired in the same season as The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, which was then widely considered to have some of the best animation production for a TV series
as another side note, these fakesubs are pretty entertaining for the references to big pre-2006 anime that aired recently then that may be forgotten nowadays
it's strange how even a comedic exaggerated choking scene can look so incorrect
yeah, hands and arms do not work that way
derpface: the anime
what an impressively awful eyecatch, I suspect they reversed the animation for the return one (yes, I am only halfway)
sometimes, I wonder if it's just the video or if they actually are so bad at animation that it stutters
the music is not outstandingly bad, it's more like a low-key muttering of bad
actually, I'm pretty sure now that they are really that bad at animation that it stutters
oh dear, healthy hands should not bend at that angle
I guess the problem with lazy offscreen animation tricks is that it's hard to keep track of which angles things come in at
wow, I did not expect for it to be possible for this show to have off model shots, but there you go
not really a comment on the quality of the show, but do they make triple barrel shotguns?
wait, now there is one less barrel
they couldn't decide whether he was chewing on that stem or not, huh
in a shocking turn of events, the ED song is just not very good as opposed to abysmally bad like the OP
these characters in the next episode preview, they have even worse faces
so yeah, Musashi Gundoh is a bad anime and I think I will pass on the following 26 episodes and I will leave you with this