Davidizer13 (post: 1484217) wrote:I really don't care for anything on HGTV, because it's a network that shows essentially the same show for 24 hours a day. There is only so many times you can watch people fawn over houses you will never buy, no matter if they're in Boston, Aruba or orbiting Mars.
Exactly. I like looking at pretty homes but I cannot listen to whiny so-and-sos complaining that they don't like the light fixtures and paint in the $500,000 home they're thinking about buying. Or when a single person with no roommates wants a 4-bedroom home in the suburbs, but it's not close to my job AND my friends so this one won't do, and oh my god this closet is like, so tiny who could ever have a closet as small as this. Rassa frassin' mumble grumble...
Oh and don't forget all those jerks who gut immaculate, beautiful vintage homes because it's sooooooo dated. Then DON'T BUY A VINTAGE HOME YOU IDIOT. HGTV has taught me one valuable lesson: that I could never, ever be a real estate agent.
Also 95% of what is on TLC nowadays, that is, the shows about short people, polygamists, large families, people who put their kids into beauty pageants, obnoxious Italian bakers who yell about cakes, people who overuse coupons to buy stuff they don't need for cheap, and large, obnoxious Italian families of polygamous short people who overuse coupons to buy stuff they don't need for nothing so they can put their children into beauty pageants while yelling about cakes. (I will be contacting TLC with the idea as soon as I find said family. Soon, I will be a millionaire.)
I really feel like TLC is exploiting "weird" people by putting them on TV and that by watching, I am contributing to their suffering. It gives me that "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" feeling. Beauty pageants, polygamy, and having 19 kids are all questionable practices in the first place; putting it on TV for all to see should be illegal or something. I watch television because I want to relax and forget about how life blows chunks, not to be reminded of it-- or worse, be "entertained" by it. It's "entertainment" in the same way circus sideshows were a form of "entertainment".