Postby Wallachia » Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:23 pm
I think most people would assume an otaku is someone who's obsessed with anime and manga. Obviously not so much in Japan since... Well, look at Yamamaya's explanation.
In our English speaking countries anyone who has heard of the word probably heard about it in relation with anime. Just like how we refer to Japanese cartoons as anime, but the Japanese refer to all animation regardless of origin as anime.
I think it's subjective. If somebody wanted to call him or herself a fan or otaku of anime, that works regardless of their experience with it so long as they like what they've seen, read, or bought. Other, "fans" might judge them based on how much they really know, but in the end it doesn't really matter because that person likes the subject in question a lot and will probably care to learn more and more about it down the road just like everyone else.
The term is also very different to people who don't watch anime. Some people might assume a fan of anime likes 2D women with big eyes being held by lots of tentacles, or even over-the-top ninja gorefests. Some could fail to realize any single fan could actually belong to a denomination of people who like intellectual subject matter. Stuff that takes a more mature approach to its representation and doesn't exist solely to please the viewer with eye-candy, but provoke meaningful thought.
I don't feel very obsessive. I want to say I like all media equally, but the fact remains that I've probably let my attention fall upon anime more often than not... If I could be called an otaku, I wouldn't want to be labeled as one despite the fact that it's probably what most people aware of my interests but not too knowledgeable on the matter would think.