The Light

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The Light

Postby webranger7 » Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:46 pm

This is a story I made up and it is in the same category as those that UC has written. Tell me what you think of it.

The Light

I walked into the restroom, hands trembling, oozing with blood. I put my hands under the sink, then turning the water on. The liquid doused my hands and I finally felt relaxed. I know longer had possesion of the beast that had once had control of my life. Ever since I was a young child a demon had tormented me, giving me the commands to torcher myself. I scraped, bashed, stabbed, and kicked myself. I felt denial in every situation. I was dead inside and wanted to be released from the chaos that followed me. Everything was destroyed: my life, my family, and my spirituality. I had only fended it off for a short time. I knew it would be back, but would I still have it after everthing was finished?

I once was a child in a Christian home, but I was only half of what I should have been. Hypocricy was my one defense and I used it unsparingly. Life once meant nothing to me. The demon had made all the decisions I would have made for myself. I was ruined all together, no hope, no god, no home. Pleasure was all I had, and it never did satisfy me.

Voices chimed through the room. I dried my hands with the towel, but then everthing went black. A form more demonic than any other appeared in front of my eyes, glowing bright red.

"Why did you leave? Come back! I will make your life more pleasureable than you can possibly imagine," the image said.

The creature was wearing a black robe, horns coming from it's reptile like skull. I knew that he was tricking me. His foul voice did none other than that. Fire and brimstone was visible behind him, flaming and swirling. It felt as though it was engulfing me, swallowing and digesting me till I was nothing more.

"Leave me alone. You lier..."

"Silence!" it said. "You are nothing more than a mere mortal and I am offering you something so amazing and you refuse it. You do not deserve such power."

"Then why do you make me suffer?"

"Because my master orders me to," the image said, its eyes brighter and more frightening than ever.

I knew what he would put me through if I gave in. He would offer me sex, drugs and drink as he had before, but it would end in agony. It would not seem so pleasurable as it had sounded, it would turn into a nightmare of jealousy and greed. Everything would be destroyed and I would be left with nothing. My testimony would end with destruction.

Then a figure in white appeared behind him, wearing a tunic and a cape. It had a shortsword in its left hand and a shield in the other. With one swing, the figure took the head of the demon with his sword. Then everything stopped once the sword went clear through its rotation. The demon dissolved into the air and sunk into the ground. There was left a creature that was more beautiful than anything I had ever seen. Its face shining in the light, it smiled and flew into the sky. Then, it was gone.

Now all I can remember is the outline of the creature and the demon. Everything is gone that has ever torchered me. God is my life now. He will fulfill my life and my dream. I was inspired ever since I had seen that angel. I went to church as those who did who claimed to have a great joy that most did not have. Now, I have that same joy.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:49 pm

Is that a one-shot fic by itself, or the beginning of something bigger?

You got the paragraphing thing down perfectly. Thanks.

When you say "category" do you mean in a similar genre, with similar expressions of angels and demons? Or do you mean existing in the same world, with the same characters? Just curious.
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Good Question

Postby webranger7 » Wed Jul 30, 2003 12:52 pm

Very good question! This story does take place in your world, if you don't mind. The demon was merely taking a not so strong possession of the human, at least enough for him to see the image. Anyway, I would like to make side stories in your world, if you don't mind.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jul 30, 2003 1:15 pm

Call it fanfiction. I have no problem with that. Next time I see you (which could be tonight- are you going to the party?), I'll talk to you about it more. Especially if you'd bring a script...
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