CLANNAD and CLANNAD ~AFTER STORY~ are the anime adaptations of Key's visual novel, CLANNAD. Produced by Kyoto Animation, the first season aired in Fall 2007 with the second season following up in Fall 2008. Both the visual novel and anime are critically acclaimed, with the visual novel debuting first among bishoujo games twice and having thirteen out of sixteen volumes of the anime rank first in sales in their first week.
Okazaki Tomoya is a high school senior who's considered kind of a delinquent. He hates his home and the city he lives in. One day, he bumps into Furukawa Nagisa, a shy girl who's all alone now that her friends have graduated. Not much later, he's helping her reestablish the theatre club at their school and, in the process, meeting and getting to know several other girls at the school.
But why all the fuss? It's just about a guy surrounded by cute girls throwing themselves at him, right? What good could come of that? Well, contrary to what you would think from gazing at the promotional art and genre, CLANNAD is not about those girls. CLANNAD isn't even really about the girl that the main character ends up with. No, CLANNAD is actually about our protagonist.
Beneath the fairly thin and conventional plot synopsis is a story that is much, much deeper and far more significant. CLANNAD is a story about family. This theme is present throughout the entire work, whether it's about handing out starfish, buying a robot, or singing that song. CLANNAD is about families and CLANNAD is about a family. And in doing so, CLANNAD goes far beyond the scope of the typical romance/drama anime.
If you wish, would you like me to take you? To a place in this city where wishes come true.
CLANNAD is the story of a guy who's kind of a delinquent and his stumbling along a journey that turns him from an ungrateful kid who hates his family to a man who treasures it.