Let's Play Pokemon Blue: Nuzlocke

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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:11 pm

Of course I'll vote for me.
Ich is someone I want to see get some screentime.
Winry is a given.
Cognitive Gear has made his permanent spot on the team.
Okami is still one of my favorite Pokemon.
Let's finish this one up with Radical Dreamer.
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Postby Peanut » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:57 pm

The line up for this gym will be:

-Ante Bellum
-Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
-Radical Dreamer

Expect an update sometime in the near future.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:37 am

As Always (expect for the part where i was a pokemon, Sort of then died) very entertaining.

Btw Winry i think you just might be Trogdor
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Postby Peanut » Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:30 pm


Peanut: Man, that was some awesome training.

mastersquirrel: Especially that part where I rolled past those 4 Pokemon and delivered a roundhouse kick that would make Chuck Norris proud right into their collective spines.

Peanut: That was pretty awesome.

Winry: Me learning Fire Blast was awesome.

Peanut: All you did was learn a new move via a TM...there is nothing awesome about that act. Now using that move on the other hand, now that would be awesome.

Winry: Whose idea was it to train in that Burnt Mansion again?

Peanut: Hey, its the best place to level up right now...not the best place to test out new moves. That is saved for the Gym.

Winry: So this is the gym we past before right?

Peanut: Yep.

Winry: I wonder who the gym leader is?

Peanut: Probably no one important...


Peanut: What the? Giovanni? You have a gym?!

Giovanni: Yep. I inherited it from my great great grandfather Paublo Giovanni.

Peanut: Paublo isn't even an Italian sounding name!

Giovanni: We of the Giovanni clan are very proud of our mixed heritage thank you very much!

Winry: So the reason you weren't around the first time we were here was because you were trying to take over the world.

Giovanni: Actually no, I only run this gym on weekends.

Peanut: But we visited it during the weekend!

Giovanni: Was it in June?

Peanut: Yes.

Giovanni: Ah, I was busy mopping up a mess in Cinnabar Island with the most powerful Pokemon ever cloned from Mew. Which didn't go so well...

Peanut: Oh...well, anyway, its time to duel Giovanni!!!

Giovanni: Are you challenging me to a children's card game or just making the reference to get in touch with the internet culture?

Peanut: Just...start the fight already...


Giovanni: The first few times you defeated me were merely flukes. This time I shall end your quest here! I will not let you take my place as leader of Team Rocket!

Peanut: Wait, wooh wooh wooh. Leader of Team Rocket?

Giovanni: Yep.

Peanut: I never agreed to anything like that?

Giovanni: Actually you did. Read the sign behind me.

*Peanut reads the sign behind Giovanni and finds that by a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo, if he beats Giovanni he wins the leadership of Team Rocket*

Peanut: But didn't toonman already beat you like all the other gym leaders?

Giovanni: Yes, he won the gym. I'll be vacating within a week. With the gym gone, I have nothing left to fight for, so I figured I'd put Team Rocket up as a little wager to motivate me to fight harder. So Peanut, can you do it? Can you take my place as leader of Team Rocket? Or will you fail like all the others?

Peanut: *while thinking about the ineptitude of Team Rocket* But...if I had known I would have just...

Giovanni: Well you could always throw the fight...

Peanut: Never! Fine, I'll play your game! Let's go team!

Winry: Uh...yeah sure...

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs vs. Ryhorn*

Mr. Hat: This again...so boring...

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs uses Bubblebeam. Instant victory.*

*Radical Dreamer vs. Dugtrio*

Dugtrio: Dugtrio. Dugtrio. Dugtrio?

Radical Dreamer: Why don't you learn to use vowels along with your nouns instead of just saying your name all the time?!

*The Grammar Ranger wins.*

*Ante Bellum vs. Nidoqueen*

Ante: Building kick! Explosion!!!!!

*Ante wins...somehow...*

*mastersquirrel vs. Nidoking*

ms:...I seem to have nothing awesome to say...this is a tradgedy...

*Nidoking fights valiantly, hurting mastersquirrel some before going down*

Peanut: How about now?

ms: Nope, still nothing.

*Winry vs. Rhydon*

Giovanni: So it comes to this...

Winry: Yep. Time to use my new move against a Pokemon who should shrug it off rather easily.

*Winry uses Fire Blast. Rhydon is incinerated in a blaze of glory.*

Winry: The glow is so...pretty...

Peanut: I'm glad you like your new move Winry...


Giovanni: Well, as promised here's your badge and...

Team Rocket goon: New leader!

Team Rocket goon 2: We shall serve your every whim!

Team Rocket man: Let us bow and worship you like the god you are!

Peanut: Um...this is uncomfortable...

Giovanni: *while packing a suit case* Yeah yeah...you get used to it after a while...

Team Rocket man: No. I know what master wants! His feet massaged and washed with my own saliva.

Peanut: That's...creepy...and unusual.

Winry: Can I please burn them Peanut?

Giovanni: Nope, by law if you do that you'll face the death penalty and poor Winry will be put down.

Peanut: There's no way!

*Giovanni hands Peanut a paper that says yes...yes there is a way for all that to happen if Winry burns them all.*

Winry: This is no fun...

Giovanni: Yeah yeah...you get used to it. Anyway, I'm off to the resort area in Sinnoh! Have fun leading my goons!

Team Rocket goon: We love you new leader!!!!

Peanut: Giovanni! I will remember this!! And I will have my revenge!!!

Giovanni: Whatever man? Hehe...I knew I'd get the last laugh...
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Postby Winry » Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:56 pm

GrubbTheFragger (post: 1418166) wrote:
Btw Winry i think you just might be Trogdor

Minus the random beefy arm. I do like to burninate things though....

Peanut (post: 1418570) wrote:Image

Giovanni: Are you challenging me to a children's card game or just making the reference to get in touch with the internet culture?

This made me lol. Yay for my awesome new move! =) I <3 flamethrowers.
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Phantom_Sorano 12:29 - Congrats Winry, you are the first CAA Chat Survivor.
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Postby mastersquirrel » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:21 am

Peanut (post: 1418570) wrote:Image
*mastersquirrel vs. Nidoking*

ms:...I seem to have nothing awesome to say...this is a tradgedy...

*Nidoking fights valiantly, hurting mastersquirrel some before going down*

King me!

... what? You didn't think I was in any way clever did you?
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Postby Peanut » Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:39 am

Peanut: All right, with all 8 badges collected, and a restraining order levied against those Team Rocket goons.

Winry: I still wish you would have let me burn them...

Peanut: We can finally face the Pokemon League!

Ante: Huzzah!

Peanut: Now let's win this for Fish, Grubb and goldenspines!!!

Nate: YEAH!!!!


Peanut: What are you doing here? Don't you have a gym to run into the ground?

toonman: Not before I conquer the Pokemon league and finally humiliate you. Besides, I here you're leading Team Rocket now.

Peanut: Sadly...yes...

toonman: Then I shouldn't have too much trouble disposing of a criminal like yourself this time. After all, the evil people in this world are incredibly stupid and easy to beat. So let's do this!


toonman: Time to become the hero and end your reign of terror!

Peanut: Dude...you've been a jerk this entire game while I've actually been helping people...there is no way you could ever hope to be the hero.

*Cognitive Gear vs. Pigeot*

Cog: So you want to win this battle toonman?

toonman: Of course.

Cog: Too bad.

*Cognitive Gear wins*

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs vs. Ryhorn*

Mr. Hat: Please...this is too easy.

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs wins.*

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs vs. Growlithe*

Mr. Hat:...really?

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs wins...again.*

*Winry vs. Exeggcute*

*Winry pulls out her flamethrower and incinerates Exeggcute*

Winry: I love the smell of Napalm in the morning.

Peanut: It's the afternoon...

Winry: I love it then too.

*Cognitive Gear vs. Alakazam*

Cog: A Psychic Pokemon? My favorite!

*Cognitive Gear crushes Alakazam*

*Okami vs. Blastoise*

Okami: And another one bites the dust.

toonman: You haven't attacked yet.

Okami: Or have I?

*Blastoise has fainted...twelve seconds ago*

*Peanut wins*


Peanut: Admit it toonman, the only reason you've beaten these gym leaders is because of your stench.

Winry: Which we're only immune to because we've been exposed to it since childhood.

toonman: Man, with those moves you're going to get destroyed by the Pokemon league. While I on the other hand am going to win without any problems!

Peanut: What...wait...did you just space out for that entire battle?

Winry: Or for the last few months?!

toonman: The next time you see me losers, I'll be the Pokemon champion!

*toonman leaves*

Peanut: Yeah, when pigs fly...
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The Journey

Postby Peanut » Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:27 pm


Peanut: Why yes it is. I won it in a not so epic battle against Brock

Winry: I burned his Pokemon, and his gym!

Dude 1: Cool, you can pass.


Peanut: Yep, beat Misty for it. She really wasn't that hard right Mr. Hat'n'Clogs.

Mr. Hat: She was...disappointing...

Peanut: And so was Nate.

Dude 2: You can continue on.


Peanut: Yeah, I got it by having Nate decimate the Vemillion City Gym

Nate: It was my shinning moment of awesomeness...after that I wasn't really used much anymore.

Peanut: Blame the audience.

Dude 3: You can pass.


Peanut: Yep. This was yet another gym which Winry burned through.

Winry: Not literally though...she gave up as soon as I entered...

Peanut: A wins a win.

Dude 4: Go ahead and pass.


Peanut:...we lost a friend in that gym...*sniff*

Dude 5:...um...this is kind of awkward...

Peanut: I'd...rather not talk about it...but Ante did kick butt and crush Koga.

Ante: Yep.

Dude 5: You can pass.


Peanut: It is, Sabrina got crushed.

Cog: Well her Pokemon did at least...

Peanut: And he was known as the Psychic killer ever since.

Dude 6: You can pass


Peanut: Mr. Hat'n'Clogs beat up Blaine for this one.

Mr. Hat: Again...too easy.

Dude 7: Go ahead and pass.


Peanut:...you know...I'd rather not talk about this gym.

Dude 8: What? I'm sure you have some epic story of conquest to go with it.

Peanut: I do...it's just...I'm a little bitter about the results...

Dude 8:...all right, well pass anyway...


Peanut: Huh...the outside of the Pokemon league is a lot more...statuey then I expected...

Winry: I could clear them out!

Peanut: I'd rather not do any renovations to the place before we've faced the Elite Four.


Peanut: Here we go guys...its time to face the final challenge.

This is going to work like all the gyms before. Pick a team of six from the following Pokemon. Whichever Pokemon have the most votes at the end of next week will be my lineup to fight the Elite Four. Here's the Pokemon you can choose from:

-Radical Dreamer-Bellsprout
-Solid Ronnin-Aerodactyl
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Postby Okami » Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:28 pm

Peanut (post: 1420483) wrote:Okami: Or have I?

*Blastoise has fainted...twelve seconds ago*

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Postby Rewin » Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:11 am


I have greatly enjoyed this thread, btw.
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:40 pm

Again, me.
Winry, of course.
Cognitive Gear
Radical Dreamer
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Postby Angel37 » Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:58 pm

Don't vote for me! Desist! I've gone all game safe and sound in Bill's pc!

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Postby Peanut » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:37 am

With no votes in a while, I figure I might as well close the voting for the Elite Four and announce the final lineup:

-Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
-Cognitive Gear
-Radical Dreamer

Thanks to everyone who has voted throughout this Let's Play, you are the ones who made this as awesome as it was.
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Postby Angel37 » Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:16 pm

Peanut (post: 1421904) wrote:With no votes in a while, I figure I might as well close the voting for the Elite Four and announce the final lineup:

-Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
-Cognitive Gear
-Radical Dreamer

Thanks to everyone who has voted throughout this Let's Play, you are the ones who made this as awesome as it was.


You did that on purpose!!!
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Postby Peanut » Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:05 am

*After an epic training montage where Angel37 evolved twice, the time has finally arrived for the big showdown between Peanut and the Elite Four.*


Angel37: Don't you think it's overkill to have us all at level 60?
Winry: There's no kill like overkill.

Peanut: What she said.


Peanut: Why thank you individual with terrible grammar.

Winry: Look whose talking...


Lorelei: And its ice to meet you.

Peanut: What?

Lorelei: Why don't we just chill for a moment.

Peanut:...no...this isn't happening...

Winry: What isn't happening?

Lorelei: He just can't face the cold hard facts.

Peanut: She's and Ice pokemon trainer...making ice puns...

Winry: Oh...

Lorelei: The Ice woman cometh!


*mastersquirrel vs. Dewgong*

*mastersquirrel mastefully rolls to dodge Dewgongs attack and then kicks him into submission*

mastersquirrel: Why don't we kick this battle into high gear!

Peanut: Please don't start doing that as well...

mastersquirrel: Too late.

Peanut: Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to never want to hear another pun by the end of this whole Elite Four business.

*mastersquirrel wins*

*mastersquirrel vs. Cloyster*

*mastersquirrel dispatches of Cloyster with a flying jump kick*

mastersquirrel: Here's a pearl of wisdom for you, don't mess with the feet of fury!

Peanut: Ok, that's it, back in the Pokeball.

mastersquirrel: But...


*mastersquirrel wins*

*Radical Dreamer vs. Slowbro*

*Radical Dreamer uses Razor Leaf*

RD: Why don't you make like a tree and leave!

Peanut: Not you too!

RD: What? Word games can be fun! XD

*Radical Dreamer wins*

*Winry vs. Jynx*

*Winry uses flamethrower*

Winry: Hehe...it burns too.

Peanut: Thank you Winry, I needed something like that.

Winry: No problem but it looks like this snowball fight *Winry puts on some sunglasses* is heating up!


*mastersquirrel vs. Lapras*

*mastersquirrel disposes of Lapras with a flying jump kick*

mastersquirrel: I always get a kick out of that move.

Peanut:...I hate you all...

*Peanut wins...*
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Postby Peanut » Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:25 am


Bruno: I rock.


Bruno: Do you know what my favorite game is?

Peanut: No...

Bruno: Boulder Dash.

Peanut:...gosh darn it, I thought ice lady would be the last one using puns!

Bruno: I thought Lorelei would be able to make you stone cold, but it looks like its going to fall on me bury you in an rock slide of pain.


*Angel37 vs. Onix*

*Angel37 uses Earthquake*

Angel37: Time to shake things up a bit.

Peanut:...why do I put up with stuff.

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs vs. Hitmonchan*

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs uses Hyper Beam*

Mr. Hat: Oops...I just blew you away!

*Mr. Hat'n'clogs vs. Hitmonlee*

*Mr. Hat'n'clogs uses Hyper Beam*

Mr. Hat: My parents would be beaming right now!

Peanut:...that's it, I'm getting some ear plugs so I can keep my sanity.

*Radical Dreamer vs. Onix*

*Radical Dreamer use Razor Leaf*

RD: Why can't you all just leave me alone.

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs vs. Machamp*

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs uses Bubblebeam*

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs:...yeah, I'm out of puns for this one...

*Peanut wins*
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Postby Peanut » Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:40 pm


Agatha: And you don't stand a ghost of a chance!

Peanut: *now with ear plugs* I'm sorry I can't hear you.

Agatha:...you can't hear me?

Peanut: What's that? You have a huge crush on Professor Oak?


Peanut: Oh I don't think I can repeat that statement on CAA...oh well let's battle without puns!


*Angel37 vs. Gengar*

*Angel37 uses Earthquake*

Angel37: Well that was easy, so whose swapping out for me.

Peanut: *still with ear plugs* I'm sorry, you want to fight some more? Well all right then!

*Angel37 vs. Golbat*

*Angel37 uses Ice Beam*

Angel37: Ok...now can I stop fighting

Peanut: Really, one more round? Man, I should have never let you out of that box...

*Angel37 vs Haunter*

*Angel37 uses Earthquake*

Angel37: Your not going to make me fight this entire battle are you?

Peanut: You want to fight this entire battle? Well all right then! Even though I think your being a little obsessive about this, I can appreciate your drive to finish the job!

Angel37:...your doing this because of the puns and my avoidance of the gyms aren't you.

Peanut: You want to fight Lance on your own too?! My gosh!

Angel37: I'll stop talking now.

*Angel37 vs Arbok*

*Angel37 uses Earthquake...she wins*

*Angel37 vs. Gengar*

*One Earthquake later and, Peanut wins!*

Peanut: *removes his ear plugs* Finally, a battle with only one pun in it.

Angel37: Guess you could say that, I'll be haunting her nightmares for a while.

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Postby Peanut » Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:02 pm





Peanut: Are you a puny guy as well?

Lance:...they used the puns on you didn't they.

Peanut: Yes, and my Pokemon decided to join in the fun.

Lance:...well, looks like we'll be hiring again soon.

Peanut: Puns are unacceptable.

Lance: Especially in something as serious as legalized dog fights with magical creatures that live in small, pocket sized balls.

Peanut: Come to think of it I haven't fought any Dragon Pokemon yet, what are they like?

Lance: They are quite simply the most powerful Pokemon in the world, but I'm biased you know.

Cog and Mr. Hat: Must. Terminate. Most Powerful Pokemon in the world!


*Angel37 vs....*

Peanut: Nope, not doing that...

*...Mr. Hat'n'Clogs vs. Gyrados*

*Gyrados gets the first attack in because of Peanut's incompetance.*

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs: What's this...feeling...it hurts...have I finally met a challenger who can match me on equal footing! After all, you are just like me! COME MY GYRADOS BRETHREN!!! LET US DANCE THE DUEL OF DEATH!

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs uses Hyper Beam and one shots the enemy Gyrados*

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs:...disappointing...

*Angel37 vs. Dragonair*

Angel37:...I really should have stayed in the box...

*Angel37 uses Ice Beam...its a one hit kill...*

Angel37:...or not.

*Angel37 vs. Dragonair...wait...what? Deja Vu man...*

*Angel37 does the same thing with the same results*

*Cognitive Gear vs Aerodactyl*

Cognitive Gear: Hey, fossil face. Get ready because you're about to go--

*Cognitive Gear uses Hyper Beam...it works really well*

Cognitive Gear:--extinct.


Lance: Impressive...but how will you handle the ultimate Dragon pokemon!

*Angel37 vs Dragonite*

Angel37:...well, here goes nothing...

*Angel37 uses Ice Beam...it works...really well...Dragonite faints! Peanut is victorious!*

Peanut:...we did it...WE DID IT!!!!

Winry: YEAH!!!!!!!

Cognitive Gear: Yes!

Radical Dreame: Ah yeah!

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs: Rock on!

Angel37: Woohoo!

mastersquirrel: Guys! We need to do something special for this occasion!

Peanut: Like?

mastersquirrel:...MID-AIR GROUP HIGH FIVE!!!!

All: YEAH! *Peanut and gang perform a mid-air, group high five*

Peanut: So, now that I'm the Pokemon League champ? What's my prize.

Lance: Well...there's a little problem...

Peanut: Problem?

Lance: You aren't the champion.

Peanut: What?

Lance: Somebody else beat us right before you showed up...legitimately...honestly, I'm not kidding.

Peanut: Who in the freaking world could have done that?!

Lance: Why your rival toonman of course!

Peanut:...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Funny joke Lance! Oh, that's a good one! toonman, beat the 4 greatest trainers in all of Kanto!

Lance: Oh he did...and he showered too. I have to admit I was impressed by his professionalism and politeness...though he did seem a little...off...

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Postby Peanut » Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:34 pm

*Peanut kicks in the door and storms into the hallway before the Hall of Fame room.*

toonman: Ah Peanut! It's about time that you arrived here!

Peanut: I've crushed you every time we've fought. Never once have you displayed an ounce of skill. I've lost three friends during this journey but besides that, I've crushed every foe I've ran into. So why toonman?! WHY HAVE YOU BEATEN EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY GYM LEADER, AND THE ELITE FOUR BEFORE ME!!!

toonman: You don't know? Poor you...but you shall learn soon enough. That is...after I crush you.

Peanut: I will not be denied my rightful throne!!!!


toonman: You really think you can beat the most powerful Pokemon trainer in the world?

Peanut: Not just beat. Crush entirely...I be Pokemon League Champion!

*Winry vs. Pigeot*

Peanut: Hold nothing back Winry.

Winry: Don't even have to tell me Peanut.

*Winry uses Fire Blast...Pigeot is incinerated.*

*Cognitive Gear vs. Alakazam*

Cog: This time, I'm not going to crush you.

*Cognitive Gear uses Hyper Beam*

Cog: I will vaporize you entirely.

*mastersquirrel vs. Rhydon*

*mastersquirrel uses Hi Jump Kick...it works very well*

mastersquirrel: Hope you get as much of a kick out of this as I am.


*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs*

Mr. Hat: I've beaten you how many times?

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs uses Hydro Pump*

Mr. Hat: What made you think that this fight would turn out differently?

*Winry vs. Exeggcutor*

*Winry uses Fire Blast*

Winry: I'm going to miss you Exeggcutor...you burned the best of all the Pokemon I faced...sniff...

toonman: So it's come down to this huh...well Blastoise! Fight to the death! Bring glory to your fallen comrades!

Peanut: It hasn't work before and it won't work now toonman!

*Radical Dreamer vs Blastoise*

*Radical Dreamer uses Razor Leaf...Peanut wins!*

toonman: Impossible...

*Peanut punches out toonman*

Peanut: Now get out of my way and never come back!

toonman: What was that for?!

Peanut: Because, I just can't stand your guts! NOW LEAVE! Or does Winry need to burn something

*Winry brandishes her flamethrower*

Winry: Hehehe...

*toonman runs away*
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Postby Peanut » Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:29 pm

*Peanut approaches a small computer with the words "Hall of Fame" sprawled across the screen*

Peanut: Finally, after all of our struggles...we've made it. It's time guys...time for you all to become Hall of Famers!

*After their journey together, Winry left Peanut for a time to do something she had wanted to do for a while...destroy Cinnabar Gym. To this day it is still under the Volcano she somehow figured out how to create.*

*mastersquirrel, encouraged by his experience during the Elite Four, became an action star, known for his ridiculously bad puns and one liners. He is currently working on a film based off of the events in this Let's Play, with some minor events changed for the story (like Peanut having any other Pokemon besides mastersquirrel...you know...minor things like that)*

*Angel37 tried to re-enter the Pokemon PC...only to find that PCs were made for humans and not Pokemons. Her quest to return to the Pokemon PC led her to become an assistant to Bill, helping him further improve the Pokemon storage system*

*Mr. Hat'n'Clogs went on a quest to find someone who could actually defeat him. This quest led him to challenge every legendary Pokemon and, who he defeated with surprising easy. He disappeared after killing Mewtwo, fixing the twisted experiment Giovanni had started.*

*Shortly after this LP, Cognitive Gear was sued by the International Crushed Psychic Pokemon society for causing harm to various Pokemon. He missed his trial date and is currently the subject of a massive "pokeman" hunt.*

*Radical Dreamer, after the "Welcome to Elite Four" incident, decided to devote the rest of her life to correcting the grammar of the Pokemon world. It has yet to be seen whether she has made any progress or not.*

-The others (or those who I was too lazy to hunt down pictures for-

*AnteBellum went on to become a demolition expert. Her greatest work has been creating the path between Kanto and Johoto, connecting the two regions and bolstering their trade.*

*Rusty Claymore, MSP, Tsukuyomi, and Ich1990 went on to form an alternative rock band called "Rusty and the Pidgey's." They currently top the charts in several regions and are extremely popular, except with the cool, alternative crowd.*

*Nate continues to fight injustice as Kamen Rider Raticate, making sure that even if there is no God or Buddha. There is Kamen Rider!*

*Okami returned to the home of Mr. Know-it-all. She has currently helped him and the rest of the members of the Pokemon Mansion to completely eradicate the idea of the Fourth wall in this game.*

*Solid Ronnin has stayed awesome. Really that's all you need to know.*

*Hohenheim, USSRGirl, RobinFiredrake, LadyRushia, firestorm, meboeck, Kaligraphic, Pascal, and Renwig have become professional bench warmers. They are very good at their job.*

-The Trainer-

*Peanut reluctantly took his place as leader of Team Rocket shortly after these events. Before he could do anything, a bounty was placed on his head and cops began to try and arrest him. During his few years as the head of Team Rocket, he led them to a time of competency and showed how to truly run an evil organization. However, after a close call with the law, Peanut inexplicably disappeared into the mountains, grumbling about Giovanni. He has not been seen or heard from since. Lance has since taken over as Pokemon Champion in Peanut's stead.*

The End...




*in a dark room...a phone rings*

toonman: Hello? Ah it's you...yes, the plan has been a complete success...well, I can't take all the credit for it. After all, you were the one who came to me first...The last I heard, he's ran off to isolation in the mountains...no, no one suspects a thing. You should be able to operate from behind the scenes now...yes...no need to thank me, I've always wanted to screw him over...The gym? It's fine. I should be able to take care of it with no problems...nice talking to you too. I'll see you around...Giovanni.

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Postby ich1990 » Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:52 am

Woah, I somehow missed a bunch of updates there.

Rusty and the Pidgeys? Awesome. I never actually got to fight anything, but I will accept musical stardom as a consolation prize.

Thanks for the awesome thread, Peanut. May your days be unshadowed by the toonman specter evermore.
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Tue Sep 21, 2010 5:28 pm

Oh dude, how did I miss this! I'm sorry, this was an awesome, awesome thread! How sad that I never met my match, however...


That made the thread worth it.
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Postby Peanut » Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:54 pm

ich1990 (post: 1425767) wrote:Rusty and the Pidgeys? Awesome. I never actually got to fight anything, but I will accept musical stardom as a consolation prize.

Well...there's always the sequel...

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs (post: 1425901) wrote:Oh dude, how did I miss this! I'm sorry, this was an awesome, awesome thread! How sad that I never met my match, however...

Well...there's always the sequel...
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goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
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