Ragnarok Online

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Ragnarok Online

Postby Rusty Claymore » Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:43 pm

Anyone play?
I'm on the Valkyrie F2P(free to play) server, and wondered what people thought about this game, and if there is a story line at all >.<
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:44 pm

Played it for a few hours then it got grindy then I quit.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:50 pm

I actually downloaded it again last night to give it a shot. Ploughed through the novice levels and got to where I was supposed to go to Morroc to get my level as Aco. See... Each time I got further south than a specific line (No matter what way I went in, or what zone I entered from) I'd end up in this blasted land filled with scorpions that could kill me with one hit and no way out.

Don't think I'll make it to monk. It kind of made me want to give up on the game again.
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:17 pm

I didn't think Acolytes went to Morroc... I may have only been playing for a few weeks, but I've been dragged all around the worl by a friend I made, so I can help you out. Have you just not been able to get to Morroc?

Anyways, I actually don't mind the grinding in this game, since each job lvl lets me do something new. I also had decided upon only one character at a time, but that fell through at day two and now I have six, so when i get tired of one I move to the next. I also learned how to get your novice to both job and base lvl 10 before leaving the training ground, and only in 30min max. I that. A lot of people I talk to on there think I'm lying, so it's funny. n.n
Proverbs 31:32 "...when she watches anime, she keeps the room well lit and sits at a safe distance."
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