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Tales of the Abyss

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Tales of the Abyss

Postby QuirkyIceHeart » Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:44 am

So I'm in the middle of Tales of the Abyss, which is based off of the video game of the same name ^_^ It's an instant favorite for me, and I am completely obsessing over Luke, Jade, Guy, and at least a little bit for some of the other characters (notice my avatar? XD )

I am on episode 11, and haven't played the game yet at all (though... I really should)

Anyone else like the series? Also, I hear that a lot of people find Luke annoying (*gaspeth and shame * XD )

[Actually, playing the game, he would be... unless you can speak Japanese. As much as I like Yuri Lowenthal, I really don't think he suits the characters he plays... the original Japanese man was infinitely better, in my opinion... and I'm not biased against dubs, either]
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:51 am

I've heard of this anime! Actually, I started watching it... And got a bit distracted by another ><" But what I saw what pretty good, and I'm hoping to pick it back up pretty soon. I've never played the game, so I just can't compare it.
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:54 am

I've always thought about watching the Tales anime, but I always thought it would be a bad idea to try and squeeze the Regeneration arc into four episodes, OVA or no. I haven't played Abyss, so I'm not as interested.

I'm assuming it would be okay to discuss the other Tales anime here too.
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Postby Shadowfax » Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:02 am

I absolutely love love LOVE the Tales of the Abyss anime! It's just a good old-fashioned fantasy show... for some reason, there's not a lot of those around. >_>


No major adult content for starters-- it's becoming increasingly hard to find good fun shows that I can watch with my siblings without feeling embarrassed. There is some minor blood and a couple limbs hacked off generic monsters, but my family can handle that.

Very nice animation quality. Beautiful landscapes, consistent smooth animation, and IHMO, cool looking character designs. :cool:

...the fact that I fell in love with Tear the second I saw her has nothing to do with it. :grin:

Cool battles? Check. There were even a few "crowning moments of awesomeness", but overall they were well choreographed and exciting.

Interesting world/universe? Check. In fact, the secret of where their "lands" really were... most original idea for a world I know of. Can't think of a single other story that's done that. The differences between the countries, use of "technology", and a deeper world backstory was also nice.

Interesting characters? Check. The main cast was pretty likable, though there will always be haters who disagree with me and demand perfection from the start.

  • Annoying Luke never annoyed me that much, but he toootally changed half-way in anyway... I came to like and root for him before long.
  • Jade rocks-- let's just face it.
  • Tear-- a female protagonist that breaks stereotype situations-- when mad at Luke, she doesn't PUNCH HIM like any other female anime lead would, but actually *talks* with him-- and also, she never gets kidnapped. She saves everyone else who gets themselves kidnapped. xD

    My brother wrote a short blog about her character actually. I'm surprised she doesn't get more love...
  • Mieu-- I could've survived without this one. Thankfully, he/she/IT takes a back seat in the story. .... Don't look at me that way Tear! o_O
  • Guy-- he was cool swordsman from the very beginning. How can you *not* like him?
  • Natalie, Anise, Ion -- I'm sad I didn't get to know these three a bit more, but they were a good support to the team and interesting enough on their own.
  • Villains-- except for a couple, the villains definitely did NOT get a good enough development. Though I was rather impressed by Link's skills, and wish I could've seen him more.

Interesting story? I will admit that the entire piece *feels* like it was ripped from RPG, but considering the plot twists and turns, it manages to avoid being totally cliche (or it just comes from a very good video game :D) and kept me glued-to-the-chair by its 2nd half.


Good old-fashioned fantasy anime. That's what Tales of the Abyss is. Watch it. Enjoy it. Love it. :)
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Postby QuirkyIceHeart » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:22 am

YAY!!! Someone who loves Abyss just as much as I do!! *glomps * Hooray for you! Only differance is that I, being a girl, fell in love with Luke at first sight instead of Tear :P

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs (post: 1409099) wrote:I've always thought about watching the Tales anime, but I always thought it would be a bad idea to try and squeeze the Regeneration arc into four episodes, OVA or no. I haven't played Abyss, so I'm not as interested.

I'm assuming it would be okay to discuss the other Tales anime here too.

Regeneration arc? *is somewhat confuzzled * And haha of course, the other Tales anime are free to be discussed here too, and probably even the games :)

@Atria Oh yes!!! It's definately worth picking up again!! It's certainly worth the watch ^_^
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:36 am

The first part of Symphonia, where Lloyd and friends' goal was to regenerate Sylvarant. I'm unsure if that's what it's actually called though.
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Postby QuirkyIceHeart » Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:05 pm

Aaah, ok ^_^ All makes sense now :D
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