KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins.![]()
blkmage (post: 1405519) wrote:so what is it about
Blitzkrieg1701 wrote:I've bought Giant Robo, watched it several times, and listened to all my friends who love it, and STILL can't figure out what the big deal is.
Solid Ronin (post: 1405554) wrote:Its about Kamen Rider.
Kamen Rider is that show that came on very early in the morning on weekdays only.
Watching Kamen Rider is like going to a distant cousin's house for the summer every year, but he moves every fall. Kamen Rider is that on and off friend that lives on the same street as you do. Even when y'all aren't hanging out you can see how he changes as times goes on, and he you. Kamen Rider is that game you made up and none of your friends wanted to play at first, until you made new friends to play it with and then the old ones see the beauty of the game. That time you were writing an essay and were stuck on the spelling of a word. You're struggle becomes audible and finally another student comes to your aid. That student was Kamen Rider.
Kamen Rider is that book you bought knowing the writer wasn't the best. But it meant the world to you. Kamen Rider is that girl you always had a crush on and you were the only one to notice how beautiful she was. Kamen Rider is that movie with the awesome ending that you and everyone else saw coming, except the writers of the script.
That awesome friend you've had since you were a toddler, who always had a secret agenda when the two of you hung out and wasn't there when you needed a friend most. When you go to the mail box and there is a single toy that only the two of you played with in it. Its that same toy that when you and your spouse move into your first house together, you make room for next to your side of the bed. That friend and toy is Kamen Rider.
More people should watch Kamen Rider. And he who reads this post is more people.
Atria35 (post: 1405559) wrote:.... I can't decide whether that's hilarious because it's hilarious or hilarious because it's so corny!
goldenspines (post: 1405565) wrote:I would judge the series by its old and simple art style, but I know better now. I've read 20th Century Boys and I know that SO MUCH can be achieve without shiny artwork.
Radical Dreamer wrote:Also I still haven't had the chance to watch Giant Robo. And that's a little bit sad.
Nate (post: 1405611) wrote:You can watch it for free on Hulu.
Solid Ronin (post: 1405583) wrote:I'm assuming you're talking about mine.
You may think its funny and corny but that was my soul I just put on the line Dear Atria...
Blitzkrieg1701 (post: 1405549) wrote:I've bought Giant Robo, watched it several times, and listened to all my friends who love it, and STILL can't figure out what the big deal is. I mean, I don't think it's bad or anything, I just can't get myself the least bit invested in the characters or the story.
So, I guess what I'm asking is: do they make medications for whatever's wrong with me, or am I just hopelessly screwed up for life?
TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1405712) wrote:I had ordered this last Friday and expect it in the mail tomorrow along with Tetsujin 28 (another remake), a TV series from 2004 by the same director (I've heard it described as Giant Robo but darker, dealing thematically w/ Japan drying to regain its footing/rediscover itself after WWII).
I have heard Fish talk about this show a ton, with nothing but good things to say]originally[/I], originally, since this is a remake/homeage) by Mr. Imagawa is incomplete. TDTESS is the middle part of a story that was meant to's sort of the Star Wars: A New Hope of anime.
Will Mr. Imagawa finish GR? According to Daryl Surat in an interview he did w/ Mr. Imagawa, the GR director claims that he will not do anymore GR because it is not popular enough in Japan (the speculation is that GR is not fan service-y enough, excluding the bundled-in Ginrei special), plus he is a bit of a perfectionist and finishing up the story would take a lot out of him. Also, supposedly GR is more popular in America than Japan.
I find this to be, in a word, sad. However, the fact that we don't have more Giant Robo should in no way prevent anyone's (including my own) enjoyment of the Giant Robo we do have. And also there are a couple of similar titles directed by Mr. Imagawa in Tetsujin 28 and Mobile Fighter G Gundam to console us.
I look forward to Giant Robo with much, much anticipation.
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