I recently wrote a rant/review thingy for FFXII, and thought I'd post a link here in case anyone was interested.
Warning: If you're a huge fan of the game, you're probably going to hate my guts
ich1990 (post: 1400022) wrote:I agree with you wolfs_howl, FFXII was pretty awful. It was the first FF game I had played since VI, and it is a pretty rude awakening. I loved the combat system, graphics, quickening chains (although they made the game a bit too easy), and those creepy creatures at the end of the storyline, about everything else bombed.
And Basch should have definitely been the main character.
Nate (post: 1399999) wrote:Looks like SOMEONE didn't play Final Fantasy Tactics!
About Vaan. Yeah. The problem with Vaan was that Basch was originally supposed to be the main character in XII. However, Square went "Wait! If we have an awesome grizzled old man with a beard, then hormonal teenage girls won't want to play it! We need a bishie!" Thus, Vaan was introduced, an afterthought in the game's storyline (which is why he plays no role).
the_wolfs_howl wrote:-_- No, I did play FF Tactics (the original PS1 version *gags over translation*). It was okay, but I didn't really get into that one either. (I felt like most of the characters had personality right up until they joined the party, at which point they went flat and boring.)
I did like all the political intrigue in that one. Delightfully confusing. But I fail to see how that was replicated in FFXII. There were a few instances of political intrigue, like with Vayne's father for example, but nothing on the scale of FF Tactics - or if there was, it was handled in such a way that it wasn't clear that's what they were doing.
The whole game seemed to focus much more on the combat, whereas in FF Tactics there seemed to be more emphasis on the machinations of the characters, or at the least an equal amount of both.
I still think the music wasn't done very well in FFXII. Maybe listening to the tracks themselves, they sound good, or they hark back to FF Tactics, but I really didn't think they worked well in the game - which is the point. Music in a game needs to enhance the experience, to draw out the emotions you're supposed to feel in the cutscenes or cement the feel of the locales when you're running around.
Kind of like the music in Kakariko Village in Twilight Princess. That tune has always sounded very village-y to me]
I thought I was the only one who felt that way! I heard the first few notes and I was like "OH YEAH I LOVE THIS MUSIC" then after I went "Wait...what? This isn't good at all."Then if FFXII was supposed to be a "subdued and intricate" story, they shouldn't have designed the game so that it implied it was a "WE'RE GONNA GO SAVE THE WORLD YEAH" kind of story.
I didn't feel like they did...at the very least, I don't think it felt that way until the very end when the war broke out and they were all "HEY LET'S INFILTRATE VAYNE'S SHIP." They were more interested in getting the Nethecite so that Vayne couldn't use it...at least from what I remember.DX Basch would have made such a better main character. I still think it would be an awesome break from the norm to have Balthier be the main character, though
Nate (post: 1399999) wrote: IN ADDITION, we got a remix of this theme from Final Fantasy V for Gilgamesh.
For when you fight him in FFXII!
You have no idea how much fanboy pleasure there was in fighting Gilgamesh again to this music in XII.
Nate (post: 1402018) wrote:Yeah the original's translation was pretty bad, even worse than 7's translation (which was awful too...what was with Square and the bad translating during that period?).
The reason why the characters had personality up until they joined the party was simple, although I can understand your frustration. You can deny characters the right to join you. Naturally, this means that the story has to go on regardless of if you let them join or not, so they can't play any major roles after you get the choice to let them join, because otherwise they'd have to program in like 50 different storylines depending on who joined (you might let Mustadio join but not Orlandu, or you might let both of them join, or you might get rid of them both).
Confusing ain't the half of it. XD But I don't see how you can say XII was more confusing than Tactics. Especially since for over a decade we had to rely on the PS1 translation.
I disagree, since in XII you actually had the ability to run around towns and interact with people, and in Tactics there was nothing BUT battle, you could never control characters outside of battle.
But a major failing of XII in that area is that at least in Tactics, characters had machinations. Fran, Penelo, and Vaan were basically just...there.
I seriously don't see how anyone could listen to the tune for the Salikawood and not think it's amazing.
I thought I was the only one who felt that way! I heard the first few notes and I was like "OH YEAH I LOVE THIS MUSIC" then after I went "Wait...what? This isn't good at all."
Eh I don't think it would've been a break from the norm. A wisecracking ladies' man type thief was done...it was called Zidane in Final Fantasy 9.
Besides, and although I know they're different characters entirely, I can't help but feel Balthier was at least a BIT inspired by Jack Sparrow. If only a touch.
Basch on the other hand, a hardened warrior with a beard? A BEARD? When was the last main character in a Final Fantasy game with a beard? There was like...Barret in Final Fantasy 7. And even that wasn't a full beard, it was like a goatee. But Basch was a MAN'S MAN with a MAN'S BEARD. Plus he was all "I don't care what people think about me I'm still going to protect this country I love" which is so much like Ramza it makes me proud.
Besides, Balthier fits too well into the role of "cocky young hero." Yeah, he's 22, which is still sort of old for JRPGs (Cloud was 21 and Cecil was 20, but aside from that most leading characters in FF games don't even get into their 20s). Basch was 36. Dude was old! And awesome! He didn't need to be cocky because he was a captain, he knew how to fight. I think that would be the break from the norm. :p
the_wolfs_howl wrote:I suppose I should have gotten a more recent version of the game, but I just couldn't be bothered when I already had the original
Vagrant Story, which I'm currently playing.
Generally speaking, though, I find that stories where you don't choose your characters are deeper and more worthwhile, just because they're able to be and can decide for themselves when people join or leave the party.
No, I'm not saying that FFXII was more confusing. It was less confusing, and less complex, which made the story a bit less enjoyable, I thought.
Hmm, I guess it's probably just the way I play games, but bits of NPC-interaction in between dungeon crawls doesn't seem like a better alternative. I guess what I was hoping for was more scenes among the party itself - where we'd get to see the relationships between the main characters develop and flourish.
those glowy blue cat things a bajillion times (not the Coeurls, the...other things).
Nate (post: 1406933) wrote:Eh it's just as well.
It sucks being the only person on the planet who hates that game.
So you're completely in support of say, games like 4 and the early discs of 9, where people leave and join your party on a whim. I'm fine with that too for much the same reason, although I know a lot of people who hate it.
I just think it makes more sense than say, Persona 4 or the later discs of 9 where it's like "Oh hey all 8 people are traveling around together but you can only use four in combat because uh...um...LOOK OVER THERE. *run away*"
So you'd love a game like Persona 4, where pretty much the entire game centers around relationships and social-linking with other characters and the dungeon crawls are only a couple of hours long.
Also they were in Golmore Jungle, not the Salkawood. :p The Salikawood was the place with the Antares (mantis-looking things) and the bunnies, as well as the Malboro Kings and a couple of chocobos on one screen.
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