Let's Play Pokemon Blue: Nuzlocke

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Postby goldenspines » Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:23 am

Awww, I'm a Butterfree. :D

Kamen Rider Ratictate! Yessss. XDD

Glad to see you're doing so well, Peanut~ This Nuzlocke run isn't so bad. XD
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Postby ich1990 » Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:24 am

Kamen Rider Raticate made me laugh.

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Postby Okami » Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:58 am

I haven't laughed so hard in a while. Ooh, can Okami be a pokemon too?! :O
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Postby Angel37 » Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:27 am

That's awesome! I volunteer for Pokemon position once you get to it. Your cartooning skillz are mad! XD
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Postby Hohenheim » Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:53 am

This is great stuff. Keep it up Peanut.
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Postby Peanut » Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:03 pm

Introducing, Mr. HatnClogs! The Magikarp!!!

Peanut: Look at that salesman...thinking he just jipped me off. Buddy, when you evolve into Gyrados I promise that he will be the one who'll be feeling jipped.

Mr. HatnClogs: Yep. He'll be feeling pretty sorry for himself.

Peanut: Huh, for some reason I thought you would have a more verbose vocabulary.

Mr. HatnClogs: I get that a lot...

Time for a Battle in Mount Moon! Peanut vs. Team Rocket

Peanut: Oh, so you're those guys based out of the Viridian city Gym.

Rocket Trainer: What? How do you know about our secret headquarters!!

Peanut: Well, when you leave a sign on the door...

Rocket Trainer: Oh well, its not like you'll stop our plan to enslave the world with Pokemon or to steal the fossils in this place that surely contain awesome, prehistoric Pokemon that no one will be able to stop!

Peanut: Really...so that's your plan. Oh Winry, I've got some new fire wood for you.

Winry: Hehehe

Rocket Trainer: Why are you looking at me like that...um...what's with that lighter...and the gasoline...and...

After a few not so epic battles, Peanut stole a fossil by beating the tar out of a scientist and left Mount Moon.

Peanut: You do realize that you don't have to burn down every location we go through right?

Winry: But that would remove my one, endearing character trait.

Peanut:...I've got no comment about that...

Introducing, MSP the Pidgey!

And after loads of careful grinding...

Mr. Hat'nClogs has evolved into Gyrados!

Peanut: Sweet! Now after visiting that dude named Bill's house, we'll be set to own the Cerulean Gym!

Mr. Hat'nClogs: Soon it will be my time to shine!


Lass: Isn't it wonderful that I identify myself with the boy I'm currently dating!

goldenspines:...no...no it isn't...


A different Lass: One of these days I'm going to kill her in her sleep and steal her cute little Pokemon!

Peanut: Um...moving on!


Peanut:...a Pokemon...must be Bill's.

Pokemon: Hi.

Peanut: Wooh! That Pokemon just spoke!!!

Winry: Um...

Peanut: This is sooo unusual!

goldenspines: Umm....

Peanut: I've got to catch it right now!

Mr. Hat'nClogs: What's so unusual about a talking Pokemon when your surronded by them!

Nate: Derp.

MSP: Yeah, what he said.

Mr. Hat'nClogs: You mean "Derp?"

MSP:...I meant what you said, but sure, let's go with "Derp."

Bill: Actually I'm Bill. From experimenting with science I accidentally ended up being combined with a Pokemon. It's kind of like the Fly, except less scary and buggy.

Peanut: How Punny of you...

Bill: Anyway, could you help me out? Pokemon hands weren't built for computers.

Peanut: Sure

One highly unethical experiment later...

Bill: Sweet, I'm back to normal. I guess I owe you some reward.

Peanut: Like access to every trainer's Pokemon Box's giving me an unlimited amount of Pokemon to do my evil...I mean to stop the evil bidding of others?

Bill: No, how about a ticket to get onto the S.S. Anne.

goldenspines: Ooo...a cruise!

Winry: Great...a cruise...*under her breath*I hate water

Bill: No...you have to get off before it leaves.

Peanut: That sucks...

Bill: Yeah I know...well, have fun using that thing I didn't want!
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Postby Peanut » Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:38 pm

Peanut vs. Misty

Misty: Word on the street says you beat Brock and burned down his gym.

Peanut: Actually...that was Winry.

Misty: Well, you won't be able to do the same to me and this gym!

Peanut: Not if Winry and I have anything to say about it.

Misty: Nope, it won't matter, you see we just updated our sprinkler system. Not even if you replaced this entire pool with gasoline would you be able to burn this gym down.

Winry: An entire pool of gasoline...now that's an idea.

Peanut:...but how does that help you not loose to me?

Misty: It...well...I can stop Winry by activating it...

Peanut:...your screwed...

Mr.Hat'nClogs vs. Staryu!

Misty: Staryu! Use Water Gun!

*Staryu hits Mr. Hat'nClogs with a blast of water. Mr. Hat'nClogs is suddenly cleaner then before*


Peanut: Mr. Hat'nClogs...Bite it.

Mr. Hat'nClogs: Om Nom Nom!

*Mr. Hat'nClogs wins!*

Kamen Rider Raticate vs. Stamie!

Nate: Derp.

*Nate uses Hyper Fang...it does almost no damage.*

Misty: Ha! Is that it!

Peanut: Sorry, Nate...looks like this isn't going to be your time to shine...

Nate: Weh?

Mr. Hat'nClogs vs. Starmie

Misty: This Pokemon again...Starmie, use our special attack, Bubblebeam!

*A stream of Bubbles hits Mr. Hat'nClogs doing more then Water Gun but not significantly more*

Peanut: You know the drill Mr. Hat'nClogs

*Mr. Hat'nClogs Bites Starmie to death*


Peanut: What's that?

Misty: I lost earlier actually. Some dude named toonman...actually, I think he mentioned you would be coming here soon.

Peanut: Now how would he know that?!

Winry: Um...Peanut, you told him after we slaughtered him on that Nugget Bridge thing.

Peanut: Doesn't really ring a bell.

goldenspines: It was on the way to Bill's house.

Peanut: Still not remembering.

Mr. Hat'nClogs: I was still a useless Magikarp.

Peanut: No recollection whatsoever.

MSP: You captured me afterwards.

Nate: Derp.

Peanut: Well, it must have been a pretty big slaughter for me to already have forgotten it.

Misty: Anyway, here's your cascade badge along with a TM for Bubblebeam.

Peanut: Bubblebeam huh...oh Mr. Hat'nClogs...


Mr. Hat'nClogs: Death, thy name is Bubbles...

Suddenly, a Team Rocket fight!

Rocket Trainer: You will never stop Team Rocket from cornering the hole digging market with this Dig TM!!!

Peanut:...so that's why you broke into that dudes house...to steal a TM that lets you dig holes.

Rocket Trainer: Yes!

MSP: Couldn't you have just bought a shovel?

Rocket Trainer: Ye...actually...gosh darn it why didn't I think of that before...

MSP vs. Machop

MSP: Excuse me as I blow you away!

Peanut: Well, that is what Gust does...kind of...

Winry vs. Drowzee

Winry: Do Psychic types learn any Pyrokinesis moves?

Peanut: No, Winry, that's your schtick.

Winry: Cool.


Rocket Trainer: I'm going to go buy a shovel now...please don't turn me into the cops.

Peanut: Since your clearly too stupid to cause any harm...sure, I'll let you go.
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Postby Peanut » Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:46 pm

Introducing, a slew of new Pokemon!!!

Rusty Claymore! The other Pidgey!

Lady Rushia! The currently a Metapod Metapod!

Lady Rushia: Goldy...

goldenspines: Yes Rushia?

Lady Rushia: You shouldn't of said anything...

goldenspines:...you're right...I shouldn't of...

Tsukuyomi! The other, other Pidgey!

Tsukuyomi: I'm like a bird, I only fly away.

Winry: She don't know where her soul is.

Ante Bellum! The Drowzee!

AnteBellum: Wow...I'm the only original Pokemon caught during this run...

Peanut: Yep...duplicates are annoying like that...

GrubbtheFragger! The Diglett!

Peanut: I have big plans for you Grubb...Big Plans!

Grubb: I will bring down that Vermillion City Gym if you want my lord!

Peanut: Hehehe...awesome...
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Postby Nate » Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:47 pm

Peanut wrote:Image
Mr. Hat'nClogs has evolved into Gyrados!

This picture looks more like a Barboach and I was like "What Barboach didn't exist until Gen III."

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Postby Peanut » Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:53 pm


Peanut: Like, restless for this voyage to get going.

Sailor: No, more like ready to battle anyone who comes aboard restless.

Lass: Did somebody say Battle?


Peanut: Can't we all just get along?

Lass: Nah, I'd rather cut you then go skipping through a field of daises with you.

Winry vs. Nidoran Female!!

Peanut: It's a good thing Winry absolutely owns anything Grassy and Poisony.

*Winry wins*

Winry: They burn better, that's why.

Lass: Well, let's see how you deal with this!

Winry vs. Nidoran Male!


Winry: This'll be over in about a second...

Nate vs. A Sailor's Machop

Peanut: All right Nate! Now its your time to shine!

*Nate kills the Machop with a couple of Hyper Fangs*

Nate vs. Sailor

Sailor: Wait! Don't Bite ME!!!

*Nate does horrible, unspeakable things to the Sailor*

Peanut:...gosh...I didn't know Nate's time in the Navy gave him such a hate for all things Sailor...

MSP: Besides Sailor Moon that is...

???: The Toonman cometh

Peanut: Who said that?
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Postby Ante Bellum » Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:55 pm

Yay I'm original! Now hurry up and make me powerful!
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Postby Peanut » Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:11 pm

toonman: Me of course!

Peanut: Great...toonman...come for another beating...

toonman: This time will be different. Also, that dude who knows Cut on here is so overrated.

Peanut: Really?

toonman: Yeah, he started throwing up as soon as I entered the room instead of giving me that all important HM.

Peanut: Geez...I wonder why...


toonman: My team's far superior this time Peanut.

Peanut: I'll believe it when I see it...

Mr. Hat'nClogs vs. Pigeotto!

Peanut: Bubblebeam it.

*Mr. Hat'nClogs spams Bubblebeam until it dies.*

toonman: Lucky shot.

MSP vs. Raticate!

*MSP spams Quick Attack and Gust until Raticate dies*

toonman: No fair man, you need to use debuff moves as well.

Peanut: Brute force is manly, so no I will not use "debuff moves."

Winry vs. Kadabra!

Peanut: Burn it Winry!

Winry: Gladly!

*Winry reduces Kadabra to ashes*

toonman: Looks like its going to come down to my best Pokemon...

Kamen Rider Raticate vs. Wartortle

Nate: Derp.

*Nate bites through Wartortle's shell, knocking it out instantly*

Peanut:...so how exactly did you improve over last time?

toonman: Gah! Your a freaking troll man! A freaking, flaming troll!

*toonman runs off*

Peanut: Well time to get an HM.




Peanut: This shall never be spoken of again.

Captain: Agreed.


Peanut: And now its time to blow this Popsicle stand.


Peanut: huh...Winry, you didn't burn the boat down.

Winry: Its a slow burn Peanut...they'll notice it once they're out in the middle of the ocean.

Peanut:...I think it maybe time for you to go into therapy Winry...
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Postby Nate » Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:15 pm

Peanut wrote:Winry: They burn better, that's why.

This suit burns better. Look!

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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:23 pm

Oh my goodness this thread has toonman in it.


I am so amused by this. XD
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Postby Peanut » Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:48 pm

Peanut (years later): I'll never forget that day. I was bored, tired of waiting for the voting to begin. So I decided to sequence break. It was the beginning of a great tragedy...one that I would never forget...

Introducing Robin Firedrake! The Spearow!

Fish and Chips! The Voltorb!!!

And, by special request, USSRGirl! The Zubat!

Peanut: All right, its off to the box with all of you.

All of them: Ahh...

Peanut: Now to train Grubb the Vermilion City Gym, killer.

*After some grinding, Peanut runs into a Dugtrio*

Grubb: Um...are you sure this is a good idea.

Peanut: Don't worry Grubb, your slower then him. As long as you both spam Dig, you'll win.

*The battle goes well at first*

Grubb: Hey, I'm winning!

*And then...Dugtrio used "Own little Diglett like its supposed to*


Peanut: Hey Grubb...get up...


Peanut: Quit messing around, I need you to gain one more level so you can own.

*Still nothing*

Peanut: Grubb?

Winry: He's...he's gone Peanut...



Peanut (years later):I would never forget that moment. A moment where my first friend died, but it was merely a prologue to the tragedy that was to come...

Peanut: All right...with Grubb gone, its up to Fish and Chips and maybe Ante to take his place...though they can never take his place *single tear*

MSP: That was a speech for the ages.

Peanut: By the way MSP, your going to be in that box for a while.

MSP: What?!


Peanut: Yes...


Peanut: YES!!!!

Ante: Point me at something, and I'll hypnotize it and then make it jump off a cliff.

Peanut: Now its Fish's turn!

Fish: My first appearance, all right, let's do this!

Peanut: Yeah! Kill that Spearow man!

Fish: I CAN WIN!!!!

Peanut: YEAH!!

Fish: Peanut...I was wrong.




Peanut (years later): I would never forget that tragedy. Never forget the moment when I lost my first two friends and ended up with the uncertainty of facing Lt. Surge without a ground Pokemon or a super fast Electric Pokemon. But I would move on...I had to move on...it was my only choice...

All right, I'm now caught up to the very point where I am, which also happens to be the time of our first gym line-up vote! The way this is going to work is simple, choose six of the Pokemon bellow. Each one of those Pokemon will get a vote. If there is a tie for the sixth Pokemon, I'll be the tiebreaker. Here are the Pokemon I have so far:

-Ante Bellum, a Hypno
-goldenspines, a Butterfree
-MSP, a Pigeotto
-Nate, a Raticate
-Mr.Hat'nClogs, a Gyrados
-Winry, a Charmeleon
-USSRGirl, a Zubat
-RobinFiredrake, a Spearow
-LadyRushia, a Metapod (if choosen, she'll be a Butterfree by the time I enter the gym)
-RustyClaymore, a Pidgey
-Tsukuyomi, a Pidgey

Voting will end either at the end of next week or if a day goes by from the last vote without any votes.
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:27 pm

Well, given that I want to see as few casualties as possible...

-Ante Bellum, a Hypno
-Nate, a Raticate
-Winry, a Charmeleon

Anyone else you have is likely to die in one or two electric type hits, so I think that you should just pick the highest level pokemon from the remainder.
[font="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"]"It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things."

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Postby Ante Bellum » Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:28 pm

goldenspines (post: 1400351) wrote:Glad to see you're doing so well, Peanut~ This Nuzlocke run isn't so bad. XD

Might want to rephrase that...
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Postby Peanut » Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:46 pm

Ante Bellum (post: 1400553) wrote:Might want to rephrase that...

Two casualties isn't that bad...
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:49 pm

Wait, do I have no soul or does Winry have no soul :P

*Flies away* ~(o^o)~
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Postby Ante Bellum » Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:53 pm

So, anyways, am I now going to be another psychotic person who wants to kill stuff?
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Postby Peanut » Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:59 pm

Ante Bellum (post: 1400567) wrote:So, anyways, am I now going to be another psychotic person who wants to kill stuff?

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Postby LadyRushia » Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:29 pm

I knew I'd be a Metapod. XD
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Postby goldenspines » Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:42 pm

LadyRushia (post: 1400570) wrote:I knew I'd be a Metapod. XD

I knew you'd be a Metapod too, apparently. XD

As for your lineup for the next gym, Peanut, I'd say:
(in no particular order, unless I was suppose to choose that too >_>)
-Ante Bellum
-Since MSP is a Pigiotto, maybe he'll survive?
-USSRGirl (if she has any poison moves and you get lucky to be able to poison the Raichu and switch her out before she dies. :\)
-Not me (because I don't want to die. D: Even though it looks like I'm not really doing anything for you as of yet. XD )

Why did you have to have mostly flying pokemon? XD; Too bad Fish fainted, he would be okay on the lineup too. 8( And yeah, poor little Grubb...
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Postby Robin Firedrake » Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:56 pm

Well crud, off to the box with me. I haven't played blue, so I have no clue what type the leader uses =p
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Postby Peanut » Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:26 pm

Robin Firedrake (post: 1400676) wrote:Well crud, off to the box with me. I haven't played blue, so I have no clue what type the leader uses =p

That doesn't need to affect your voting. I've played the game long enough to know how to overcome weaknesses by massive amounts of level grinding.
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Postby Winry » Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:26 pm

Peanut (post: 1400525) wrote:
Peanut: Burn it Winry!

Winry: Gladly!

*Winry reduces Kadabra to ashes*

Winry: Its a slow burn Peanut...they'll notice it once they're out in the middle of the ocean.

Peanut:...I think it maybe time for you to go into therapy Winry...

Just because I like to leave a trail of charred destruction in my wake doesn't mean I need therapy.... I think.... wait, I'm so confused now. I need to BURN something!
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Postby Nate » Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:29 am

*insert pun about the word "hot" here*

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Postby Peanut » Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:45 pm

Well folks, its been over a day, so the voting for this gym is closed. The lineup going into this gym will be as follows:

-Nate the Raticate
-Ante the Hypno
-Winry the Charmeleon
-MSP the Pigeotto
-USSRGirl the Zubat
-goldenspines the Butterfree

I'll be at the next gym, with nothing left to do by this weekend (easily), so expect an update and another opportunity to vote then.
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Postby Peanut » Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:39 pm

Peanut vs. Lt. Surge!

Lt. Surge: Sorry kid, but not yet.


Lt. Surge: Before you fight me I need you to find two electric switches.

Peanut: That doesn't sound to bad.

Lt. Surge: In those trash cans.

Peanut: Well at least it won't be hard.

Lt. Surge: And they reset whenever you fail to find the second one.

Peanut:...I'm going to gut you with a rusty box cutter...

*Several Hours of rummaging through trash later*

Peanut vs. Lt. Surge for realz this time!


Lt. Surge: Psh, a Raticate? Really?! That's the Pokemon you've decided to use to fight me.

Peanut: This isn't any Raticate. This is Kamen Rider Raticate, and by the end of this fight, he'll be haunting your nightmares for all eternity.

*Kamen Rider Raticate vs. Voltorb*

Peanut: Nate. It's time...TIME TO UNLEASH YOUR SECRET WEAPON!!! Dig...

Lt. Surge: Psh, no way he's faster then Voltorb

*Nate digs a hole before Voltorb can do anything*

Lt. Surge:...crap...

*Nate wins*

Kamen Rider Raticate vs. Pikachu

Lt. Surge: All right, we can't let this happen again Pikachu

*Nate digs a hole*

Lt. Surge:...fffffffffffffffffffffffff

*Nate wins*

Kamen Rider Raticate vs. Raichu

Lt. Surge: Heh, so it comes to this. Six on one. I like those odds.

Peanut: You've lost Surge, just give up now and we won't decimate your precious Raichu.

Nate: Weh.

Lt. Surge: My Raichu has never failed me, and now you shall feel its full fury!!!

*Nate digs a hole*

Lt. Surge: No...

*Nate wins*

Lt. Surge: I...I can't...how?

Peanut: The moment I realized Raticate could learn Dig was the moment I won this badge. You never stood a chance.

Nate: I know right.

Winry: Nate! Your glorious victory has expanded your vocabulary!

Nate: No, I was just messing with you this entire time by saying "derp," "weh," and "meh."

Peanut: So you could talk this entire time...

Nate: Yep.



Peanut: Geez, and now you're doing it!

Nate: Its better that I burn down that gym than Winry...I at least gave Lt. Surge fair warning to retreat before getting our revenge.

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Postby Peanut » Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:48 pm

*After a trip through an unimportant rock tunnel*


Peanut: No, No, No. It's not time for Lavender Town yet.

Winry: But--

Peanut: We'll return later.

Introducing, firestorm! The Meoweth!


Peanut: Huh, I wonder what's in here.

Winry: Can we burn it down after we check?


Winry: Ahh...

AnteBellum: Can we blow it up after we check?

Peanut: Absolutely not!

AnteBellum: You're no fun...


Peanut:Um...no...no they wouldn't do that...





Winry: What's this weird feeling I'm getting Peanut.

Peanut: That would be the fourth wall being violated in ways I can't describe...
CAA's Resident Starcraft Expert

goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
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