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An interesting tidbit on Funimation

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An interesting tidbit on Funimation

Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Thu May 27, 2010 9:20 am

OK, so I was reading a story on Nate's favorite "trash" anime news site, and noticed something interesting. I will post the article in full with the intriguing bit in bold.

---[quote="ANN"]Navarre Corporation has announced on Thursday that it has hired the investment bank Houlihan Lokey "to assist it in structuring and negotiating a potential transaction for the sale" of its Funimation anime arm. The plans may not result in an actual sale.

Navarre emphasized that "Funimation's recent results have generally met expectations," but CEO Cary L. Deacon said that Navarre will be focusing its strategy on its distribution and software publishing businesses. According to Navarre, Funimation plans to grow its business through "co-productions of original anime content, social networks and digital broadcasting," and those plans are best executed with another owner that has assets or expertise in those areas.

If the sale goes through, Navarre plans to present Funimation as a "discontinued operation" —]Your thoughts? I'd rather talk about the bolded portion than possible doom-and-gloom style scenarios that could be in the cards here, as such ground has been tread here before.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Thu May 27, 2010 10:10 am

I don't know why you just called him out for that and was uncalled for! Doing what you just did doesn't even go hand and hand with the topic, so why bring it up?

>According to Navarre, Funimation plans to grow its business through "co-productions of original anime content

Also, this nothing new as Funimation talk about that about a year or so go and I don't know why it has been brought up again in the first place.

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Postby blkmage » Thu May 27, 2010 10:30 am

Requires more details if they want people to take this more seriously and beyond baseless speculation. For starters, what does co-production entail?

Also lol social networks and lol ANN.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Thu May 27, 2010 10:31 am

Roy Mustang (post: 1396971) wrote:I don't know why you just called him out for that and was uncalled for! Doing what you just did doesn't even go hand and hand with the topic, so why bring it up?
:eyebrow: I assume you're refering to my mention of Nate and his favorite site. I was just messing with him. I'd liek to think that Nate and I are friends, though we have argued on the forum a lot. It's only a joke, bro...I'm a bit befuddled that you're coming after me. I'll just go easy on the sarcasm since it upsets people.
Also, this nothing new as Funimation talk about that about a year or so go and I don't know why it has been brought up again in the first place.
Alrighty. It's the first time I'd heard anything concrete about this, and I found it interesting. Sorry if it bores you. I was unaware that we couldn't discuss things unless here they were breaking news. Also: you don't have to post in topics that aren't interesting to you.
More Funi bits:
AnimeOnDVD wrote:Navarre Looking to Sell FUNimation?
May 27, 2010
Source: MarketWatch

©]FUNimation has often been the main division of Navarre that boosted overall profitability[/B].

"Company Expects to Present FUNimation Entertainment as a Discontinued Operation Beginning in the First Quarter of FY 2011"

"Navarre is pursuing a more focused strategy. Now that we have substantially reduced debt and improved operating margins, we are focusing our efforts on driving revenue, particularly in new product lines. We are concentrating all efforts on our distribution and software publishing businesses where we have significant expertise and considerable systems and physical assets that can be leveraged. The Punch! acquisition announced last week strengthens our software publishing business and demonstrates a step in our execution of this strategy," stated Cary L. Deacon, Chief Executive Officer.

FUNimation Entertainment's strategy and capital requirements are distinctly different from those of the Company's core business. While FUNimation's recent results have generally met expectations, the strategies required to grow the business include co-productions of original anime content, social networks and digital broadcasting. The Company anticipates that those plans are best executed with ownership that has assets or expertise in those areas.The Company will be discussing its going-forward strategy and financial outlook in greater detail next week in connection with its FY 2010 year end conference call.


Due to the nature of this, it's unlikely we'll hear any serious comment from FUNimation at this point on it, but the general news and comments made in the blurb will likely send what's left of fandom's mental state completely off a cliff.
@blkmage I agree with you, but why lol at ANN? They just threw a story from Anime on DVD up on their site.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Thu May 27, 2010 10:41 am

TheSubtleDoctor wrote::eyebrow: I assume you're refering to my mention of Nate and his favorite site. I was just messing with him. I'd liek to think that Nate and I are friends, though we have argued on the forum a lot. It's only a joke, bro...I'm a bit befuddled that you're coming after me. I'll just go easy on the sarcasm since it upsets people.Alrighty. It's the first time I'd heard anything concrete about this, and I found it interesting. Sorry if it bores you. I was unaware that we couldn't discuss things unless here they were breaking news. Also: you don't have to post in topics that aren't interesting to you.

Where was the sarcasm? I think it would have been better if you had put LOL at the end. Its text and it kind of hard to read sarcasm with text.

Also, its just the fact that Funimation has talk about this for a bit and really hasn't been breaking news. I just see that ANN wants to rehash a story that came around a year ago. Blkmage is right as it requires more details on what they are planning and after all this time, they never gave any details about their plans other then co-production back then. So I see nothing is new has change and no new details about their plans in doing this.

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Postby blkmage » Thu May 27, 2010 10:46 am

lol ANN because, like Nate, it is my favourite trash anime news site, in that it is not my favourite anything and it is terrible
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Thu May 27, 2010 10:47 am

Roy Mustang (post: 1396974) wrote:Where was the sarcasm? I think it would have been better if you had put LOL at the end. Its text and it kind of hard to read sarcasm with text.
Obviously Nate does not like ANN. I called it his favorite site. Sarcasm. I also don't really like to use the lol much. I thought the joke would be obvious to Nate and that other people wouldn't care because they aren't Nate.
RM wrote:Also, its just the fact that Funimation has talk about this for a bit and really hasn't been breaking news. I just see that ANN wants to rehash a story that came around a year ago. Blkmage is right as it requires more details on what they are planning and after all this time, they never gave any details about their plans other then co-production back then. So I see nothing is new has change and no new details about their plans in doing this.
Fair enough. Again, I was unaware of this fact. I apologize for wasting your time, though, one has to admit that the story about Funimation possibly being sold is kind of interesting. Surely this news item isn't old?
blkmage (post: 1396976) wrote:lol ANN because, like Nate, it is my favourite trash anime news site, in that it is not my favourite anything and it is terrible
Right. Let's just forget the ANN bit then, since the actual source of the story is AoD and MarketWatch. Let's just pass on the co-pros and we can talk about the possible sale of Funi, which I think (hope?) is probably good news rather than bad.
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Postby blkmage » Thu May 27, 2010 10:58 am

There doesn't seem to be anything indicating any problems at Funimation. They're the distributor that isn't really hemorrhaging money and are fairly stable, and with their stockpile of DBZ DVDs keeping them warm, I don't expect much to change. Assuming coproduction means funding (since I doubt they have much in the way of production staff), they're pretty much the only ones who can consider it, along with increasing digital broadcasts.

Even though they're making monies, they don't fit into the greater corporate strategy of whatever it is, so they're getting sold. It doesn't seem particularly controversial once you think about it, unless there's some sinister secret that Funimation is hiding from its investors.

And at this point, the discussion sort of reduces into corporate inside baseball in the absence of further details.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Thu May 27, 2010 11:06 am

blkmage wrote:Assuming coproduction means funding (since I doubt they have much in the way of production staff), they're pretty much the only ones who can consider it, along with increasing digital broadcasts.

What some people have thought to believe on the whole Funimation co production and they have never came out and said it. It would be like something like Cartoon Netwrok/Adult Swim did for Big O season two. Or something like the show called 5 killers that never got off the ground. It was a plan co production between the US and Japan. The story and writers were from the US and one of them was a big time comic book writer for 5 Killers and have Japan studio do the art for it.

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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Thu May 27, 2010 11:18 am

Just found out a guy I used to know now works for ANN. Kind of blew my mind.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Thu May 27, 2010 12:13 pm

blkmage (post: 1396981) wrote:Tstockpile of DBZ DVDs keeping them warm
Mmmm...I feel all toasty inside just thinking about Goku staring at his opponenet and breathing hard.
magey wrote:Assuming coproduction means funding (since I doubt they have much in the way of production staff)
A thought just occurred to me: they do have facilities and equioment that would also prove useful on this score i.e. a dubbing studio and the capability to author their own discs. Maybe this would help a bit? Save outsourcing costs?
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Postby Alcuinus » Thu May 27, 2010 12:56 pm

Roy Mustang (post: 1396974) wrote:Where was the sarcasm? I think it would have been better if you had put LOL at the end. Its text and it kind of hard to read sarcasm with text.

SarcMark! Or you could use [!] instead......... lol
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