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Crunchyroll Simulcasts Giant Killing Soccer Anime

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Crunchyroll Simulcasts Giant Killing; Soccer Anime

Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Fri May 21, 2010 10:40 am





ANN wrote:The Crunchyroll media-distribution website has announced on Friday that it will simulcast the television anime adaptation of Masaya Tsunamoto and Tsujitomo's Giant Killing soccer manga. The simulcast is available to Premium Subscription members in high definition one hour after the first airing in Japan, and for free in standard definition one week later. Giant Killing will be available in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Australia, and New Zealand.
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Postby Nate » Fri May 21, 2010 2:58 pm

I thought this was going to be about a bunch of giants going around killing soccer players...or a bunch of soccer players killing giants. Flagrant false advertising, man.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat May 22, 2010 4:54 pm

For some reason I thought Giant Soccer-Player-Killing Squid were involved.

Not sure where squid came from.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Sun May 23, 2010 3:20 pm

@Nate: -_-
@MSP: Oh come on, now; that's just silly.

*sigh* Well, I guess Falx and I will be the only ones watching this (reputedly) excellent series. Just for fun tho, I'll post some informative stuffs:

Description via ANN: Experiencing a long streak of poor performances for several years in the Japanese professional football league, the East Tokyo United (ETU) hires Takeshi Tatsumi as manager to try to break the curse that seems to have fallen over the team. Having spent three years in England, Tatsumi managed to take an amateur team to the top 32 teams of the FA Cup. Many consider him a bad choice and protest against this decision. They hold a grudge against Takeshi because they consider him a traitor for leaving ETU at the height of his career when he was still a football player. Unfazed by the negative mood that looms over the field, Tatsumi seems confident that he might be able to bring glory back to his team once again.

In Giant Killing a ragtag bunch from East Tokyo are struggling in Japan's top football league. The team is going through an abysmal spell right now where they are nearing the bottom of the table and have lost 5 matches in a row. The loses haven't done much to team moral, because it was already low. Fan support, on the other hand, is looking bleak. In the world of football, once the fans turn on a team the end is near. Teams don't recover. Coaches are fired, players are sold, and teams drop to smaller divisions where profits often prevent them from ever being successful against even mediocre top division programs. East Tokyo United, ETU, can only blame their coach right now. And Coach is ready to give up this next game to prove to his team and fans, that against the biggest club in the nation he can make this team win.

OP 1

Episode 1

So, the first episode throws us right into things pretty quickly. Tatsumi is messing around with established norms in the team, plus the fans already hold a deep hatred against him. Unlike Whistle! or Prince of Tennis for that matter, GK shows us sports through the eyes of a coach. This unique take will liekly allow us to see some of the business/backroom side of football (soccer) in addition to the expected heapin' helpin' of the athletic side. The animation is wonderful, and you just have to hear the English used in this's really pretty good!
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