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What kind of "Christian" Anime do you want?

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What kind of "Christian" Anime do you want?

Postby The Doctor » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:31 pm

We all know that real "Christian" Anime almost doesn't exist, say for SuperBook and Flying House.

That being said, there are many fine examples of movies with Christian themes, be they overt (The Passion of the Christ) or subtle (Batman Begins, Spider-Man 1-3, Superman Returns).

What kind of Christian Anime would you most want to see?

I'm a filmmaker who just finished his first short film so I'm curious as to the answers here, mainly because I'm a Christian who loves anime and I have my own opinions on this.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:38 pm

What I'd like to see is quality anime that has Christian themes and supports a Christian world-view. One that doesn't sermonise but is thought-provoking and entertaining. And above all - fun. So in essence, something that shows Christian qualities in a natural, subtle manner.
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Postby AnimeGirl » Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:45 pm

I'd like to see a Christian anime not afraid to openly talk about God and Jesus, but that isn't all preachy. Something where everyone can relate. A good anime would be a slice-of-life about everyday problems, or maybe even a sci-fi or fantasy where God is mentioned and beliefs supported, or something symbolic. Most importantly, like in all anime, have loveable characters, emphesis on emotion, and beautiful animation.
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Postby Dante » Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:54 pm

Honestly, one that was both deeply thought provoking to inspire deep theological discussions with friends or family after, with an excellent plot while having a lot of artistic (not SFX) culture to it.

Maybe another way to rephrase that, something that a person from India or Japan might find interesting purely for it's deep plot and artistic nature but yet had deep Christian philosophies supporting it - even if those philosophies didn't necessarily agree with my own version of Christianity.
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Postby rocklobster » Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:17 am

Good question! I think what we need is exactly what everyone said. Believe it or not, it is possible to make a good Christian story and not weigh it down with preachy stuff. The Mitford novels by Jan Karon, for instance, have very little preachiness in them (and one of the characters is a minister!).
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Postby Alcuinus » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:25 am

I... honestly don't see why "preachyness" is a problem. :\ If it is not going to present the Gospel (that is why we're here) then there really is no point to it. At that point you might as well make a normal anime because they already have things like self-sacrifice, mercy, and other Christian themes. I honestly think that it can be done very well without sacrificing the heart of Christianity. For one thing we already know the Japanese people are fascinated with the West, and we can see that in the fact that they love to portray the churches and crosses (albeit in a very distorted and convoluted way) in their anime. In spite of that I am certain they have little or no idea who Jesus was or what He did and this is what we could use.

Imagine for a second (oi... I'll be a giv'n away me story idea :S) a highschool boy who is fearless. He has absolutely no fear of bullies or heights or anything except tragedy. (this'll be kinda long so bear with me :P). Because he is fearless he has come to be called a hero at his school, but as I said he fears greatly some tragedy happening in his life because he has no idea how he'd handle it and because his entire life has been devoid of any such thing. Before I go any further, another key plot point is that a key figure is a knight in his day dreams. This knight gives him advice throughout the story and progression of the boy's life. Now, it comes about one day that the boy's parents die tragically (tragedy finally came into his life). He and his sister are now left to themselves, and to make matters worse, she is then kidnapped by the killers. The boy (or rather young man at this point) must muster up all his courage and remember the words of the knight (this is very important) to save his sister. Now at some point in the story the knight had asked the boy if he knew why knights bear the symbol of the cross. The boy doesn't know and the knight tells him that if he can figure out what the cross points to he can know what it means to be a true hero. The point is the cross points to Christ who demonstrated the highest form of love: giving His very life for those He loved (John 15:13). In the final scene the main character has one last encounter with the knight in which the knight hands him a cross and then as the scene fades you can see angel wings on the knight, and the main character looks and sees that he still has the cross in his hand. Then he goes and kills the bad guy loosing his own life in the process and passing the cross onto his sister. The character has discovered what a true hero is and has been presented with the full Gospel (That I'd probably do with a father figure pastor who explains the main character's questions about the knights words and such).

The whole point of all this is to say it is possible to represent the Gospel without reserve while giving a story that you can remember and even relate to. The Gospel is even the heart of th plot. If we want a Christian anime we cannot abandon that premise or make it subtle or even simply teach vague principles.

Sorry... way to long of a post :P
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:57 am

Alcuinus (post: 1388968) wrote:I... honestly don't see why "preachyness" is a problem. :\

My main problem with "preachyness" is this. If a Buddhist came up to you and starting preaching about the greatness of his religion to you, a christian, would you sit there and listen through it?

I think it's better to preach the gospel in art forms the same way Christ did. Through parables. I want to see a Christian anime, not drowned in scripture or christian symbols, but one that actually tells a story and has value but still points to Christ.
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Postby MrKrillz0r » Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:50 am

I'd like to see a christian anime who is about someone who is converting into christianity, like someone who is living a messed up life and slowly is losing the will to live and finds Jesus and tryes to fix his life - and suceed ofc. :)
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Postby Alcuinus » Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:00 am

Well... to be honest, Crimson, I think that's exactly what everyone does do. In anime we can see so many philosophical statements all the time... or maybe that's just the anime I watch... whichever. :P But a world view is inevitably portrayed all of the time. Now if we simply present moral principles, that does not inform anyone of their fallen condition before God. Instead it only promotes a "live a better life" philosophy.

The concept of parables was very plainly explained by Jesus in Matt. 13: 10-15. The point was not to make things clear. When He wanted to do that He, as the disciples pointed out, spoke plainly and not in parables.

Now this is all not to say that everything should be "get saved". I firmly believe it is possible to practice the arts without specifically mentioning the Gospel because God has given us talents. I think those talents should be used and we certainly shouldn't force the Gospel in it lest it come out fake and forced. If you have a certain talent, by all means use it and don't feel it is lessened because you cannot work the gospel into it!

My point is that if you want to make a "Christian" anime, make it Christian and don't shy away from the message which is the world's only hope. If you have a Christian anime that lacks the Gospel it has lost any and all power as a Christian anime. However, if you simply want to make an anime as a Christian, by all means!... It's just not "Christian" anime, just anime.
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Postby Mr. Rogers » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:00 am

I have two good resources for issues of Christians in the arts.

This is a book called, "Imagine: A Vision for Christians...". It is a great book about Christians in the arts.

This a film studio in Japan called StudioRe:. They make some great redemptive films. I recommend watching the one called Jitensha when it is available. You can also look them up on Facebook.
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:17 am

Alcuinus (post: 1388975) wrote:Well... to be honest, Crimson, I think that's exactly what everyone does do. In anime we can see so many philosophical statements all the time... or maybe that's just the anime I watch... whichever. :P But a world view is inevitably portrayed all of the time. Now if we simply present moral principles, that does not inform anyone of their fallen condition before God. Instead it only promotes a "live a better life" philosophy.

... Which is why I said "still points to Christ." Also, most Christian stories produced nowadays do not have artistic value and are simply there to preach the message. Which makes me wonder why they are focusing all of their time into making an under budget cliche christian film instead of just spreading the gospel and loving people out in the world.

Alcuinus (post: 1388975) wrote: The concept of parables was very plainly explained by Jesus in Matt. 13: 10-15. The point was not to make things clear. When He wanted to do that He, as the disciples pointed out, spoke plainly and not in parables.

Parables may have been told to fulfill scripture but they also have their usefulness. If they were simply to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah then they would have been stories that did not need explanation to his disciples. Parables are stories used to illustrate the truth.

Alcuinus (post: 1388975) wrote:Now this is all not to say that everything should be "get saved". I firmly believe it is possible to practice the arts without specifically mentioning the Gospel because God has given us talents. I think those talents should be used and we certainly shouldn't force the Gospel in it lest it come out fake and forced. If you have a certain talent, by all means use it and don't feel it is lessened because you cannot work the gospel into it!


Alcuinus (post: 1388975) wrote: My point is that if you want to make a "Christian" anime, make it Christian and don't shy away from the message which is the world's only hope. If you have a Christian anime that lacks the Gospel it has lost any and all power as a Christian anime. However, if you simply want to make an anime as a Christian, by all means!... It's just not "Christian" anime, just anime.

If you're just going to make an anime to preach to people, then go do it without spending thousands of dollars on something that has no artistic value. Anime is entertainment and can be very artistic, it is not a tool to preach to people and should not be used as such. Take for example C.S Lewis's Narnia series. I wouldn't mind seeing this animated as a Christian anime because 1. It is entertaining and 2. it's kind of like the gospel in symbolic forms without being up in your face.

Although I guess that would be pretty pointless because the movies are pretty fantastic themselves.
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Postby Alcuinus » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:27 am

"some people think you are only really glorifying God if you are doing something religious" O_O

That is exactly how I understand it! The id the exact reason why I said "I think that's exactly what everyone does do" in regard to "If a Buddhist came up to you and starting preaching about the greatness of his religion to you". Every part of our lives, every facet of our lives, every act of our lives is for the glory of God. Even the lives of the unregenerate are for God's glory (Rom. 9:17). Therefore we can use our talents without forcing the Gospel into it. If you decide to make a Christian thing then it should be unashamedly Christian in nature, otherwise simply use your talents to the fullest and God is already glorified. Your world view, as well as the Buddhist's, naturally shines out of every work you make... I... want... that... book! My brother would like it to I'm sure. :P
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:38 am

Alcuinus (post: 1388992) wrote:"some people think you are only really glorifying God if you are doing something religious" O_O

That is exactly how I understand it! The id the exact reason why I said "I think that's exactly what everyone does do" in regard to "If a Buddhist came up to you and starting preaching about the greatness of his religion to you". Every part of our lives, every facet of our lives, every act of our lives is for the glory of God. Even the lives of the unregenerate are for God's glory (Rom. 9:17). Therefore we can use our talents without forcing the Gospel into it. If you decide to make a Christian thing then it should be unashamedly Christian in nature, otherwise simply use your talents to the fullest and God is already glorified. Your world view, as well as the Buddhist's, naturally shines out of every work you make... I... want... that... book! My brother would like it to I'm sure. :P

Ah, I misunderstood you, I didn't know that was a reply to my question. Regardless, you missed the point of my question but eh.
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Postby AnimeGirl » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:42 am

What I mean by not too "preachy" is that it preaches, but in a natural, realistic way. Like it witnesses, is not afraid to say God's name and tell of His love, that presents our beliefs in a natural way. Yeah, like how Jesus preached. He did it naturally, a way that draws people to it. Not in a way that pushes people away.
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Postby Alcuinus » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:49 am

CrimsonRyu17 (post: 1388990) wrote:Parables may have been told to fulfill scripture...

Uh... wait... I think you misunderstood my point... I meant Jesus used parables so that the Jews of the time would "...keep on hearing, but [would] not understand... keep on seeing, but [would] not perceive"
When Jesus wanted to explain Biblical truth he spoke plainly. Certainly a parable can be used but it needs that plain explanation (like what was given to the disciples) or it doesn't help the hearer... at all. That's why, if you want to make an evangelical piece the intent must be clear.

CrimsonRyu17 (post: 1388990) wrote:If you're just going to make an anime to preach to people, then go do it without spending thousands of dollars on something that has no artistic value.

I agree...

CrimsonRyu17 (post: 1388990) wrote:Anime is entertainment and can be very artistic, it is not a tool to preach to people and should not be used as such.

I disagree :P
I think, like all other medium of art, it can be used as such. I think it can also be used to express God given artistic talent without artificiality injecting the Gospel into it.

AnimeGirl (post: 1388997) wrote:What I mean by not too "preachy" is that it preaches, but in a natural, realistic way. Like it witnesses, is not afraid to say God's name and tell of His love, that presents our beliefs in a natural way. Yeah, like how Jesus preached. He did it naturally, a way that draws people to it. Not in a way that pushes people away.

*bites tongue as he knows religious debate is not allowed* :P
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:01 am

Alcuinus (post: 1389000) wrote:Uh... wait... I think you misunderstood my point... I meant Jesus used parables so that the Jews of the time would "...KEEP ON HEARING, BUT [WOULD] NOT UNDERSTAND... KEEP ON SEEING, BUT [WOULD] NOT PERCEIVE"

... And that fulfilled the scripture of Isaiah. Also, I suggest not abusing the caps lock. It's disrespectful to people reading it.

Alcuinus (post: 1389000) wrote:When Jesus wanted to explain Biblical truth he spoke plainly. Certainly a parable can be used but it needs that plain explanation (like what was given to the disciples) or it doesn't help the hearer... at all. That's why, if you want to make an evangelical piece the intent must be clear.

You're basically restating what I said before. Jesus used parables to illustrate the truth and if they were just simple stories than he would not have had to explain what they meant. Do you need an explanation for the most part? Yeah but only after the story has been told.
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Postby Alcuinus » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:09 am

CrimsonRyu17 (post: 1389001) wrote:...Also, I suggest not abusing the caps lock. It's disrespectful to people reading it.

heh heh... not caps lock... c/p actually. Caps is how Biblegateway represents direct quotes to the Old Testament... edited. Sorry about that. No offence intended. :sweat:
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Postby The Doctor » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:01 pm

I think, personally, we should be guided by the "types and shadows" of Scripture God used to communicate His truths about Messiah and ourselves. From the prophecies to the parables, God said many things about how Messiah would save us without just coming out and saying it.

I also believe in J.R.R. Tolkien's statement that "story is an invention of truth".
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Postby Doubleshadow » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:17 pm

I would love anime that address the history of Christianity in Japan, specifically the story of Gracia, whose death was very important in the forming of modern Japan, and the story of Japanese Christians like Paul Miko (I think?), who was crucified along with many other Christians when Japan was trying to stamp out Christianity.
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Postby Alcuinus » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:24 pm

Wow... I had never heard of those... I should study Japanese history. :P
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Postby The Doctor » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:54 pm

Doubleshadow (post: 1389016) wrote:I would love anime that address the history of Christianity in Japan, specifically the story of Gracia, whose death was very important in the forming of modern Japan, and the story of Japanese Christians like Paul Miko (I think?), who was crucified along with many other Christians when Japan was trying to stamp out Christianity.

Double Shadow, could you PM me where I can do research on these events? I would dearly like to know.
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:59 pm

Doubleshadow (post: 1389016) wrote:I would love anime that address the history of Christianity in Japan, specifically the story of Gracia, whose death was very important in the forming of modern Japan, and the story of Japanese Christians like Paul Miko (I think?), who was crucified along with many other Christians when Japan was trying to stamp out Christianity.

Eh, I'd be wary about something like this. An important story? Yes. Was their slaughtering Christians wrong? Yes. But at the same time, what Christians were doing both in their homelands against eachother (England persecuting Catholics, then Anglicans, then Catholics again when it went from Henry VIII to Mary to Elizabeth- though it was more or less 50 years earlier than this specific timeframe) and in lands abroad (killing/wiping out/enslaving thousands upon thousands of natives in South America, and the horrors they brought upon the Africans) makes me think that something similar might have eventually happened in Japan, if given half a chance. So this type of anime would have to be very careful in what it and how it was presented, so that anyone who knew their history wouldn't see it as hypocritical.
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Postby Doubleshadow » Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:01 pm


I think the Japanese wouldn't be offended.
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:27 pm

@ Doubleshadow

Good point. But still not unlike what many Europeans/ people the conquered were forced to do to prove their faith, too.
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Postby Alcuinus » Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:43 pm

Uh... well... you know, I really think there needs to be a distinction... There where some very ugly missionary efforts that were conducted at the command of the Pope. Now these I contend were entirely non-Christian in nature, but men like William Carey did conduct missionary efforts that were not at all like those. The Indian people actually came to love him for his efforts. I have no idea if the ones conducted in Japan are the same as these not-so-good ones but I definitely think there needs to be a distinction, imo. :S
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:53 pm

What I would want in a Christian Anime, is a character with biblical principles in a corrupted world. Not preaching, just living it. He (sorry, but a she wouldn't carry the messege to guys as well) interperates every event through the Christian mindset(put others first, seek justice, love[resort to first] mercy, walking humbly with God) and so he never hesitates about anything. Though the character would still be "mortal, and liable to fall!" (yay muppet Christmas charol) when his decisions turn out to be wrong or when he does wrong things, he deals with them the right way. This could work in slice of life or fantasy, and would probably be considered dark if done correctly. But the messege that you can know what to do and how to deal with things would be effective in today's world where a lot of people struggle with being confident in what is right. That's what I think, at least. Something like this would have really helped me out earlier.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:58 pm

A bit off topic:

I thought it might interest you folks that there are people currently in the anime industry thinking about the possibility of making Christian (or "faith-based" as they would say) anime. In an interview given for Anime News Network, Nmerichi Umennachi, a Ph.D. candidate at Tokyo University of Technology, says that one solution to the anime industry's current financial woes that he (and presumably his colleagues) have been thinking about is "faith-based" anime. Why? Well, he maintains that, in America, religious people are "otaku" for faith-based content. They buy the product, get behind it, market it via a sense, the otaku to Christian comparison works insofar as both are stable niche markets (I'm not making a value-judgment about this, just stating Nmerichi Umennachi's comments on certain facts).

So, some questions:

What is your response to this? Is it a problem for non-Christians to create Christian content, such as Christian anime, simply to profit from it? To be palatable to you, does Christian anime need to be (1) created by Christians and/or (2) made for religious, rather than strictly monetary, reasons? Do you worry about the way Christianity might or might not be represented?
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:23 pm

What is your response to this? Is it a problem for non-Christians to create Christian content, such as Christian anime, simply to profit from it? To be palatable to you, does Christian anime need to be (1) created by Christians and/or (2) made for religious, rather than strictly monetary, reasons? Do you worry about the way Christianity might or might not be represented?
1. I think that it is a good thing.
2. No, I don't think so. Because if it's messege is corrupt then Christians will speak out against it, not promote it. In order to make a profit, it'd have to survive the biblical test. (And doesn't Proverbs say: The wicked lay up wealth for the righteuos. Or something along those lines?)
3a. No. As I stated above, the messege matters. Elements brought in which could be known as exclusively secular would destroy the whole approach.
3b. In history God used many rulers and kings, who sought only their own glory and wealth, to accomplish His work. But, rather than us deciding, I think God will make it clear by whether or not it succeeds. Only till we look back can we see His purposes.
4. Kinda. I, being a biblical literalist, would probably have bones to pick with how some things may be too freely interpreted or plain old misunderstood.
Overall, though, there might just be too much division in the Christian ranks to let this work.
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Postby Alcuinus » Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:35 pm

Ugh! Why do I have to have opinions :bang: ...oh well. I can't resist.

TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1389057) wrote:What is your response to this?

Depends... on the following :P

TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1389057) wrote:Is it a problem for non-Christians to create Christian content, such as Christian anime, simply to profit from it?

Absolutely not for this very simple reason: Phil. 1:15-18

TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1389057) wrote:To be palatable to you, does Christian anime need to be (1) created by Christians and/or (2) made for religious, rather than strictly monetary, reasons?

For th first, eh... I think I would find it hard to watch something Christian made by non-Christians simply because I would get very irritated when they (inevitably) got something wrong... Just my opinion though.

For the second, I would like it better if it were made out of sincerity, but as long as it's accurate I have no problem with it.

TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1389057) wrote:Do you worry about the way Christianity might or might not be represented?

absolutely :P
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:38 pm

Alcuinus (post: 1389071) wrote:For the first, eh... I think I would find it hard to watch something Christian made by non-Christians simply because I would get very irritated when they (inevitably) got something wrong... Just my opinion though.

But then again, considering how many denominations of Christianity there are, some Christian, somewhere is going to think they got something wrong, no matter how well-researched the creators were.

But I also never answered the questions myself: I do think that non-Christians can make a good, accurate protrayal of Christianity, and a good anime out of it. There are plenty of knowledgeable non-Christians out there. I don't care whether it's made by non-Christians or not, maybe a few of them would be saved from making the anime. And I also don't really care whether fiscal reasons factor into it.

I think I'd like something more witha subtle theme, more slice-of-life. Like, a person who has a good life, not perfect, not living in a moral heck-hole, has friends that are good people (because most of us know at least one non-Christian that's a decent person but just not saved), but always feels something is missing. Comes across Christianity and is intrigued, maybe brought in by community work or something like that. And in a time of crisis ends up turning to God. A miracle doesn't have to occur- but there is some sort of comfort from God. Beyond that, I don't know.
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