Alcuinus (post: 1388968) wrote:I... honestly don't see why "preachyness" is a problem. :\
Alcuinus (post: 1388975) wrote:Well... to be honest, Crimson, I think that's exactly what everyone does do. In anime we can see so many philosophical statements all the time... or maybe that's just the anime I watch... whichever.But a world view is inevitably portrayed all of the time. Now if we simply present moral principles, that does not inform anyone of their fallen condition before God. Instead it only promotes a "live a better life" philosophy.
Alcuinus (post: 1388975) wrote: The concept of parables was very plainly explained by Jesus in Matt. 13: 10-15. The point was not to make things clear. When He wanted to do that He, as the disciples pointed out, spoke plainly and not in parables.
Alcuinus (post: 1388975) wrote:Now this is all not to say that everything should be "get saved". I firmly believe it is possible to practice the arts without specifically mentioning the Gospel because God has given us talents. I think those talents should be used and we certainly shouldn't force the Gospel in it lest it come out fake and forced. If you have a certain talent, by all means use it and don't feel it is lessened because you cannot work the gospel into it!
Alcuinus (post: 1388975) wrote: My point is that if you want to make a "Christian" anime, make it Christian and don't shy away from the message which is the world's only hope. If you have a Christian anime that lacks the Gospel it has lost any and all power as a Christian anime. However, if you simply want to make an anime as a Christian, by all means!... It's just not "Christian" anime, just anime.
Alcuinus (post: 1388992) wrote:"some people think you are only really glorifying God if you are doing something religious" O_O
That is exactly how I understand it! The id the exact reason why I said "I think that's exactly what everyone does do" in regard to "If a Buddhist came up to you and starting preaching about the greatness of his religion to you". Every part of our lives, every facet of our lives, every act of our lives is for the glory of God. Even the lives of the unregenerate are for God's glory (Rom. 9:17). Therefore we can use our talents without forcing the Gospel into it. If you decide to make a Christian thing then it should be unashamedly Christian in nature, otherwise simply use your talents to the fullest and God is already glorified. Your world view, as well as the Buddhist's, naturally shines out of every work you make... I... want... that... book! My brother would like it to I'm sure.
CrimsonRyu17 (post: 1388990) wrote:Parables may have been told to fulfill scripture...
CrimsonRyu17 (post: 1388990) wrote:If you're just going to make an anime to preach to people, then go do it without spending thousands of dollars on something that has no artistic value.
CrimsonRyu17 (post: 1388990) wrote:Anime is entertainment and can be very artistic, it is not a tool to preach to people and should not be used as such.
AnimeGirl (post: 1388997) wrote:What I mean by not too "preachy" is that it preaches, but in a natural, realistic way. Like it witnesses, is not afraid to say God's name and tell of His love, that presents our beliefs in a natural way. Yeah, like how Jesus preached. He did it naturally, a way that draws people to it. Not in a way that pushes people away.
Alcuinus (post: 1389000) wrote:Uh... wait... I think you misunderstood my point... I meant Jesus used parables so that the Jews of the time would "...KEEP ON HEARING, BUT [WOULD] NOT UNDERSTAND... KEEP ON SEEING, BUT [WOULD] NOT PERCEIVE"
Alcuinus (post: 1389000) wrote:When Jesus wanted to explain Biblical truth he spoke plainly. Certainly a parable can be used but it needs that plain explanation (like what was given to the disciples) or it doesn't help the hearer... at all. That's why, if you want to make an evangelical piece the intent must be clear.
CrimsonRyu17 (post: 1389001) wrote:...Also, I suggest not abusing the caps lock. It's disrespectful to people reading it.
Doubleshadow (post: 1389016) wrote:I would love anime that address the history of Christianity in Japan, specifically the story of Gracia, whose death was very important in the forming of modern Japan, and the story of Japanese Christians like Paul Miko (I think?), who was crucified along with many other Christians when Japan was trying to stamp out Christianity.
Doubleshadow (post: 1389016) wrote:I would love anime that address the history of Christianity in Japan, specifically the story of Gracia, whose death was very important in the forming of modern Japan, and the story of Japanese Christians like Paul Miko (I think?), who was crucified along with many other Christians when Japan was trying to stamp out Christianity.
1. I think that it is a good thing.What is your response to this? Is it a problem for non-Christians to create Christian content, such as Christian anime, simply to profit from it? To be palatable to you, does Christian anime need to be (1) created by Christians and/or (2) made for religious, rather than strictly monetary, reasons? Do you worry about the way Christianity might or might not be represented?
TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1389057) wrote:What is your response to this?
TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1389057) wrote:Is it a problem for non-Christians to create Christian content, such as Christian anime, simply to profit from it?
TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1389057) wrote:To be palatable to you, does Christian anime need to be (1) created by Christians and/or (2) made for religious, rather than strictly monetary, reasons?
TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1389057) wrote:Do you worry about the way Christianity might or might not be represented?
Alcuinus (post: 1389071) wrote:For the first, eh... I think I would find it hard to watch something Christian made by non-Christians simply because I would get very irritated when they (inevitably) got something wrong... Just my opinion though.
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