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Postby Radical Dreamer » Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:59 pm

Doubletoast, and a bump!

Interesting bits from the show:

[SPOILER]Very interesting how Locke was the one who said "I'm listening" to Ben, giving him the advice and planting the seed for him to want to take over the principal's job. This is not unlike Smokey's/FLocke's influence on Ben later in the episode, when he tells Ben that he can take over his position on the Island when he leaves. It's also very similar to how Smokey has been influencing many of Ben's decisions on the Island thus far (see Doc Jensen's article for more details; I totally agree with his theory on who Ben has been following).

Ben is giving his father oxygen by changing out his tank. If you recall, he killed his father on the Island by gassing him. I thought that was a pretty cool parallel that reflected Ben's new character!

Ilana said that there are six candidates left. Was she still including Sayid, or counting Jin and Sun as two?

Jack and Locke have TOTALLY switched places as far as Man of Science/Man of Faith is concerned. Locke is not only a biology teacher in the Sideways world, but Jack is making ridiculously huge leaps of faith when it comes to trusting what Jacob said. Case in point: almost blowing himself up. XD That was an excellent scene, though!

And I think that one of the things Doc Jensen mentioned in his recap article was really fascinating. The lighting in the scene where Richard is trying to "kill himself" is very chiaro scuro, a term used in art to describe something with very high contrast between lights and darks. Jensen points out that this is exactly the sort of style used in many of Caravaggio's paintings. And one of his paintings, The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, was mentioned in an episode from season 5. Thomas, as we all know, was the one who doubted. And Richard's main problem in that scene is his doubt. So yeah, I think that's pretty amazing! XD

Also, Ben's scene with Ilana ranks up there as one of the best scenes on Lost that we've seen, I think. Also interesting: Jacob had to die for Ben to find redemption. That seems kinda symbolic to me. XD

Also who loved the beach reunion scene? Everybody. XD It's been so long since we've seen one of those! And I'm so glad that I finally made the connection and realized that the guy who does the music for Lost is totally the same guy who just won an Oscar for Up's score. XD Fantastic![/SPOILER]

So stoked for the next episode!
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:16 pm

In Australia we've just had Sundown. I haven't been reading upcoming episode posts, so I won't be spoiling it for myself. I tend to write a lot about each episode (although, I never did one for What Kate Does).
If you can't bother reading the whole post, I understand (it's very long) but at least read the paragraph on the Shen Ring hieroglyph. It's very interesting.

My thoughts on ep.6.06 - Sundown:

First up, I have to say I thought this episode would be a Sun/Jin-centric one, but they diverted from the Season 1 character-centric order. This episode is all about Sayid. I guess, they had to divert to some extent. Some characters are dead!

[spoiler]Anyway, I enjoyed this episode but not quite as much as The Substitute or Lighthouse. There was some great action, the story on the Island moved forward one move (chess-style) but there was little, (or perhaps lots? - see the Shen Ring paragraph) of the Island mythology explored. In the alternate timeline, the focus was on developing the character of Sayid.

In the LA X timeline, it seems Nadia is married to Sayid's brother (I never saw that coming). Naturally Sayid still has deep feelings for her. Uncle Sayid? Boomerangs? Hilarious stuff. I've got to say the photo he had in his bag of Nadia was a bit voyeur-ish.

In the Island timeline, Dogen tells Sayid that it would be best if he (Sayid) were dead. It doesn't seem as though he likes our favourite torturer/hit-man, does it? But I think the line more likely implies that the darkness taking over his body will **** his soul or something to that effect, and that it would be better if he were dead.
Sayid and Dogen get in a fight - great action. Maybe Dogen is a ancient martial arts master after all? Dogen almost kills Sayid but his baseball falls from the table onto the ground, stopping him in his tracks. What is the significance of the baseball?
The MIB/Smokey/'Locke' stands with Claire just outside the boundaries of the Temple. He needs her to send a message to the Temple that he will kill everyone who doesn't listen to him. Judging by her response, she seems to know Smokey has already talked to Sawyer and Jin. Interesting. Smokey insists it is her job alone if she wishes to get Aaron back.

LA X - Sayid's brother comes to him seeking help. He's in deep with Mafia-type people. He borrowed some money, paid them back in full and they want more. He wants Sayid to put a stop to it.

Island - Claire arrives at the Temple. Awesome! She demands that Dogen leave the Temple and go into the jungle to talk to Smokey. Dogen says, no! That if he leaves he will be killed. What's this? They put her in a pit? Poor girl. Dogen calls for Jack and Hurley but they're at the Lighthouse. I think this spells trouble for the Temple dwellers. Dogen calls Sayid to his quarters and shows him an elaborate-looking dagger. He tells Sayid to kill Smokey with it, before he can say a word.

LA X - Jack gets a split-second cameo in the hospital Sayid goes to see his brother. His brother has been stabbed and is gravely wounded. Probably the Mafia-types did him in.

Island - Kate arrives at the Temple (that little lie-r!). Miles is playing Solitare by himself (alone - 'solitary' - get it?). Kate asks what's going down, Miles replies that Claire is with them, 'acting all weird. Still hot though' (hilarious - classic Miles line).
Sayid discovers Smokey, who greets him. Sayid stabs him with the dagger to no effect. There's no blood even on the blade. First deflects bullets? Now not affected by sharp, pointy weapons? Interesting. Was the dagger special? - meant to kill Smokey or did Dogen do it as a ruse to kill of Sayid? Smokey tells Sayid to deliver a message to the Temple and that if he does he can have anything he wanted. Naturally, Sayid wants Nadia or Shannon (both 'died in his arms'). Are the sideways timeline moments our look at the reality given to the Losties by Smokey if they follow him and do his bidding? It's highly possible. At least that's what the episode has us believe. This moment was incredibly powerful. I thought it recalled the way Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, but also the way he tempts us today. Lots of lies with an element of truth.
Smokey manipulates Sayid to do his work. Sayid returns to the Temple and tells the Others to leave and join him, if they want to be free. If they stay, they will die. There are two opposing forces. The lines have been drawn in the sand.

Creepy Claire sit is crouched in her pit, not unlike Gollum. She sings her own rendition of 'Catch a Falling Star'. Normally this is a nice lullaby (one for Aaron) but it takes on a sinister edge. It more closely recalls another fallen star - Lucifer, the Star of the Morning, who fell from Heaven for thinking he was greater than God. I wonder if this is foreshadowing something later on? Kate catches up with Claire. Claire is pleasant with Kate, until Kate tells her she took Aaron. Then Claire's demeanour changes to something far more demonic (or at least - dangerous). I loved this scene. It's great to finally have a scene where Aaron's two mums come together and talk. The unspoken words were the most tasty ones.
Many Temple Others don't wish to die, so they leave the Temple, Cindy and the Zac and Emily(?) are amongst them.

LA X - Sayid is intercepted outside his brother's home by a freighter mercenary from Season 4. Sayid is taken to his boss, who turns out to be Martin Keamy, the head mercenary from Season 4. He makes great eggs. I'm not sure if this is meant to mean anything but I thought it was enjoyable. Keamy is suave but has about him an underlying menace. Sayid offs Keamy in both realities. He finds Jin (wow!) in the cold food locker. Mayber Jin owes Keamy money too?

Island - We discover the significance of the baseball. It reminds Dogen of his son who loved baseball and almost/did? die in a drunk-driving accident involving his father. Dogen isn't an ancient samurai but instead a Japanese businessman from Osaka? That's both a bit disappointing and quite funny. Jacob came to Dogen and told him that he could save his son's life, if only he came to the Island and took up the job as Protector of the Temple. The downside was that Dogen would never see his son again, but he would be alive. Jacob? What are you up too. This 'bargaining' of yours is becoming more and more sinister and manipulative. Sayid is peeved that Dogen has tried to have him killed several times, so he drowns him in the ex-healing pool. No, I think he's really dead. Lennon waltzes in and tells Sayid he's an idiot for killing Dogen, because he protects the Temple and prevents Smokey from entering. Now that Dogen is dead, Smokey has full reign of the Temple. Is it possible Dogen was a candidate? Or just a proxy for Jacob?

Smokey storms the Temple, killing many Others. Miles encounters Illana, Frank, Ben and the rest - awesome! Their entrance was both unexpected (to an extent) and yes, here are the cavalry! Illana searches for a particular hieroglyphic amongst those on the Temple walls. She finds one that looks like the Star Gate (Jack and Hurley used it to lead to the Lighthouse) and presses it to open a doorway. They leap inside and shut the door moments before Smokey passes by.

The 'Star Gate' hieroglyphic is called a 'Shen Ring'. The Shen Ring is an Egyptian symbol for eternity, all time. It's name comes from a root word meaning 'encircling' - all the sun circles. It serves as a boundary for the created world, as protection from the surrounding chaos of darkness and non-existence (everything outside the physical realm - the unknown). Very interesting stuff. So the circles of ash might have been a poor-man's version of the Shen Ring to keep out the surrounding chaos (eg. Smokey). It was used to symbolise the beginning of the creator god and his creation (remember this is not Christian culture but Ancient Egyptian), the primeval serpent form of the created god (Smokey! or possibly Jacob). Also, the dual flow of time. Wow! Island and Sideways reality? The Shen Ring sometimes represented the beginning of numbers. The Numbers? Is this where the candidate numbers possibly began?
Finally, the Shen Ring was often used in funeral art, as it came to symbolise the eternal life of the deceased. Wow. Does this sound familiar? Non-existence could be applied to Smokey and his 'candidates'. They live and yet they do not. I don't think they're zombies, so much as they have/are losing their souls. Or perhaps it applies to Jacob. Maybe he will be resurrected?

The resource I used for the Shen Ring information can be found here:


At the end, Claire's lullaby plays over the montage of dead Others scattered in and around the Temple. Deliciously creepy! Claire and Sayid exit the Temple to join Smokey, where he stands with his recruits. He acknowledges them. Kate brings up the rear. For now Kate wears the grey top of indecision. She doesn't wish to die but she has no-where else to go. She has no plans of joining Smokey but she'll have to for the time being. Unspoken words become important once again. The look Smokey gives Kate is one of worry and annoyance. He doesn't seem to want her there but maybe he can't touch her? Is it possible she will try to convert his people back to Jacob's side?[/spoiler]
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:07 am

[SPOILER]Wow W4J, really fascinating insight on the Shen Ring! That's very cool. XD Also, great point about Catch a Falling Star and Lucifer--I didn't think of that! I read the rest of your post, but don't really have much else to reply to, either because I agree or read similar opinions elsewhere. XD I totally think you should check out the Doc Jensen articles that are posted here if you don't already--he writes up some really good theories and analyses of each episode, and given your own analysis, I think you'd agree with a lot of the things he says, as well as be fascinated by some of the other things he puts forth. XD He's also got a really cool theory on Locke being resurrected as Jacob in the season finale. Check it out sometime!

One more thing to add to my own thoughts--actually, to my brother's thoughts, since I talked with him about this today. XD He was telling me how he noticed that pretty much all of the major characters have "daddy issues." Sun (Mr. Paik), Jin (didn't appreciate his father's lot in life), Jack (duh), Claire (also Christian Shepherd), Locke (kidney-stealing conman), Sawyer, Kate, Juliet, Ben, and the list goes on. And then we have Ilana, who said that Jacob was the closest thing she ever had to a father. She's pretty much the only one (that we know of) thus far who has/had a good relationship with her father. I found this verrry interesting, as it may turn out that Jacob could end up acting as a surrogate father figure for many of them, most likely the candidates. I dunno. I may expound later when it is not 3AM and my brain is less foggy. XD[/SPOILER]
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:35 am

Thanks Radical Dreamer.
Actually, I watch the episode through once, just enjoying it. Then the next day, I watch it again and take a heap of notes. Then I research further some of the clues/things I pick up on. Once I've created my LOST post, I go and visit many LOST threads and forums to see what others have said. I love Doc Jensen's posts. The man writes dangerously long posts and is sometimes really random but almost always very interesting. Bonus - many of his posts, comments suggest to me that he's a Christian. Awesome!
I'll have to read the particular theory you mentioned. Where can I find it? Thanks mate!
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:24 pm

Interesting episode!

[SPOILER]It's comforting to know that Sawyer doesn't consider himself to be on anybody's side, but not so comforting that I think Smokey won't use him for his own benefits. Sawyer saw his own reflection in a mirror this time and destroyed it, leaving him to look at a broken and distorted image of himself. I'm not sure whether I should take that as symbolic of his cross to the "dark side" or not. After all, his Sideways World story is so mixed up that it's hard to tell which side he'll come out on, if he comes out on one at all. He's a revenge-seeking cop instead of a revenge-seeking con man, which is interesting insomuch as that he's trying to mask his murderous intentions with the Law. Also, I love Miles. XD

Also, Smokey claims that he simply wants to leave the Island, but I don't buy it. I think that if Smokey leaves, the "balance" will be thrown off. I think that's why Widmore has been painted as a dangerous man by those with Team Jacob (after all, he wants Smokey dead). They know, I suppose, that if Smokey leaves/dies, the "balance" on the Island will be broken. It makes sense, based on the mythology of the show, not to mention the scene in the cave with FLocke and the black and white stones on the scales.

Also, Sawyer totally needs to back off of Daniel Faraday's girl. LOL.

I'm not quite sure what to make of the conversation FLocke had with Kate. We know Locke's mother wasn't really all there, but he wasn't really talking about Locke's mother; he was talking about his own. So I'm wondering now who she is and what she has to do with all of this. XD

Anyways, next episode is going to be MIND-BLOWINGLY AWESOME. A Richard-centric episode? They're going to reveal so much and answer SO many questions. XD I'm so stoked. XD [/SPOILER]

Also, new Doc Jensen article today! I haven't had the chance to read all of it yet, but it looks very intriguing!


Also, W4J! I found the theory I told you about in an earlier post. It's in this Doc Jensen article, but if you don't wanna read the whole thing, here it is in an old-fashioned, wall-of-text:

[SPOILER]Remember earlier when I talked about how Saul saw Jesus, was blinded with scales, and then three days later the scales fell off and he could see clearly again? From that day forward, Saul became a new creation. He called himself Paul. Now, check this out. Remember before the season began, when ABC released a trio of images that had the cast of Lost replicating Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting of The Last Supper? According to tradition, Jesus’ final meal with his disciples occurred on Thursday evening. The next day, on ’'Good Friday,’' Christ was crucified. Jesus was taken off the cross at sundown (although it had been oddly dark all day) and placed into a tomb. From there, the Christian messiah, God’s only begotten son, is said to have descended into hell to give Satan the finger. Sundown. Son Down. Now, think back to the season premiere, ’'LA X.’' The castaways arrived back on the Island in the evening. Last night’s episode was the first time we’ve seen evening on the Island since then, and based on what we’ve seen, I think it’s safe to say that only one day has passed since Team Jughead was uploaded to Island 2007. Oh, and in case you weren’t keeping track, Lost’s last season is now one-third complete. Six hours of Lost 6.0 = 1 day on the Island. 18 hours on Lost 6.0 = 3 days. If we say that ’'LA X’' was Maundy Thursday, and if ’'Sundown’' was Good Friday, then will the show’s final hour be... Easter Sunday. And you know what happened on Easter? Resurrection. I’m telling you, folks, Alpha, the god of beginnings is coming back to balance the scales, but this time he’ll be wearing a whole new body, because he’s going to be a whole new creation: the resurrected John Locke.[/SPOILER]
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:08 am

Ah, yes, thanks mate. I really enjoyed that article.
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:08 am

[spoiler] I found the whole concept of Sawyer and Miles as cops so hilarious I couldn't stop laughing. I thought it was interesting how similar the different Sawyers were.[/spoiler]
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Postby Whitefang » Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:03 pm

Overall, that article was a big mallet to the head, but this part was very intriguing...
those mirrors inside the Lighthouse didn't peek into the past — they peeked into the Sideways World. [/Spoiler]

Mind blowing in its potential.
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Postby Sheol777 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:16 pm

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:30 pm

I've got to say I really enjoyed both the Island and LA X time-lines in the Dr Linus episode. Michael Emerson as Ben is always brilliant to watch and this was no exception.

I listened to a podcast interview with one of the writers of the LOST Encyclopedia, Tara Bennett (the other writer is Paul Terry). She talked with the host about the experience of creating such a complex guide.

Here's the 40 minute interview:
http://www.fictionalfrontiers.podcastpe ... osts/37851

Here are a few very interesting asides:

- everything will be alphabetically categorised (well, duh!)
- several pages will be devoted to each major plot-point, more minor events will receive a page or less
- the book will cover both the main series arc, the sub-plot arcs and the character arcs
- there will some little titbits of information not shared in the series e.g. the food-drops
- the book is official and will be the definitive LOST book. Some of the ARG stuff was just for entertainment, other parts to misdirect and some of it was canon. This book will only have canon materials.
- Damon and Carlton and the other LOST writers have corresponded with the writers, some more regularly than others
- the book is being overseen, edited and details corrected by the LOST 'Bible' man of continuity - Gregg Nations (oh yeah!)
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:55 pm

Wow, I'm really lagging behind, aren't I? First a though on "Sundown" that I don't THINK anyone else has mentioned yet (there was a lot to catch up on, so I might be mistaken)

[spoiler]I still wonder if Dogen really sent Sayid on a suicide mission, or if Sayid simply messed up. Think about it, Dogen specifically says "If you let him talk to you, it's already too late." So what does Sayid do? Wanders through the jungle, hears Not-Locke walk up, WAITS FOR HIM TO SAY "HELLO," and THEN stabs him. So, technically, we don't know if a machete to the chest will kill Not-Locke or not, since Sayid technically didn't follow Dogen's instructions.[/spoiler]

Next up, thoughts on LAST weeks episode:

[spoiler]So, apparently, Dharma still exists in the parallel timeline? I mean, I guess that fits with the sight of the underwater Island we saw. Still, I gotta wonder how alterna-Dharma is different from the one we know.

Also, I've heard a few people take issue with how the Principle shot down Ben's blackmail attempt. As the objection goes, the Principle's thread to burn Alex really doesn't have any weight as long as Ben has the power to ruin him professionally. Ben could just say "No, you'll quit AND write a good letter of recommendation. Otherwise, I'll make sure no one care about ANY letter you write, good OR bad." I see where they're going with this, but I don't think it really hurts the episode. After all, the whole point is that Alterna-Ben isn't LIKE the Ben we know, so that thought probably wouldn't occur to him. I don't know if they wrote it like this on purpose, but I still think it works.[/spoiler]

And now, this weeks episode:

[spoiler]Does anyone else think there's the makings of a legitimately entertaining cop show in this episode? :D

Seriously, though, I love that Not-Locke makes a point of calling Sawyer the greatest liar he's ever seen, and then he spends the whole episode telling everyone THE TRUTH. I mean, sure. He's still trying to pull one over Widmore and Not-Locke, but he does it by telling them both EXACTLY what's really going on! Now THAT is a con man!

One thing, though: Sawyer admits that they can't fly the plane, but he thinks they can take the sub? I think they're both equally hard to use, man[/spoiler]

And yeah, I'm REALLY looking forward to next week.
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Purple"]For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he that died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. II Corinthians 5:14-15[/color][/font]
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Postby Whitefang » Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:16 pm

[Spoiler]There's definitely a great cop show here!

When Lockeness monster told Sawyer that he was the best liar he knew, I was waiting for him to say, "except for me", but he seemed to say it with his facial expressions.

I think the theory is that one does not need to make a submarine "take off". Also, they may plan to force anyone who happens to be in the sub at the time drive it for them.[/spoiler]
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:09 am

Wow, I've never heard THAT nickname before. I like it!
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Purple"]For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he that died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. II Corinthians 5:14-15[/color][/font]
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:48 pm

Okay, I'm a bit late in posting this, but here's the Doc Jensen recap from this week's episode, Recon!

I'm a little fuzzy on some of his theories presented here, especially this one:

Doc Jensen wrote:[SPOILER]This was the real re-con of ''Recon'' —]

[SPOILER]What do you guys think? Smokey as Faraday? I don't know that I agree, mostly because I don't want Faraday to be evil! XD But at the same time, he does bring up some good points and some threads that haven't quite been tied off in Lost yet, like Theresa, like why Faraday was shot so suddenly without a lot of explanation afterwards, and why we haven't heard anything from him where Eloise is concerned. Was Eloise on the Island when Jughead blew? Does Daniel Faraday still even exist? I hope we find out! XD[/SPOILER]
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 5:02 pm

[spoiler]I... very much doubt this. All the hints we've seen so far seem to point to Smokey being that guy in black Jacob was talking to, with very little to suggest there's anyone BUT him in that big, black cloud. For example, assuming he wasn't lying when he told Kate about his Mom, that REALLY doesn't sound like the Eloise we've seen so far. She's a great many things, but I couldn't call her "crazy."

Then again, Jeremy Davies is pretty dang awesome, so it WOULD be cool if we got to see him again.[/spoiler]
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Purple"]For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he that died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. II Corinthians 5:14-15[/color][/font]
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:37 pm

Re: Theory

That's crazy, and I think that he was just typing nonsense to fill the space. :lol:
[font="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"]"It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things."

-Terry Pratchett[/SIZE][/font]
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:16 pm

I am compelled to share these comics with Lost fans.

Spoilers if you aren't caught up.
Kate Beaton's Lost comics. Just scroll down to the three comics on her comment. (Warning, mild language)
[font="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"]"It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things."

-Terry Pratchett[/SIZE][/font]
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:52 pm

[spoiler] This week's episode kind of reminded me of a Twilight Zone episode in which a man is given sanctuary at a monastery. While there, he meets a man who is locked in a dungeon and pleads with him to let him out, even though he's been forbidden by the monks to do so. When he complies, he discovers the prisoner is really the devil. Jacob's plight with Smokey seems similar.[/spoiler]
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Postby Hohenheim » Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:44 pm

[spoiler]Last night's episode was a flurry of answered questions as far as I can tell. Though the last couple of episodes made it pretty clear that Richard was on the Black Rock when it first crashed, I was still pretty surprised by his background. Also, up until now I was actually having a tough time of who to believe, the man in black or Jacob. But the MIB making Richard think Jacob was the devil made it pretty clear at this point.

Concerning the whole 'Faraday is smokey' theory, I simply don't buy it. I do think that the smoke/MIB is probably some supernatural entity, but not something connected to any past characters. Considering all of the symbols from Egypt in the show (the ankh inside Hurley's guitar case, the statue being one of some Egyptian God, plus all of the stuff in the Temple), I'd wager that it is connected to Egyptian folklore/culture in some way. But that's just me. [/spoiler]
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:28 pm

First, those cartoons are gut bustingly funny. Wow. :D

And, on to spoilerific territory...

[spoiler]For all the hubbub about how Richard's history was going to be revealed this episode, it's the stuff about Jacob, the Man in Black, and The Island that I'M excited about. There's still plenty of questions, yes, but it all seems just slightly less mysterious now.

So, Jacob's trying to keep Smoky bottled up on The Island, and apparently brings people there to try and change him. This is on top of repeated references from Smoky that Jacob betrayed him and, apparently, turned him into what he currently is. I'm wondering if the two of them attempted, who knows how long ago, to tap into the power of The Island like The Dharma Initiative later did, and their current powers/forms are a result of that. It would certainly fit the growing number of hints that it's the rest of the world that needs protection from tinkering with The Island, not the other way around.[/spoiler]
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Purple"]For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he that died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. II Corinthians 5:14-15[/color][/font]
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:16 pm

Just some observations on Recon.

[spoiler]The Temple Others (survivors) seem to be remarkably dense. They don't realise that 'Locke' and Smokey are one and the same. Interesting. Sawyer seems to not have chosen a side yet, he's on his own side.

'Locke' takes Sawyer aside and tells him that he's Smokey. Does he confide in him or is he forced to tell the truth? Watch 'Locke's expression when he says this. He seems uncertain, like he's filtering through different memories.

Sayid seems void of feeling. I don't know if he's a zombie but he's not all there. Smokey deals with his unruly 'children'.

Ajira corpses. Ick.

The woman Sawyer finds is Zoe, a so-called survivor of the Ajira flight. I'm suspicious. She asks Sawyer lots of questions, some involving rather probing questions about his situation and that of the remaining survivors. She says she dragged all the bodies out of the sun, but I don't think so. She'd need a lot of strength and it would take some time to do so. My thoughts are that Smokey killed them.

Smokey sits down with Kate and tells her that he led Claire to believe that Aaron was with the Others, so that she had something to keep her going - hate (as opposed to love, which would've had the same drive but been more beneficial). Smokey offers Kate his hand to help her to her feet. Notice she doesn't accept it? I think this indicates that Kate hasn't chosen a side yet. If she took his hand, that would indicate she was willing to be helped by him. And I don't think she is.

Zoe reveals her true colours, she's with Widmore's crew. I doubt they killed the Ajira passengers though. There are no bullet wounds on the bodies.

Smokey reveals to Kate that he's worried for Aaron because he has a crazy mum. He says he had a disturbed mum too and that he has some 'growing pains' because of it. It’s interesting how he’s one of the few on the show to have mummy issues and not daddy issues. Maybe Smokey is the reason that women can’t have babies on the Island? Again, he seems uncertain with what he’s saying, like he doesn’t want to reveal it. Maybe Dogen's special dagger really did do something when Sayid stabbed him with it? Maybe the dagger forced him to tell the truth and this will lead to Smokey's downfall? This season, I think we’ll continue to see scenes where Smokey tries to recruit Jacob’s candidates and takes them aside to talk to them. Each time he’s sneaky and offers them their hearts desire, if only they do X, Y, Z. It’s very much like the moments in the Bible when Satan tempts Jesus Christ during his 40 days in the desert.

What's in the locked room on the submarine? A super weapon/tool? Or a person? Maybe Aaron?

Sawyer meets Widmore but doesn't shake his hand. He's not on anyone's side. He finally makes a deal with him and Widmore initiates a handshake, they shake. Sawyer's terms.

Sawyer tells the truth but I think he's pulling a long-con on both parties (Widmore and Smokey).[/spoiler]
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:17 pm

Okay, WHEW. XD I feel like I've abandoned this thread for far too long! Truth is, I've been super busy with school and haven't had a lot of time for Lost theorizing. XD I still need to catch up on Doc Jensen articles, because his 6-8 page articles have grown to 10-12 page articles, and it makes me sad because I'm still only halfway through last week's article! XDD That said, for those of you who haven't read through them yet, take a look here:

VERY interesting article on Ab Aeterno!

Recap of last night's The Package.

Anyways, I don't really have time yet to give my thoughts on these episodes, but I will say this:


Hopefully, I'll be back later with a more in-depth response, once I finish reading these articles! XD
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:12 pm

My thoughts and theories on Ab Aeterno, episode 6.09: Part 1

I've got to say this episode was one of the best of the season, even the series. The flashback to a 100+ years past was very refreshing and I thought, handled beautifully. Loved the use of subtitles and the spoken Spanish (it's beautiful on the ear). Anyway, onto the episode.

[spoiler]In the Russian hospital scene with Jacob and a burnt and 'mummified' Ilana, we get confirmation that Jacob's six candidates are the only remaining ones. Ilana is told who they are and to protect them. Then to take them to the Temple to find Richard, who will tell them what to do next.

Richard's giggle was insane! So unsettling and yet funny. This poor man has lost his mind. I don't know what's going to become of the Losties when the man they were to meet to find the answers, has given up and become a doubting Thomas. Richard is fed up with Jacob and decides to join up with Smokey. This is terrible.

Spanish-speaking Hurley? Very cool. I thought he was talking to some dead Spanish person. Didn't have a clue who.

The historical flashback begins:

Tenerife, Canary Islands - Richard is a poor man with a sick wife, Penelope Cruz, I mean Isabella. She is Spanish also, and a Catholic. She wears a cross necklace. It's likely a symbol of her life and faith. She gives the cross to Richard to give to a doctor to pay for help/medicine (her life is now in his hands). Richard later hands the cross to the greedy doctor (her life is now in his hands) but he casts the cross aside, symbolising his distaste for people who can't pay him enough money for his wares, but also that he is casting aside his responsibility to save her life, or try too. Richard retrieves the cross (reclaims his wife's life, is desperate to save her). He struggles for the medicine but accidentally kills the doctor. He hurries home with the medicine but his wife is dead. Is it because he killed a man and stole the medicine? Or her time was just up?

Richard is captured and taken to a cell. Notice he's reading an English Bible and has it opened to Luke 4. This chapter is about a prophet being an outcast in his own community. It also includes the 40 days in the desert, with Satan tempting Christ with great things, if only he'll follow him. Apt, considering the nature of Smokey in previous episodes.
A priest arrives to ask Richard to confess, he does but the priest doesn't think he was sincere and doesn't believe he's worthy of God's grace. This part seriously annoyed me because a priest is presumably a man of God. God's grace is a gift, undeserved. If Richard was sincere in his confession, he would be absolved of his sins. There is talk of hell and 'the devil'. This flirts again with the idea of purgatory, heaven, hell, God and Satan - all prominent concepts touched upon in the series.

A British officer, Jonas Whitfield, buys Richard before he's to be hanged for his crimes. Whitfield is an officer of Magnus Hanso, the distant ancestor of Avlar Hanso, the man who financed the Dharma Initiative.

We see the Black Rock ship (yay!) in the midst of a terrible storm. Richard and his fellow slaves are chained below deck. One of them sees the Island in the distance and a familiar statue guarding it, Tawaret, but he labels it, 'the devil'. These people are a suspicious lot, although I admit it would look more menacing in the flesh. A tsunami picks up the Black Rock and hurls it at the statue. Two mysteries solved - the ship rides a huge wave into the middle of the Island and the four-toed statue is destroyed along the way. Very cool!

Some officers and slaves survive but Whitfield kills them. Is he hysterical or has the Island's sickness struck him early? He almost kills Richard but there's a familiar howling noise, followed by a tika-tika sound - Smokey.
Smokey dispatches Whitfield before he can kill Richard but is he himself Smokey in disguise? Possible I guess. Smokey approaches Richard, he's the only remaining crew on-board. This incarnation of Smokey is a return to his glory days - he's creepy as anything, and black, not grey. He seems to scan Richard, as if he's judging him to be a possible recruit to help him kill Jacob and leave the Island (there's lots of flashing light, like lightening and camera sounds - he more and more resembles a small serpentine thundercloud. It's too much for Richard and he faints. Some time passes and he awakes to witness a huge wild boar eating one of the slaves. I've heard some people speculate that Smokey is the boar and trying to drive fear into Richard's heart, but I don't know. Wasn't he confirmed to be one of the boars Locke was chasing Season 1?[/spoiler]
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:13 pm

My thoughts and theories on Ab Aeterno, episode 6.09: Part 2

[spoiler]Anyway, I know the boar may be symbolic of the Egyptian god, Set. He was Osiris' Nemesis. Smokey shares some of his similarities, as does Jacob with Osiris. Legend has it that Ra, the Sun God, looked into Horus's eyes to see the future. While this was happening, Set transformed into a huge wild boar and charged Horus. Set pierced the eyes of Horus, who was blinded by the attack, and disappeared. Maybe Smokey changed into a boar also, but instead of attacking Richard, he terrified him.

Richard tries vainly to break his bonds, to no avail. He sees his wife, Isabella and she confirms that they're dead, in hell and that 'the devil' is coming for him. His Isabella a hallucination, her ghost or Smokey? My bets are on Smokey. Richard tells her to run but it seems she's eaten by Smokey. My thoughts are that Smokey may be able to split himself into several forms at once. He's likely tricking Richard to play into his hands. Make the man go through hell - when he sees a boar eating a fellow slave, give him back his love and then kill her again, so he has something to drive him, to fight for.

We don't know how much time has passed when the Man in Black approached Richard and offers him water. He claims he's a friend, but that's what Satan also says to people he's trying to convince away from God. The MIB says that he's here to help him, but that in exchange he has to do something for him. Richard wants Isabella and MIB tells him that 'the devil' has her and to be freed. He presumes 'the devil' is Smokey. Richard makes a deal with the MIB, who produces the keys to his chains and releases him. He says to Richard, "it's good to see you out of those chains". This parallels the scene in the episode LA X (6.02) where Smokey approaches Richard on the beach, by the foot of Jacob's statue and says the same thing before knocking him down. No wonder Richard was terrified!

The MIB tells Richard that to escape hell, he has to kill 'the devil', from his perspective the Island is hell and Jacob is the devil. First he helps Richard restore his health by giving him wild boar to eat. Was the boar Smokey? or a real boar? If it was a real boar, that's some serious turn of justice - eat my fellow slaves, I'll eat you back! In a scene paralleling the exchange in Sundown (6.06) between Dogen and Sayid, the MIB tasks Richard with killing 'the devil' and produces an elaborate dagger to drive the point hom. He warns Richard to not hesitate killing him and to not let him say a word. The MIB in Black tells Richard that 'the devil' took his body, his humanity. Interesting! This seems to confirm my theory that the MIB wasn't Smokey's original appearance but just that of another dead human on the Island.

Jacob lives in the statue. He sure has a mean punch! He also gives Richard an anti-baptism. After convincing Richard that he's not dead, they sit down on the beach to talk over a glass of wine. Tasty! Everyone knows that important conversations happen with a bottle of red in hand (although it's more likely spirits). Jacob seems a bit full of himself but much more human. He tells Richard that no one comes inside his statue without his permission and that he brought the ship to the Island. Sounds like he has a God complex. I'm not convinced that he has any power. It's possible the Island harnesses the power and he takes opportunity of what it naturally does. Jacob is adamant that he isn't 'the devil'. Nice to know but it doesn't really mean anything. Satan wouldn't admit he was Satan, would he?

Jacob uses the half-filled wine-bottle as an analogy for the Island and it's happenings. The wine bottle symbolises hell, malevolence, evil, darkness - everything that is trapped in the bottle, unable to escape. If it did, the darkness would spread throughout the world. The Island acts like a wine cork, it holds back the darkness. Jacob says the Island is like a cork, but can we trust his perspective. Maybe the wine represents something good? I don't know. There's a lot to think about. From what we've been told so far, it would be more likely to suggest that Jacob is like the cork. If he leaves the Island or is killed, Smokey can escape the Island and it goes to hell. This concept brings to my mind the Greek myth of Pandora's Box.

According to Jacob, the MIB believes people are corrupted because sin is their nature. Jacob brings people to the Island to prove him wrong. But if this is true the MIB believes in the Judeo-Christian belief of original sin. Jacob says that people's pasts don't matter to him, like a blank slate (tabula rasa). They have a chance for redemption. This is very Jesus-like of him, but I don't think Jacob is Jesus. Jacob wants people to decide good and evil for themselves and finds it meaningless if he intervenes, he sounds like a personalisation of Free Will (to the extreme) and the MIB sounds like a personalisation of Fate (to the endth degree). Both themes play exceedingly import roles in this series. Jacob and the MIB might be Egyptian gods, or just boys like Cain and Abel or Jacob and Esau (but who have tapped into the Island's 'magic'). I seriously doubt they're God and Satan as depicted in the book of Job (as reminiscent as there exchanges are of them). They seem to act like hyper warring children who have lived too many lifetimes and have become frustrated theologians/philosophers.

Richard reminds Jacob that he better do something to help, otherwise the MIB will influence people. Richard becomes Jacob's emissary in exchange for his hearts desire. He can't offer him his wife back, nor absolve him of his sins (definitely not a Jesus-figure, although Richard certainly looks the part). Finally, Richard asks for eternal life, since he wants to avoid death because he fears hell. Amazingly, Jacob grants him his wish.

Richard returns to the MIB, who tries to convince him to side with him. He says that if Richard wants Isabella back, the offer still stands. The MIB gives Richard his wife's cross, he buries it. To forget her?

End of the flashback.

Modern days on the Island - Richard returns to where his wife's cross is buried, beneath a huge tree that evokes the importance of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, in the Garden of Eden. He's distraught and wishes to side with the MIB. I seriously thought Richard was doomed. Thankfully Hurley comes to the rescue and Isabella talks to Richard through him. Richard finally recognises his wife's words of absolution and his soul is finally healed of his pain. All this time he felt his wife's death was his fault but it wasn't (never mind about the doctor he killed). Still, it's a great story of redemption. Unfortunately, the happy times must be cut short when Hurley announces that Isabella wants Richard to stop the MIB from leaving the Island, otherwise it will go to hell. This is very much a Jacob thing to say. I'd be disappointed if this was Jacob in the guise of Isabella.

Flashback time - Jacob and the MIB sit on a log, overlooking the valley. They talk back and forth about their situation – the MIB trying to kill Jacob, so he could leave the Island. If the MIB kills Jacob, Jacob says that someone else will take his place. The MIB will continue to kill all of Jacob's candidates until there are none left (by 2007, he seems to almost have done so). Jacob gives the MIB the wine bottle, perhaps to drink from, or perhaps to reflect and rub his imprisonment in his face. The MIB smashes the bottle, spilling the wine. But the cork remains lodged in place. What does this symbolise/foreshadow?[/spoiler]
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:44 am

I've kept a list of the mysteries I want solved. It's in no way conclusive but we've been given many answers to past mysteries and still have more to be solved. Here are mine. Feel free to remind me if I forget any major etc. mysteries.

Answers I want by the shows end:

why was he so important?

why was he so important?

More Island history
[spoiler]origins of the Donkey Wheel, Smoke monster/the MIB and Jacob, Egyptian/Mayan architecture etc.
Maybe the first inhabitants were from Tenerife, the Canary Islands, same as Richard? It's possible since. Get this. Tenerife is known for it's Egyptian/Mayan architecture BUT was also believed to be the highest peak of the immense island which housed the legendary sunken city of Atlantis.[/spoiler]

Christian Shephard on the Island
who is he? Jacob, the MIB or a third party?

Adam and Eve in the cave
who are they?

Who survives, who dies?

is he Jacob or the MIB?

The whispers

[spoiler]The sideways world[/spoiler]
how does it factor into the story?

Do the Losties' children factor into the stories conclusion?
I'd love to see Walt, Aaron, Ji Yeon, Charlie, Clementine and [spoiler]David[/spoiler] (at least the first four) play a major role in what happens.
Walt crashed on the Island, Aaron was born on the Island, Ji Yeon was conceived on the Island and Charlie was born off the Island. It would be kind of cool if Clementine and [spoiler]David[/spoiler] joined in but since they don't seem to be tied to the Island in a direct manner, they're not essential.

what is her back-story?
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:56 am

Okay, I was at a friend's house this Tuesday, so I only got around to seeing the most recent episode last night. Thoughts:

[spoiler]I have mixed feelings about this whole Aphasia thing, mainly in terms of execution. I mean, it just felt really hokey, despite Lost having sold me on much sillier ideas. It just went by so fast ("*bonk* Sun forgot English. Next!") that it felt more like a bad 24 twist.

And yet, I DO like this as an idea, especially how it could play into the attempts to reference previous seasons. Sun's encounter with Not-Locke by the garden obviously parallels her "attack" by Sawyer and Charlie, and who wants to bet that the aphasia will last long enough for Jin to have to ac as her interpreter at some point?

As for all the flash-sideways stuff... Well, Mr. Paik certainly picked an absurdly convoluted way to have Jin killed. Were there really no methods that DIDN'T involve trying to sneak thousands of dollars through customs AND sending the victim to the other side of the world without a translator? Clearly, I don't know enough about rubbing people out.

I will say, though, that I feel a little stupid for hearing all that stuff about not messing with the boss's daughter and still being surprised to see Desmond pop up at the end. In retrospect, combining that and the very presence of Widmore makes it seem like a dead giveaway[/spoiler]
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Purple"]For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he that died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. II Corinthians 5:14-15[/color][/font]
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:00 pm

Regarding Charlotte Lewis and her involvement in the story:

[spoiler]Remember when Charlotte is dying and she says something about, 'knowing more about ancient Carthage than Hannibal himself'? Is she referring to her archaeological digs in Tunisia? Or is it something more epic? - could she be a woman who had an extraordinarily long life (ala Jacob and the MIB) and lived in Carthage thousands of years ago (we have heard news that Jacob and the MIB are boys from long ago) and has seen the progress/insights since? I'm suggesting some Roman influence, since we've seen something that looks like an ancient Roman dagger in the hands of Richard, Jacob and the MIB. Maybe Charlotte's even the MIB's crazy mother? Pure speculation, but it would be interesting. Maybe Jacob and the MIB weren't ship-wrecked (or something similar) but came to the Island via Tunisia? (an inverted version of what happened to Locke and Ben Linus).[/spoiler]
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:41 pm

New Doc Jensen recap article! I'll come back with thoughts on both it and last night's INCREDIBLEZOMG episode later tonight. XD
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:57 pm

[spoiler]OK, dudes explain how sideways-Farraday knew the world was wrong![/spoiler]
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:50 pm

I don't think I've nerdgasmed like that in a LONG time. FANTASTIC episode!

[spoiler]Just when I started to develop some ideas about what all's really going on, they introduce enough new wrinkles that I'm scared to voice any theories again. Well, maybe just a few...

Since Daniel's opinion about whether or not the bomb was a good idea seems to change every time we see him, I'm interested to see if the alternate world ends up being a "good" thing or a "bad" thing. Charlie, Desmond, and Daniel's experiences would seem to lead us in the direction of a world without The Island being "wrong," but then, they're clearly being driven by emotions in that. I can't imagine that alterna-Locke would think his life on The Island was the "right" one.

Oh, and while I still don't think that Smokey is in any way related to Faraday, it was still really awesome to see him worked back into the show. Here's hopping he keep popping up![/spoiler]
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[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Purple"]For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this: that one died for all, therefore all died; and he that died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. II Corinthians 5:14-15[/color][/font]
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