GAINAX wrote:After watching Gunbuster, the reason I dislike these types of anime (Bleach, Naruto, Inu Yasha) has been cemented in my mind.
Comparing Bleach/Naruto/Inuyasha to Gunbuster is like comparing Ben 10 to Robocop. They're for different audiences and have different limitations on them.
The reason is because these shows can't do in 100, 200, 360 episodes what a complex show can do in 6.
Watch One Piece and tell me how that could be done in 6 episodes. Watch Monster and tell me how that could be done in 6 episodes. Watch Full Metal Alchemist and tell me how that could be done in 6 episodes.
See where I'm going with this? Yes they "can't" do it because their plots and characters are too grand to be condensed down.
Why fool ourselves into thinking that these animes will be anything but grindstones for future seasons?
Guys something that is popular shouldn't be allowed to stay on the air seriously when people enjoy it they should just end it.
what will make season 8 any different then season 7?
I don't know, ask One Piece where the theme is that every island they visit is different and unique.
While not bad in itself, this stagnation leads many viewers to stick with a single series and never branch out into other great series. I always hate it when I talk to an anime fan, and all they've ever seen is Bleach or Natruro. Instead of 360 episodes of Bleach you could have seen over a hundred 6 or 12 episode series, and have had a much more comprehensive anime viewing experience.
How dare people watch something they like! They should watch other things, like things that I like! Everyone is entitled to my opinion!
Pretty much the best thing you can do for yourself is break away from these types of anime, they'll only have more and more plot twists that require another season of viewing.
OH NO NOT PLOT TWISTS. I hate plot twists! I like all my anime trite and predictable, thank you very much!
You'll never think back and say "holy crap episode 123-129 of bleach was unforgetable"
Holy crap episode 236 of One Piece was unforgettable, that was Luffy vs. Usopp in a duel of a guy who's beaten super powerful bad guys with crazy powers against someone who is a normal human with absolutely no powers, and the duel isn't one-sided! Whoa!
but watch episode 1-6 of Gunbuster and you'll never forget it.
I saw Gunbuster once. I remember some boobs and talk about some couple reaching the "C-stage" but that's about it.
TV anime is sometimes horribly long in Japan because it is released at the same time as a manga, meaning that filler episodes have to be made while the manga tries to get ahead of the anime enough to make more episodes. Is this bad? Mostly yeah, but it's how Japan does it.
OAVs are different because you don't want a long OAV series. It's expensive! Thus they have to condense everything into a shorter time frame.
By the way, Gundam Unicorn will be only 6 episodes and fans of the light novels are upset because only 6 episodes to cover a 10 volume manga? They're gonna have to cut a LOT of plot and character development. In other words, the shortness will make it worse! Gasp.
It's almost as if sometimes a longer series is more compelling, like with Monster, and sometimes shorter series are bad because they can't tell as good a story in a limited time frame. But wait! That means that the value of a series has absolutely no relevance to its length! There are good and bad long series and good and bad short series.
Trying to say a series is bad because it's long is just a non sequitur.