Lost has a habit of following up its premiere extravaganzas with scaled-down follow-ups that seek to ground the audience and orient them to a more deliberate pace to the season. ''What Kate Does'' conformed to the mold, and I'm going to hazard a guess and say that not everyone here appreciated that choice, especially those who came to the final season expecting Lost to be all We've Got A Lot To Do And Not Much Time To Do It So Let's Just Rip Into This! Nope. Apparently, Lost has decided to ring itself out by continuing to do ''What Lost Does.'' Which has always been a pretty good thing, in my book, even if means so-so second episodes. And yet, as I write these words, ''What Kate Does'' grows more and more interesting the more I think about it. Granted, it's my job to think about Lost, like, a lot, but put the episode's good stuff on a scale and I'll wager it'll outweigh the lame stuff.
rocklobster (post: 1374179) wrote:[spoiler]Also, since you say Jacob represents God, I've always thought Heaven wasn't in the clouds. I've always thought it was in some other plane of existence entirely.[/spoiler]
Doc Jensen on Sawyer and Smokey wrote:[SPOILER]Sawyer's Response To Smokey's Offer
What Was Said: ''So what do you say, James?'' Smokey asked. ''Are you ready to go home?'' Sawyer replied, ''Hell yes.''
Possible Chance I Believe Sawyer: 0%]
Whitefang (post: 1374788) wrote:[Spoiler]It seems that the alternate timeline is what happens when they escape the island. The reason we're being shown this now is because there are a lot of plot elements to wrap up, and it would be boring to have 3 or 4 episodes after the climactic finish. The reason I suspect this is because all of the characters have retained their character developments, e.g. Jack is less of a jerk, Locke is more accepting of his disability, etc, even if they can't remember exactly what happened on the island.[/Spoiler]
Blitzkrieg1701 wrote:[SPOILER]Speaking of which, I don't believe he's REALLY siding with Smokey for a second. He knows there's something he's not being told (quite a few things, actually) and wants to find out what they are... and how they can be used to his advantage.
Finally, Hurley's getting some really awesome moments this season, isn't he? Even his alterna-self is getting to be all kinds of cool![/SPOILER]
Radical Dreamer (post: 1374808) wrote:Whitefang (post: 1374788) wrote:[Spoiler]It seems that the alternate timeline is what happens when they escape the island. The reason we're being shown this now is because there are a lot of plot elements to wrap up, and it would be boring to have 3 or 4 episodes after the climactic finish. The reason I suspect this is because all of the characters have retained their character developments, e.g. Jack is less of a jerk, Locke is more accepting of his disability, etc, even if they can't remember exactly what happened on the island.[/Spoiler]
[SPOILER]I think that pretty much everything we've seen up to this point sort of goes against your theory...if the Sideways world is what happens when they get off the Island (for the second time), then why is Claire still pregnant, why is Charlie still alive, why is the statue of Tawaret still standing (if submerged), and why don't the Losties seem to know each other? Furthermore, Locke is dead in the Island world. The Locke we see on the Island is Smokey manifesting as Locke, and the Locke we see in the Sideways world is the John Locke of a parallel dimension. I'm pretty sure the Sideways world is showing us what's happened in the parallel dimension (possibly created by Jughead's explosion) where Oceanic 815 did not crash, and the lives of the Lostaways have possibly been significantly effected by the changes that would have been made by resetting time using the Jughead bomb.[/SPOILER]
rocklobster (post: 1376009) wrote:[spoiler]Has anyone noticed that all the numbers for the people are exactly the same numbers we've been used to? Just a thought.[/SPOILER]
rocklobster wrote:[SPOILER]
Anywho, Corrie, how do you do it? You predicted that Claire would be in league with FLocke and you were right! What I'm curious about is why did Jin lie about her baby? He told her the truth and then quickly changed it into a lie.[/spoiler]
Cognitive Gear (post: 1376003) wrote:[spoiler]LA X Jack and his son.[/spoiler]
rocklobster (post: 1376009) wrote:[spoiler]Has anyone noticed that all the numbers for the people are exactly the same numbers we've been used to? Just a thought.
Anywho, Corrie, how do you do it? You predicted that Claire would be in league with FLocke and you were right! What I'm curious about is why did Jin lie about her baby? He told her the truth and then quickly changed it into a lie.[/spoiler]
Davidizer13 (post: 1376050) wrote:[SPOILER]Speaking of that guy, where'd he come from? Have we seen him before at all? Is he just some Other?[/SPOILER]
Doc Jensen wrote:[SPOILER]The purpose, I think, was to correct Jack of one misconception: He was not stupid to believe that the Island holds redemptive purpose for him. It does. Jack just needs to keep his eyes open and look for it. He also needs to do one thing more, and I think it's the thing that Lighthouse mirrors were designed to show him. Hurley and Jack got it wrong. The Lighthouse doesn't cast light outward. It casts light inward, and reveals the state of your heart. For Jack Shephard, his heart is still locked up in his childhood home, his father's house, his past, and he won't be free and realized until he leaves all of it behind. Besides, I'm pretty sure it's a prerequisite for the job Jacob wants Jack to take: replacing him as Island protector. Yep: I'm thinking Jack is right at the top of Jacob's list of candidates. So hurry up and fix thyself, Number 23 —]
Nadia (post: 1379584) wrote:Okay, when I first heard of Lost, I thought it sounded, well, very similar to Amazon (IMDb link here), which ran from 1999 to 2000. I watched it on and off.
For those who have seen both, how different is Lost from Amazon?
Radical Dreamer (post: 1379580) wrote:5 second post:
More thoughts later. XD
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