ShiroiHikari wrote:Well Celtic Moon, I'll be praying for you anyway, and welcome to these boards. ^_^
My Ex was wiccan at one time, and really it is very dangerous. I don't know everything about them, but it is not christian and not in any way compatible with Christianity. I pray he becomes a Christian
Wicca is a false religion just like buddhism, shintoism, hindu, Taoism, cosmic humanism, secular humanism (and it's other side, Satanism... they are the same thing), marxism, and foundless atheism. If you are yoked (meaning if he has pull in your life) with him and he's Wiccan, it's very likely for him to pull you in. It takes more effort than normal to stay with God when you're married to someone who's not. And that being the case, you may want to avoid things that will make it harder such as TV, secular music, fiction novels, and Movies. (anime falling in that group) because your defenses are allready going to be weakened.
on to another part of your message
and as for Haruka and Michiru... Um...
Ok, don't freak out when I say this, but I have very strong beliefs on this
1. I have one major Gay friend (well, he's struggling and trying to leave the lifestyle) so I don't hate them... I dont' participate in jokes and talk that insults Gay people...
2. Homosexuality is WRONG... no ifs ands or buts about it...
3. While the Bible does NOT teach that as one friend said "All sins are created equal" (that was laughably mixed up) what it DOES put on the same level (the worst of sins right under blasphemy) is lying and heterosexual sin... Who of us is completely honest all of the time? Or, for that matter, most of the guys and a lot of the girls here probably struggle with sexual issues even heterosexual. However, for us to, for instance, say masturbation as an end to a fantasy, or Homosexuality is ok is to go completely against the Bible. Now, I love Sailormoon (the show(s) I mean) but Homosexuality is a sin. That doesn't mean we stand on the street corners saying "You're a sinner and you're going to hell I hope you burn" like many people do, but if we wink and give a justifying nod to it, we are in big trouble. I do believe that Sexual sins are the most harmful to us as Christians... Homosexuality being about the hardest to escape. Um... Yeah, anyhow I got off on a lecture here, but I don't think that Haruka and Michiru are a good couple... Nor do I think that Zoicite and Kunzite are a good couple. Nor do I think that it is ok for those teens in Onegai Teacher to have sex before marriage, or for Mizuho's Mom to try to seduce Kei. So yeah... Um... I dont' know how to end this...
Well, in any case... I dont' think it's right to look at Haruka and Michiru with warmth in reference to their relationship... YOu can watch the story and take the good with the bad, but to accept that aspect is not good...