Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Trading Thread V.2!

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Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Trading Thread V.2!

Postby Cognitive Gear » Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:57 pm

The first thread for this was over a year old, so here is a new one!

Hey pokemon players-

My friends and I have started up Pokemon Generation IV together, so I am looking for some pokemon that we don't have access to yet!

I'm hoping that some of you CAAer's can help me out. I'm looking for a Magnemite with a Modest, Timid, or naive nature.

I'm also looking for a Beldum with an adamant nature.

I don't have much to offer, as I am still early in the game. I do have a Shiny Gastly, if anyone is interested.

My friend code is: 2278 7759 446
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Cognitive Gear
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