Superman WOULD have been a good movie if it wasn't for the awful ending. It doesn't even make sense, if he can fly around the planet so fast that it spins backwards then how was he not able to fly fast enough to stop both bombs? When he's flying around the planet he passes both of them in less than a second.
Also, let's go to our special correspondent Morbo for a report on time being reversed by spinning the planet backwards. Morbo?
...thank you Morbo.
Batman Begins and Dark Knight did a lot of things right, enough that they're great movies, but they did a lot of things wrong too. The "realistic" thing really really hurt the awesomeness of Ra's al Ghul, the death of Heath Ledger made Dark Knight's ending horribly unsatisfying, and Rachel Dawes was the worst character ever and having her played by two different people didn't help matters at all.
But I'll leave my ranting on Batman movies for another day, another thread, as this is about the new Superman comics.