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ARIA: The life and journey of a gondolier-in-training... on Mars

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ARIA: The life and journey of a gondolier-in-training... on Mars

Postby blkmage » Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:04 pm

As part of my quest to get more people to watch things that I like and noticing the dire lack of mention of this series in other threads, I present to you another thread:


[SIZE="5"]ARIA (アリア)[/SIZE]

Aria is set in the early 24th century on Mars (now known as Aqua) in the city of Neo-Venezia, modelled after Venice, Italy. Aria follows Akari Mizunashi, a gondolier-in-training (known as undines) at the Aria Company, as she goes about her days training to become a Prima Undine, meeting and befriending others, and discovering the joys that come with life in Neo-Venezia.

Aria began as two manga by Kozue Amano titled Aqua and Aria. It has received an anime adaptation consisting of three series (Aria the Animation, Aria the Natural, and Aria the Origination) and one OVA (Arietta).

But why would I care about gondoliers on Mars?

Aria is one of the most beautiful series I've seen. As a slice of life series in terms of exploring and finding joy in everyday things, it's only matched by Yotsuba&! The anime is a faithful adaptation of the original manga. The characters are fantastic. The production is superb, in the writing, the visuals, and the soundtrack. It's a really relaxing anime that'll make you feel great after every episode.

This is all in spite of the fact that the setting is on an alien world, far in the future, in a reproduction of a historical city from Earth. Whether it's rolling a snowball around town and having kind strangers help you out, making a trip to the market to pick up some walnut bread, or joining in the New Year festivities in the town square, the things that the characters do and the things they discover are strangely relevant.

This is a show about gondoliers on Mars. This is a show about gondoliering. There will be talk about rowing and how to present the city to your customers and how to practice your canzone. But this is also a show where gondoliering becomes the characters' way of life. Through gondoliering, they discover the secrets of their city, make friends with the locals, and live each day in awe and wonder at what they might stumble upon next.

If you need a break from heady philosophy and intense action of other shows or if you need a show that's relaxing and reminds you to appreciate the small things in life, go watch Aria. And then come back here and tell us all how great it was.

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Postby yukoxholic » Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:48 am

I've watched Aria as well as read the manga which seems to be on hold (until November) for specific volumes over at TokyoPop. I love the series. Like you've mentioned it's a nice way to wind down from other anime titles. I think this series tends to be overlooked in it's genre because there are so many other flashier, fast-paced titles to watch but once anyone gives Aria a shot they'll be hooked. ^_^
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Postby rocklobster » Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:00 am

I saw the first version and thought it was ok. I would've watched more of it if I could find the other parts online.
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Postby blkmage » Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:17 pm

I saw a fantastic picture a long time ago on a blog that was essentially a spectrum from slice-of-life to comedy and where various series fell in between. Unfortunately, the guy's blog broke and he hasn't fixed it, so none of the files he's linked are there. There's a thumbnail on Google Images which I'll try to replicate here:

[color="DeepSkyBlue"]Slice of life[/color]
Lucky Star
Hidamari Sketch
Ichigo Mashimaro
Manabi Straight
Bamboo Blade
Azumanga Daioh

Personally, I'd move a few things around (Manabi Straight more towards slice of life, and swap Lucky Star and Hidamari Sketch), but it's important to realize that when people say something is slice of life, there's a very large range of how close to actual life a show gets and how much of it is just the characters and their shenanigans.

People hold up Azumanga Daioh as the posterchild of slice of life, which isn't entirely accurate. I'm not sure how true to life you can be when you're doing gags four panels at a time. On the other hand, longer form manga like Aria and Yotsuba&! give enough space to explore a situation.

If you're going in expecting Aria to be like Azumanga Daioh or Lucky Star, you're going to be very, very disappointed. Even something like, say, Manabi Straight (which is a lot closer to that end) isn't entirely like those 4-koma strips. In terms of feel and pacing, Aria is a lot closer to Sketchbook and Mushishi.
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Postby shade of dae » Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:45 pm

I had no idea that it was an anime series too. I'll have to check it out. I've only read the first volume of Aria, but I loved it. My favorite thing about the series is that it's so peaceful.

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Postby steenajack » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:10 pm

This sounds interesting. Is it dubbed in english? What is the content like on there?
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Postby Roy Mustang » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:22 pm

steenajack wrote:This sounds interesting. Is it dubbed in english? What is the content like on there?

The Right Stuf International licensed it over here under their production company Nozomi Entertainment. There is no dub for it and its is only in sub format only.

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Postby steenajack » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:33 pm

That's alright. I don't mind subs too much. But what is the content like? Is there anything that could be offensive at all in it?
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Postby blkmage » Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:33 pm

steenajack (post: 1352739) wrote:But what is the content like? Is there anything that could be offensive at all in it?

No. Nothing at all.

And it makes me happy that I don't have to qualify that with anything.
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Postby Roz » Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:51 am

My my my. ^_^

This thread haz an epic win. Really epic win.

Aria has definitely jumped to one of my top favorites. When I watched the first episode a long time ago I thought it would be so boring since it appears nothing ever happens. Nothing much really ever does happen. And it's wonderful. You slowly learn more and more about the characters and begin to see all of their little personality traits that make them so lovable. When I watch it makes me feel like I'm visiting dear friends. It's made me cry and laugh. Mostly laugh, when you have a cat that makes the noises that President Aria does it's hard not to laugh till you cry. Every now and then you get a moment of mystery that leads you to a beautiful adventure (No sappy lines allowed!). Makes me wish like crazy that Neo-Venezia really existed. If it did I would be there right now. It's truly one of the most beautiful animes I've ever seen.
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Postby blkmage » Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:44 pm

One of the ways you can tell that a show has affected you is if upon finishing it, you feel a sense of loss once you realize that there's no more. Other shows I've had this for are Gurren Lagann, Higurashi, and Clannad. This is different from, say, the end of 5 Centimetres per Second, where you're sad because of the content of the anime.

Yes, there's an end to Aria and the amazing thing is that it's a really good end. And for being an episodic, slice-of-life show, it has a better end than many shows with a more structured narrative. Aria the Animation and Aria the Natural are beautiful, but Aria the Origination really takes it up a notch (I consider the entire season as the highlight of the entire series, much like Clannad's After Story arc), as it should, being the end to this amazing series.
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Postby AngelicTotoro » Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:34 pm

Wow, I searched this anime up before and just passed right over it, but now I want to watch it. The only thing thats stopping me is I want to make sure it doesn't have anything offensive in it to a christian? Also does it have any inappropriate content? But seriously, you make me want to try it out now. :grin:
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:42 pm

[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="royalblue"]FINALLY someone made a topic about this anime...I was thinking about making one, but...heh...

I found this gem at my library and I thought "Meh, I may as well try it out." From the first disk all the way to the last, I was spellbound! It was so relaxing, so disarming, and it didn't require a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, Engineering or Theology to understand. You just go with the flow, so to speak.

I have to agree with blkmage; "Aria" is the PERFECT anime to get into after watching something with a lot of drama, angst, violence, sex, and confusing plot twists--kinda like a nice after dinner mint after a large dinner. It's even nice to watch even BEFORE you start an anime that features the above attributes--much like you eat pickled ginger to cleanse the pallet before a sushi meal. (Yum.)

One thing that I would suggest before watching "Aria" is to leave your skepticism at the DVD menu. The world of Aria is really idealized and each episode is wrapped up neatly in it's own nice little package so don't expect serious drama or multi-episode story arcs.[/color][/SIZE][/font]

AngelicTotoro wrote:Wow, I searched this anime up before and just passed right over it, but now I want to watch it. The only thing thats stopping me is I want to make sure it doesn't have anything offensive in it to a christian? Also does it have any inappropriate content? But seriously, you make me want to try it out now.

[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="RoyalBlue"]Not at all! There's no offensive content in this one. It's as clean as you can get and very Christian-friendly. [/color][/SIZE][/font]
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Postby AngelicTotoro » Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:03 pm

That's great! :hug: I'm going to try it out now. Thank you.
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Postby blkmage » Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:16 pm

KhakiBlueSocks (post: 1353567) wrote:One thing that I would suggest before watching "Aria" is to leave your skepticism at the DVD menu. The world of Aria is really idealized and each episode is wrapped up neatly in it's own nice little package so don't expect serious drama or multi-episode story arcs.

Well, if someone can't enjoy Aria, they're just terrible people, I guess.

Something else that's interesting that I read in someone's review is that Aria is just as much about Neo-Venezia as it is about Akari, Aika, and Alice. They mentioned the structure of each season: Aria the Animation was about introducing and exploring the characters, Aria the Natural was for really exploring the world (now that we were familiar with the characters), and Aria the Origination ties everything together.
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:03 pm

blkmage (post: 1353736) wrote:Well, if someone can't enjoy Aria, they're just terrible people, I guess.

Something else that's interesting that I read in someone's review is that Aria is just as much about Neo-Venezia as it is about Akari, Aika, and Alice. They mentioned the structure of each season: Aria the Animation was about introducing and exploring the characters, Aria the Natural was for really exploring the world (now that we were familiar with the characters), and Aria the Origination ties everything together.

[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="RoyalBlue"]I wouldn't say that...different strokes for different folks. Some may think that "Aria" is too idealistic, the characters too perfect, and the lack of any serious drama too much to handle. It just depends on the person watching it.
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Postby steenajack » Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:34 pm

Where can I watch this anime online legally?
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Postby Falx » Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:37 am

Nothing that's online, you'll have to rent or buy the dvd's I'm afraid.
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Postby ilikegir33 » Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:45 pm

Falx (post: 1355183) wrote:Nothing that's online, you'll have to rent or buy the dvd's I'm afraid.

Or if you've got Time Warner Cable, you can get it on Video On Demand...that's what got me into Aria, and what do you know, it's become one of my favorite series!
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Postby Falx » Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:39 am

Ugh, with every passing day the urge to watch this grows stronger.
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Postby blkmage » Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:17 pm

I am so buying the entire thing once Aria the Origination comes out. Hooooo boy, you guys have no idea.
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Postby Shadowfax » Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:51 am

blkmage (post: 1359925) wrote:I am so buying the entire thing once Aria the Origination comes out. Hooooo boy, you guys have no idea.

Noooooess!!! It's not out yet?

*scrambles across the internet*

Crud. :lol: Well at least I know it has (along with the Arietta OVA) an official release scheduled for 2010. Yeah, I know what I'll be buying next year too...

Falx (post: 1359767) wrote:Ugh, with every passing day the urge to watch this grows stronger.

Well, this show doesn't get so so many positive reviews by coincidence! It's a quality show! Maybe. I am biased. xD Yeah, you should check it out for yourself. :thumb:
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Postby Falx » Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:34 am

Man I've spent so much money on anime this year...

Ok, I'll wait until January and then start tracking the dvd's down.

I have yet to watch something that blkmage recommends and be disappointed so I'm really looking forward to it.
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:49 pm

[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="RoyalBlue"]I found mine at the Public Library and I check it out whenever I get the opportunity. They have both the first and second seasons.

On a related note, what are you guys favorite episodes? Mine has to be "The Day of Festa Del Bòcolo ..." I love the interaction between Akatsuki and Akari.[/color][/SIZE][/font]
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Postby blkmage » Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:15 pm

I'd say what my favourite episode is, but unfortunately, it's in Aria the Origination and is (uncharacteristic for this show) a huge spoiler. In fact, it might be the biggest spoiler. But if you must know (I'm serious, gigantic spoilers here),
[spoiler]It's the episode where Alice does her test and passes and skips being a Single, getting promoted directly to Prima. Everything about the direction of that episode was amazing, from the setup to the reveal. Like I've mentioned before, the entire string of the last few episodes is pretty amazing.[/spoiler]
Some good seconds are the giant snowball episode or the episode where Akari's gondola gets decommissioned and she goes on a last tour with it before getting a new one.

Also, if you enjoyed Aria, you may enjoy Kozue Amano's new manga series, Amanchu!, which is about scuba diving.
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Postby blkmage » Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:30 pm

First of all, Aria the Origination is getting on DVD for us on March 2. They were kind enough to include Arietta, the OVA which takes place in between Aria the Natural and Aria the Origination.

Next, the nice thing about Aria's characters is that they're so easily categorizable. So, who's your favourite Undine? Come now, you have to have a favourite. I won't believe you if you say they are all your favourites equally.

Because my favourite is the Orange Princess, Alice.

First of all, I really like how different she is from Athena (a very close second). This makes their interactions really different from Aika's and Akari's. Akari gets along with Alicia really well because they're both very similar. They both enjoy simple things and are calm and graceful when it comes to their profession (Akari might be a bit of a nub, but when she gets down to it, she's very capable). On the other hand, Aika and Akira's interactions are less harmonious, but that's because they're both very similar in their aggression and work ethic.

Athena is nothing like Alice. On the job, she's one of the best, but outside of that, she's the opposite of Alice. And that's why it's so nice to see them get along so well.

I also enjoy how fits in as the straight man in the group, whether it's with Athena or with Akari and Aika. She's competent, she has an enjoyable deadpan sense of humour, her super-deformed face is the best out of the six, and her DEKKAI is glorious. Also, she has arguably the best moment in the entire series.
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:36 pm

[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="RoyalBlue"]Why must you make me pick between them?! They're all so cool!

But, if you have to twist my arm (not only would I have to deck you--that hurts, you know), I would have to say that my favorite Undine is Akari...aka "Sideburns". She has such a sweet and innocent disposition and she always gives her absolute best no matter the situation.

My favorite non-Undine character has go to be Mr. Salamander himself, Akatsuki! Despite his somewhat brash and arrogant exterior, not to mention his odd penchant for calling Akari "sideburns", he's a really nice and caring fellow. I love the flashback episode they did on him when he was a young kid with that big red cape billowing behind him. [/color][/SIZE][/font]
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Postby Shadowfax » Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:19 pm

blkmage (post: 1361927) wrote:First of all, Aria the Origination is getting on DVD for us on March 2. They were kind enough to include Arietta, the OVA which takes place in between Aria the Natural and Aria the Origination.

Next, the nice thing about Aria's characters is that they're so easily categorizable. So, who's your favourite Undine? Come now, you have to have a favourite. I won't believe you if you say they are all your favourites equally.

My favorite has to be Athena. She just stands out, and she has so different a personality, I can't help but cheer inside when she graces the screen.

She has a simple loving personality, she's clumsy to a fault, but she's not simple-minded... she's very mature and aware of what's going on around her, and can come up with some crazy schemes based on that (remember the amnesia incident?). And to be honest, when I heard her sing for the first time, I did agree with Akari... she has an angelic voice. I still believe it was one of the most beautiful vocals I have ever heard.

Also, I'm quite sure that the fact she's cute, has dark skin tone, and unusual anime-esque hair (three factors I notice in any female), is completely irrelevant to my appreciation of her.

I'd like to meet any of the three fairies though... Athena's strange personality, Alicia's grace and "ara ara", Akari's strength and love to talk, I'd love to meet them all. It was great watching their stories.

Don't get me wrong... talking with Akari, racing Aika, or seeing Alice's chibi face would also be awesomesauce. xD
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Postby blkmage » Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:47 pm

I've been catching up with the Aria manga, since it's not actually completely translated (although it's getting close). If you've only watched the anime, it's a great way to relive the great moments in Aria. The order of events is slightly different (which doesn't really matter for something that's episodic like this) and there are a few extra stories that aren't in the anime.

Something that I like about the manga is the way it uses the panels. Some of those huge two-page spreads are amazing. I think this is the sort of thing that the mangaka for Yotsuba&! is getting at when he says that he doesn't think that Yotsuba&! can be made into an anime. I think that some of the panels are much more impressive than the equivalent screenshots from the anime.

But yeah, both the anime and manga are excellent, and both offer a little something that you won't get in the other. It's worth it to take a look at both if you can.
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Postby Falx » Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:19 pm

I just watched the last episode.

Wow... just... wow.

Edit: And Akari is my favorite. The deep and abiding love she has for everyone she meets regardless of who they are is, quite honestly, inspirational.
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