" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins.
AJV (post: 1354671) wrote:I'd say my favorites are:
The Elric Brothers (Ed and Al) from both Anime Series
Roy ( wasn't always a fav of mine but I've warmed up to him)
Hawkeye ( she's so cool )
Hughes ( he was really a fun character, I miss him. )
Wraith ( from Brotherhood )
Lin Yao/Greed ( another interesting character(s) )
Winry (she's so cute)
Lust (I think she was characterized in the first anime better)
Envy ( So cool)
There's probably others that I like but these are the ones I can think of the top of my head.
Yamamaya (post: 1354745) wrote:I have to agree with the Lust statement. In Brotherhood, she was just killed off as another bad guy. In the original, her death was far more emotional. You had grown to love her as a character and it saddened you to see her die.
Yamamaya (post: 1354550) wrote:I forgot about Ling, he rocks as well.
I feel sorry for Al. Poor dude doesn't get any pairings
Mr. Hat'n'Clogs (post: 1354841) wrote:Mei my friend, just Mei. They're only a little over a year apart, unless my memory fails me.
You know, thinking of an Al x Mei pairing, it would be hilarious if
[spoiler]Al got his body back and it was short due to the shared nutrients between it and Ed and Ed grew taller than him[/spoiler]
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