So I just got this today. I was browsing through the local "Christian Supply" store where I live and I noticed this manga (I also noticed one called "Serenity" I might look into that one some other time though.) and since I am a Christian, and love manga I decided to buy it.
I haven't started reading it yet but I will tonight it looks pretty interesting and I smiled at the purple haired angel on the back cover <<<If he had hair it would be purple.
But what I am really looking for is the other one in this series that I just found out about called "Manga Messiah", and "Manga Mutiny" unfortunately Manga Mutiny isn't out yet but I will definitely get that when it comes out.
But I can't find the Manga Messiah anywhere! I looked in Hastings and Borders (The Christian Supply right near me didn't have it just the Metomorphosis one) so tomorrow or in the next couple of days I will try the Christian supply in Post Falls and the Barnes and Nobles in Spokane.
Anyways I just made this topic since I didn't have anything else to do and wanted to know if any other people have read this series?