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Postby Riggidig » Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:09 am

This one's for all you fighting game fans out there:

1) What's your favourite fighting game of all time and why?

2) What's your LEAST favourite fighting game of all time and why?

3) If every fighting game character you know of were pitted against each other who do you think would be the winner and why?

4) What would you reckon is the most devastating move in a fighting game EVER and why?

5) Lastly, which do you prefer: 2D or 3D fighting games and why?
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Postby Kkun » Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:48 am

Riggidig (post: 1338482) wrote:This one's for all you fighting game fans out there:

1) What's your favourite fighting game of all time and why?

2) What's your LEAST favourite fighting game of all time and why?

3) If every fighting game character you know of were pitted against each other who do you think would be the winner and why?

4) What would you reckon is the most devastating move in a fighting game EVER and why?

5) Lastly, which do you prefer: 2D or 3D fighting games and why?

1. At the moment, it's Street Fighter 4. Of all time, it's Guilty Gear X2. The reasons I love both are actually the same even though they're pretty different games. I think the mark of a well-made fighting game is that it has to possess a kind of deceptive simplicity where it is fundamentally easy enough for a first-timer to pick up and go, but it actually hides enough depth that if a seasoned fighting game player picked it up, they would spend months trying to figure everything out. I think both games possess this quality. I actually got to see this in action with my adopted Latvian cousin who had never played a fighting game in his life, but after about twenty minutes, he was throwing fireballs and hurricane kicks and having a blast, and yet there was still a WEALTH of things he had no clue about like EX attacks, Focus attacks, linking combos, kara-throwing, Focus Attack Dash Canceling, etc. SF4 has kept me entertained for close to three months and I still feel like there's a lot left for me to dig into. Guilty Gear X2 is similar. You can pick GGX2 up and start playing and wail some pretty sweet combos in a matter of a few minutes, but actually playing the game successfully requires spending a lot of time playing and understanding things like spacing, Roman Cancels, etc.

2. My least favorite fighting game... probably any of the Mortal Kombat series. I loved them when I was a kid, and then I played Mortal Kombat 2 last summer after having played things like GGX2, Capcom v. SNK 2, Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, Marvel Vs Capcom 2, etc. It felt boring and slow with very little sense of style. All of the characters felt the same.

3. I'm not really sure how to answer this one. I'll just throw out Sagat.

4. Iron Tager's Genesic Emerald Tager Buster from BlazBlue. : | It takes off more than half of your life bar. Also, I think Akuma's Raging Demon in most of his iterations is pretty devastating.

5. 2D all the way. I can't really give you any well-thought out reasons other than I just prefer 2D. Games like Tekken may be technically brilliant, but I don't find them nearly as exciting as throwing fireballs or dragon punches and wailing ridiculous combo strings in a faster paced 2D game. So for me, it's just a matter of taste.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:43 pm

1. I remember liking Power Stone a whole lot, enough that I wanted to buy the collection on PSP but never got around to it. However, I'm going to say a properly functioning (hard to get) Mugen is my favorite... Just something about being able to pit Ronald's Japanese cousin Donald McDonald against Colonel Sanders that makes it pure awesome... I know it can be completely imbalanced because it's all fan based, but balance is hardly the point and you can still trim off characters that are unbalanced from the roster.

2. Least favorite? I played an NES port of Mortal Kombat that was hideous.

3. Tomitake. Maybe

4. Well, aren't there instakill moves on Guilty Gear? I dont' really know, I never played those games. A lot of characters on Mugen have moves that stop time. Dio Brando and Tomitake, for 2 really well known examples. Of course, how "devastating" they are depends on how much damage they do, so they don't have to be that devastating.


5. 2D, though I've grown to love the Naruto game and I was quite fond of Power Stone, as I had said... I'm not a fan of Tekken or Soul Edge (oops, Trademark infringement) or Virtua Fighter or Dead or Alive, though. I used to like Tekken, and I'd play as Nina or Eddie Gordo, but going back to Tekken 3 (the one I started on) Nina is... Kind of pathetic, actually. And Gordo is cheap. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:52 pm

Riggidig (post: 1338482) wrote:1) What's your favourite fighting game of all time and why?
As a general principle I'm terrible at all fighting games, but I suppose Super Smash Brothers is my favorite in terms of mechanics, and Guilty Gear for its personality and winning smile.
Riggidig (post: 1338482) wrote:2) What's your LEAST favourite fighting game of all time and why?
None really, it's not exactly a genre I can get myself to care about enough to single out the bad ones.
3) If every fighting game character you know of were pitted against each other who do you think would be the winner and why?
Possibly Shiki Nanaya from Melty Blood, considering he doesn't kill his opponents, he literally removes them from the fabric of existance all together, regardless of immortality or invulnerability. Consequently, this means he's also the only person capable of defeating Nrvnqsr Chaos, so if Nanaya isn't available, my vote falls to him.
Riggidig (post: 1338482) wrote:4) What would you reckon is the most devastating move in a fighting game EVER and why?
Riggidig (post: 1338482) wrote:5) Lastly, which do you prefer: 2D or 3D fighting games and why?
2D fighters tend to have a lot more personality in my experience.
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