A Mystery Poem!!! ohhhhhh!!!

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A Mystery Poem!!! ohhhhhh!!!

Postby Hitokiri » Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:18 pm

this is a poem I decided to make after a real event that happened to me. Read it first, and then read it again and try to figure out what happened!!

I killed him
I swore my venegeance against his life.
After many attempts that left me empy handed
I killed him.

It seems like it was yesterday when I met him
He just seemed to bug me to no bounds!!
Hour after hour, minute after minute
He pestered me to near insanity.

That night I swore my vegeance upon the villain
That i would not sleep, rest, or relax till I held his lifeless body.
Waiting in the night, using two lights
I would hope to ensnare him and pry life from him.
I saw my chance and I swung at him, I missed and he flew from my hit.

Time went by as I knew this will be the hour of his demise.
I saw his figure appear again, standing still.
I swung and made a direct hit.
The blow only stunned my enemy and he fled again.

I tried countless times but my efforts proved fruitless.

I saw my enemy land before me, unaware of my unmoving eyes.
I raised my weapon and I crushed it upon his body.
I could hard the smacking of the weapon on his body.
Though he did not die. Why won't he die I cried out in vein.

He feel to the ground still alive and I jumped on top of him
And beat him beat him beat him some more.
I laughed at his pain for he could not bug me no more.
He could not fly from me anymore when I would strike at him

I relished in my glory of his demise but that was not enough.
My bloodlust knew no bounds.
I took his body and I pressed him against a orb-like surface.
A hot and painful light that burns. A light that gives live
But instead gave death.

After I saw life slip past him
I wondered what should I do with him.
I decided to give him a proper warriors death.
For he was a warrior.
Even though he annoyed me to point of insanity.

He almost had be defeated an dgace me one heck of a fight.
An insect compared to my stature, yet he was almost victorious.
He was a fly, buzzing around my head.

I took his body and I carried him to a pit and lit him afire.
The smeel of his bruning was strong ey it excited me.
I remembered his fighting spirit an dhow much he valued life.
But I stuck to my promise and could rest.

I sent him down a hole where he was grinded by the razor sharped edges and the rain came and washed the rocks clean of his gore.

That was my tale of my fight with my foe. Can you figure out who I killed?

Note: this is actually supposed to be funny, even though I wrote it in a serious manner. The outcome is rather funny I tihnk.

Try and figure it out and post who you think I killed. Look at clues in the story. If you need clues, I will point to parts in my poem that may help you.

Have fun :)
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