Originally posted by uc pseudonym
I base my thoughts about people's gender off their avatar. And for some reason I thought your dog looked male...
Sweet, your from Texas too. Hmm where ? Yeah I've seen you, your one of the most important members here aren't you; I guess I better befriend you early on kinda like suckering up. = )
Well, here are some laid-back questions for you, inkhana.
1. Who is the real Texan celebrity of the CAA: Ashley or you? Let's be honest here.
2. Do you have a favorite video game music theme... or group of themes? Is there a video game music theme (or group of themes) that can adequately describe your personality? If so, what are they?
3. You say you have dark blonde hair. What do you think about black hair?
4. Is there any type of PIE that you like? If so, do you like APPLEPIE, CHERRYPIE, BLUEBERRYPIE, PUMPKINPIE, CHICKENPOTPIE...?
Okay, now these questions are pretty serious, but I am very interested in your responses to them. Note: I have asked similar questions to Shatterheart in his "Get to know your local Shatterheart" thread. So I am not trying to single you out.
As a moderator of this site, I am sure you have a lot of responsibilities, and you try to set a good example for the rest of the members here.
5. So, why do this? (I have read the FAQ before I joined, and I can assume that you "like doing this" in a general sense.)
6. From the start of your involvement, what were your personal motivations, intentions, and goals in participating in this project? Have they changed since then? How are you holding up to them?
7. Finally, you might have had some expectations for this site initially. Are things going as expected?
If you do not want to answer any of these questions, I understand completely, and I will not press you.
inkhana wrote:[color=darkgreen]Black hair is cool. Why do you ask? ]
And you do have a fondness for apple pie, don't you?
Wow! I too want to be a professional mangaka. What's it like? Is it *really* hard? (I mean, I know it can't be easy) Any advice?
Also, I have dark brown curly/wavy hair, and I live just outside Dallas, so we have that in common - but, you already knew that. ^_^
And, you're a great mod.
Why do you not post a pic? What's the real motive behind - i.e. not just to annoy duckie and members of PIE
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