Roadoffew's random poerty/lyrical page

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Roadoffew's random poerty/lyrical page

Postby roadoffew » Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:41 pm

running from who knows what
three figures with unknown connection
memories flash of emotions not understood
trapped on the glass beautiful yet fragile
hand in hand behind backs
stairs to a locked door
a fragile decision to be made
frames of what was
naked is the soul

static booming bass
rise of something strange
bouncing shock of the senses
beating frenzy in your heart
sigh again
stutter then sigh again
slow down and face the enemy
eye to eye
window to window
yet neither knows the other's soul
beats out of time but in harmony
accent strikes
the organ comes in giving dramatic essences
the organ is alone
everything kicks in with great energy and force
sword strikes sword
the battle intensifies
he strikes
innocence blocks
her blood is shed
tear drop of red falls
the splash on the floor freezes in time

moans and cries in the night with soulful clarity
flying around, away, afar, any where but here
children sing of earthly drones
wings stretch forth
eyes lock in the trance of the dance
machine locks you in place
sit and dream of the past
she was everything
halo and wings are the misconception
not everything is what it seems
cry of pain in the night
a mother long gone
a friend there through it all
the child runs through the field
a desperate reach for one who is falling
a haunting dream brought to life turns it's ugly head
all the images morph in and out
the happy times display across the night sky
back against the roof
firefly's dance
the eyes see all and reflect everything
beauty with a look of longing
children sing

energy blast around
beats drive through your soul
hearts loses it's tempo and tries to adapt
eerie piano
white hair blinds me
slowing down
lyrics reflect images
energy then repeats with no change
but emotion increases
evil eyes see you
a stand off side by side
but in opposite directions

*and now an explanation to the weird things you have just read. Basically I was bored and needed something to express what creativity, or lack there of (which ever you prefer). So i decided to watch a few videos from my favorite section on youtube. all the videos I watched and techno music as it's audio. One video had not visuals. What I did was type what i saw of felt from the video at the time it happened. Some things I typed were images that I had made up in my head prior as to what I would have done at the music video for the song.

Each paragraph is one video. If you would like to see this videos or hear these songs and see if you can get the same images that I did then here are the links in order of viewing.
I think nothing offensive in in these videos or songs. warning audio in second link is LOUD.
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Second poem (take 2)

Postby roadoffew » Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:30 pm

Static waves pulsate through the city
heads turn in intrigue
it has begun
the waves spill through alleyways and sidewalks
they come by the thousands, running toward the commotion
bodies fall from apartment windows joining the rush of people
They march with great flight till they finally arrive
everyone putters to stop and encircle the standoff
She opens her eyes
held closed so long she had forgotten
the unstable movement of people fill her vision
they chant and provoke something
head swings right to left blurring everything
her innocent yet fearful eyes find the commotion
and she remembers what she wanted to forget
they walk in circles
a dance of intimidation
eyes locked
peer through windows
staring down the others soul
the anger builds
sword strikes sword
sparks ignite the now darkening sky
two fight over the innocent one
fighting for they are corrupt
the fued ranges for hours all while she innocently watches
in horror she closes her eyes
Everything freezes
still images swirl around
she reaches out to touch them
happy times
innocent times together
just the three of them
before the hatred
before the jealousy
she closes here eyes holding back the tears
A scream fills her ears
she sees blood stream through the sky
one sword sliced passed it mark
the least guilty of two is scared
the other is all that is left with weapon in hand
The end is near
he cracks a smile
he stares at his opponent now helpless
his smile fades
the blade is pulled back
anger fills his spirit
he thrust forward to kill the less than guilty
innocence intervenes
her face flashes into his view
he halts violently
but not soon enough
he now stares into her soul as the window seals shut
blood drips forth from her wound
the red falls to the concrete
the splash ever frozen in time.
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Postby animewarrior » Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:44 pm

these are really neat... I think you have a gift my friend.
Status: Lurker.... but I'll be around.
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Random words at 11:54pm

Postby roadoffew » Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:12 pm

Can I say what needs to be said?
I tear through the pages for the words
dictionaries, thesauruses, cliff notes
my room is covered in black and white
and it is read all over
but i never liked plagiarism
I value originality
Will that be my downfall?
Can I say what needs to be said?

My own words fail me now
they speak negativity to fight helplessness
they spew hatred to fight condemnation
they spit fear to fight uncertainty
what good are they to me?
can I say what needs to be said?

God what am I to do?
I see one that needs your love
I hear how they need assurance
I feel their sorrow in the words they emote
but windows and screens denied me passage
a warm embrace I cannot give
Can MY words form like arms to hold?
Can I say what needs to be said?

Can you see her lord?
sitting there in her personal hell
laying in the water from her tears
Can YOU say what needs to be said?

Speak to her
speak to me
speak the words I cannot fathom
speak what I can not utter
speak what I need to hear
speak what she needs to hear
speak what needs to be said
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Postby roadoffew » Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:30 pm

the blood thickens in my veins
pulsating in my skull
so strong like a migraine
it flows into my hands
clamping onto the wheel
fifty five miles an hour
they say the dead drive fast
but it's the blind that really do
when rage fills your vision

No matter the cause:
disappointing outcome,
betrayed trust,
outrageous actions,
money stolen by no one but my own greed,
The universe turning on me, all angers the same.
It all hurts the same.

Busted drawer
cracked laptop
damaged walls
fractured remotes
mangled dics
shattered glass
The broken path laid from anger trails behind me

Fools get angry
I'm the lonely jester
I'm the sad clown
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Who needs a rib?

Postby roadoffew » Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:41 pm

(note this is an "ANTi-divorce" song based on my sister choosing to get a divorce)

don't bother again
He can't even stand on his own
don't mess with him
he's always broke or stoned
Think of yourself
you got it all figured out
put him on the self
who cares if he is left out?

Tear him out and wash him down the drain
you can stand all by yourself at the crib
but don't come to me and cry out with pain
you're the one who no longer needed that rib

why even fight
the drugs will always win
forget your wife
she's got a new life to begin
think of yourself
this single life isn't so bad
your son on the self
who cares if he is left out

tear here out and wash her down the drain
and that makes another broken home sib
but don't cry to me with all your pain
you never wanted to fight for that rib

why do I feel like I'm the one
being ripped opened at the side?
why do I feel like the only one
who has bleed out and died?

what legacy are you leaving?
what legacy are you forsaking?
Divide and conquer
is whatyou live for
what is it worth when you are bleeding from the side?
there's a gaping hole that you can not hide?

but like I said
who needs and extra rib,

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Postby animewarrior » Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:46 pm

hey roadoffew.. I don't know exactly how you feel because I've never had to be there (thank God) ... but I really think the anti-divorce poem is good...I love the symbolism...I'll post more in your prayer thread regarding the entire struggle you're facing.
Status: Lurker.... but I'll be around.
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