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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:39 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]Siobhan stopped her song and looked up into Unico's golden eyes with a hint of joy in her voice.
"Aye, I did. Something about her bothers me, so I decided to go and check it out. I'm sorry."

He looked like something deep had troubled him for quite some time and now it seemed to vanish. She chuckled and bowed her head to the snake Anichi.
"Thank you for doing so much for this place. You're more of a caretaker than I am, and I'm sorry that you had to deal with everyone whilst I was away . . ."

That nagging feeling that something was wrong with him wouldn't go away. Finally, it became so much of a headache that she asked: "Uni, why did my absence bother you?"[/font]
[SIZE="1"][color="Plum"]WHY GOD MADE J-ROCK: Kamijo[/color][/SIZE]
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:18 am

[SIZE="1"]Unico was a tad stirred by Siobhan's question. How could he answer, when he himself didn't know? Or perhaps he was fully aware, but preferred to ignore the truth. Regardless, a devious smile formed and he spoke. His words a mixture of jesting and concern.

"Siobhan, do you really need an answer to that question? Tell me who admires and loves you,
And I will tell you who you are.

I would hope by now you realize exactly what you mean to me. What have I done to deserve your serious nature? What I did, I did wholly for you."

Unico sighed, cocking his head. This was done more out of frustration with Siobhan then anything.
"There is no need to apologize, Siobhan. I was terrible worried about your well-being. The others can manage own their own, but they still need you. You are, quite aptly, our stone wall."

Unico slipped his cold hand into Siobhan's. He was much more serene now. Siobhan was alright. Good.
"Conri and I were discussing some plans about evacuating the orphanage. Do you wish to come along?"
Unico wasn't going to force her. She must be fazed from her travel, and would completely understand if she just wanted to rest. Still, there was a certain amount of indescribable relief to see her again. [/SIZE]
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:25 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]"I know exactly what I mean to you, Uni, but we will discuss this later--MUCH later."

She stood up and cradled his hand within her own as she shrugged nonplussed.
"Well," she spoke with a sarcastic tone, "If I didn't go, I wouldn't be much of a leader, would I? C'mon, let's go."[/font]
[SIZE="1"][color="Plum"]WHY GOD MADE J-ROCK: Kamijo[/color][/SIZE]
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:15 pm

Maxine was contemplating asking Kisho something, but she wasn't sure how he would take it. What if he says no?.. She thought, her hands shoved in her pockets and her head downcast. Well, it's not like I'm not use to traveling alone.. She sighed and finally decided to speak her mind. Trying to get to her real question as subtle as possible. "Hey Kish.." She walked up next to him. "Have you ever thought about leaving this place?"
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Postby Nami » Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:09 pm

Lil_Ninja (post: 1279340) wrote:Maxine cocked her head and folded her arms. "Why does a dog chase it's tail?" She turned to Kisho to answer his question. "I'm fine." She smirked. "I've gotten use to being chased." She stuck her hands in her pockets. "But hey, if it wasn't for this little chase, my foot wouldn't have gotten popped back in place."


Conri stopped talking when he saw Affinity coming their way. "Oh, hello." He smiled and waved to her. "Who are you?"

Kisho smiled a little, "I know...still.." he sighed.
Affinity looked at Unico and Conri and bowed as Unico introduced her, "Hello, I am Affinity as Unico has said." she smiled as Unico left, "so you are going to be in charge of something? Sounds like a huge task especially when it's from Unico." a slow smirk slid onto her face.

Lil_Ninja (post: 1279930) wrote:Maxine was contemplating asking Kisho something, but she wasn't sure how he would take it. What if he says no?.. She thought, her hands shoved in her pockets and her head downcast. Well, it's not like I'm not use to traveling alone.. She sighed and finally decided to speak her mind. Trying to get to her real question as subtle as possible. "Hey Kish.." She walked up next to him. "Have you ever thought about leaving this place?"

Kisho looked at her, "Sure...I have." he looked off into the distance, "but...I met some people that I really care about, even Unico is one of them." Kisho sighed and closed his eyes, "It's stupid to care for people who couldn't care less about you...even Sio...Sio seems to have become like Unico...uncaring. She used to treat me like I was a real person and not just something to walk on..." Kisho looked at Maxine, "but it seems time does change people." He chuckled, "it doesn't matter." he stared up at the tree's leaves, "I wanted to run away...so badly..but...my feelings keep me here." he looked at Maxine again, "Max...are you thinking of leaving?" he asked, a pained look crossed his face but he wiped it away.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:57 pm

Conri nodded. "Nice to meet you." He then directed his attention to her last question. He shrugged, still smiling a bit. "I guess, but I've grown accustom to these types of tasks back where I came from." He studied her face, wondering if he had ever seen her before. "So, what brings you to this place?"


Maxine's heart sank a little when Kisho said he didn't want to leave. Alone again, I guess. She thought. Her ears then caught the 'care for people who couldn't care less about you' part and a handful of memories came to her mind. She quickly pushed them away to focus on the conversation at hand. "Yes.. Time ruins everything." She smirked sadly at Kisho. Her mind was brought back to the times long ago when her and Kisho use to travel together. I guess those times were never meant to be relived.. Her eyes found Kisho's again, and she scrunched up her eyebrows, "You say that like it surprises you." She sighed and folded her arms. "C'mon, you knew it was inevitable.. Didn't you?"
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:41 pm

OOC-Hey everyone I have a bit of a problem with my comp. It has a bug in it and I'm going to get it fixed so I'm not going to be on for maybe a week or so. Just thought you would like to know.

BIC- Storm walked away from Kisho and Maxine because they were starting to bore him. While heading back to the orphanage Storm caught a glimpse of Unico and Siobhan under a nearby tree. Ignoring them Storm walked into the orphanage and sat down in a chair waiting for something to happen that might peek his interests'.
Derek -The Daring Pokemon - A cool, totally awesome Pokemon that uses his power of song, medical skills and powers of cool to make others see things differently. He is not temperamental, but he likes to pull pranks and grins when you fall into his traps. Usually, he styles a fedora and prances around on all fours, he's all black with a white belly.

"Although I look into infinity. I only see the lords eyes, always shining upon my face and smiling in my heart. He will always be with me, no matter where I may go. Always watch over me lord. For I shall be eternal in your light."-Derek.
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Postby Nami » Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:42 pm

OOC: Okay Derek, sorry you aren't involved more, perhaps I will make another character to interact with you..ya?

IC: Affinity smiled at Conri, "ah, that kind of person eh?" her eyebrows went up at his last question, "Well, I was searching for several years for this place, it holds many untold secrets, I really am a fan of such historical places. It also has a huge library filled with books, and I do so love to read." she smiled again, she knew that even if someone had a suspicions of her being a human they were wrong and if someone had any suspicions about her being a Anichi they were wrong. She was an outcast, and outsider from both worlds, she didn't care though. Affinity arched a brow, "what brings you here?" she asked.
Kisho winced a little at Maxine's sadness, "time does..." he muttered, he wasn't normally this emotional, it was usually hard for him to be kind of speak softly, but around Maxine and Sio he had never had a problem with that. Kisho sighed, "It doesn't really surprise me, but I am disappointed, I was hoping that you would stay around here for a while..." he paused and looked down at the ground, "keep me company, like old times." he mumbled the last part as the breeze picked up his black and orange hair.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:51 am

Maxine furrowed her brow again and looked down towards the ground, letting her black hair cover her expression. Stay?.. I can't, it--it just wont work.. She glared at a leaf on the ground, as if it did something wrong. But Kish.. She felt torn between two worlds, and she hated it. She battled with her animal side wanting to leave, and her human side wanting to stay, both wanting their own way at any cost. "I just-.." She was at a loss for words. This was the first time in her life she couldn't make up her mind on where to go. Her thoughts were jumbled, and she was confused. She usually wasn't this emotional either, but blasts from the past tend to do that to her. C'mon dummy, you can't just stand here doing nothing. Make up your mind already! She let out a breath and looked back up, pushing her bangs out of her eyes. "I--got to go.." She said, avoiding eye contact with him. Before he could reply, she turned into a Marten and moved quickly through the woods, away from him.
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:20 pm

[SIZE="1"]Unico grinned, as he and Siobhan walked side-by-side, hand-in-hand towards the back door. He was feeling more refreshed, now that his other half had returned. Yet, there lingered a horrible nagging feeling that Siobhan was more reluctant towards him then he remembered. These ideas could wait. Right now he had an orphanage to evacuate. Also, it appeared Kisho and Maxine were under some severe stress. This lightened Unico's mood immensely.

I just wish we could hurry and decide on were to run...

Unico cocked his head at Siobhan, thinking.

"...Siobhan, dearest. Any suggestions about a safe haven?"[/SIZE]
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Postby Nami » Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:28 pm

Kisho watched Maxine for a few moments, waiting for her to say something instead he saw her leave and he couldn't do anything to stop her, even though he reached out to grab her. "Max!" he said, stumbling forward. "Crud..." he muttered running a hand through his hair, he turned and looked back once before heading up to the orphanage, he was thoroughly annoyed with everything, annoyed he couldn't keep his friends around, annoyed that he was haunted by some demon cat and annoyed that he was once again alone.
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:32 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]Siobhan shook her head despairingly as her shoes clicked against the ground.
"I'm really not sure of many places. The monastery could be a choice, but that would inconvenience the Fathers...."

She sighed heavily, as if fifty-million things were bearing down on their current situation. She never thought all this would happen to the orphanage, not in an eternity!
"There's always the possibility of moving to another area completely. But....that might be too much of a strain."[/font]
[SIZE="1"][color="Plum"]WHY GOD MADE J-ROCK: Kamijo[/color][/SIZE]
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:17 pm

[SIZE="1"]Unico nodded in agreeance. He was still favoring his own idea to just leave, but sincerely doubted the others would think the same.

"No, that's an idea worth pursuing. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to make decisions for the Orphanage. We need to talk to Conri about it."

Unico rubbed Siobhan's hand softly. His tone was soft and sweet as he tried to reassure her with his own confidence.
"It's going to be fine, you will see. Nothing ill will befall the Orphanage." Unico smiled. It was truly amazing, how he could convince himself of anything. [/SIZE]
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:48 am

Maxine finally stopped to study the area, sniffing around in her Marten form, trying to find the hollow tree she had hidden her backpack in. She looked at the different trees, thoroughly confused. "..Was that the hollow tree?.. Or was this one it.." She paused, trying her hardest to remember, but her mind was so distant at the moment, this simple task was getting to be a handful. "..Or did I already pass it?.." She sighed heavily and looked around, straining her brain for the memory she wanted. Finally, FINALLY, she spotted the tree she wanted. She crawled into a smallish hole at the base of it, and a little while later, she crawled out with a black backpack in her marten mouth. She turned into her human form and slipped the backpack on. It's true that she decided to leave, but every ounce of her human being was shunning her for it. "Kish, why do you have to do this to me?.." She said softly, sighing a little. She leaned her back against the tree, and closed her eyes. Can I even bring myself to leave him again?.. She asked herself, scrunching up her face. Her animal side kicked her for that. What am I thinking.. I very well know I shouldn't be attached to anything.. It will be used against me.. She rubbed her face hardly, and pushed off the tree, walking in the opposite direction of the orphanage. After a couple of seconds, she stopped. She looked over her shoulder, wondering if it would be wise to go back to say goodbye. I probably shouldn't.. She looked in front of herself and took another step, but the funny thing was, she couldn't get herself to take another. "Ugh!", she let out an annoyed sound. She turned back around, and started running, in the direction of the orphanage this time. I just know I'll be kicking myself later if I don't.. She huffed. "Freakin' girly emotions!" She mumbled loudly, annoyed with herself.
When she got to the edge of the woods, she halted her run and forced herself to walk. He's probably in his room by now or something.. She figured, walking towards the door.
Then, she spotted Unico and Siobhan. Oh, shoot! She almost said out loud. She tried passing them without drawing attention to herself. Her expression was grim, and sad, with just a hint of annoyance. All the time she was walking in sight of them, she was thinking, Please just stay in your little lovey dovey world!..

OOC: Just to be clear, Maxine does not like Kisho more than a friend. XP


Conri tried to think of a good answer for Affinity's question. "I-uh, came to help, you could say." He smiled cheesily at her. "So.. This is probably a silly question to ask.. But, are you an anichi?" He asked her, his arms folded and his head cocked a little. He didn't know what, but just something about her rubbed him the wrong way, and he didn't like it.
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:55 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]Siobhan let go of Unico's hand gently and began pacing back and forth, trying her hardest to ignore Maxine.
"If we don't hurry, it really won't matter. The decision needs to be made as soon as possible..."

She stared blankly at Maxine as the pine marten passed by, disdain in her voice.
"Oh look, it's the little rat...finally leaving, are we?"[/font]
[SIZE="1"][color="Plum"]WHY GOD MADE J-ROCK: Kamijo[/color][/SIZE]
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:37 pm

Maxine stopped in her tracks, her fists tightening. She did not want to deal with Siobhan right now. Just ignore her.. Just keep walking.. She thought to herself, but her feet didn't listen. She spun around, facing Siobhan, and cocked her head, making an odd tight smile, her eyes filled with annoyance. Before she could stop herself, her mouth went off, "Sorry to disappoint the wittle kitty, but the rat is here to stay." She slightly winched at what she just said, regret crossing her expression. She wished she didn't say anything. She wasn't here to stay.. She was just back to say goodbye to Kisho.. She looked down, and before anything else could slip out, she moved for the door.
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:33 pm

Jumping up from the chair that he was sitting in. Storm ran outside and just as he got out the front door he jumped onto the side of the orphanage in his tiger form. Getting to the top Storm surveyed the landscape. After surveying it enough Storm felt better because what he thought might have been trouble was only his wild imagination.
Derek -The Daring Pokemon - A cool, totally awesome Pokemon that uses his power of song, medical skills and powers of cool to make others see things differently. He is not temperamental, but he likes to pull pranks and grins when you fall into his traps. Usually, he styles a fedora and prances around on all fours, he's all black with a white belly.

"Although I look into infinity. I only see the lords eyes, always shining upon my face and smiling in my heart. He will always be with me, no matter where I may go. Always watch over me lord. For I shall be eternal in your light."-Derek.
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:06 pm

[SIZE="1"]"It would appear Siobhan has acquired yet another friend." The sarcasm in Unico's voice was so well hidden, it was barely noticeable. His golden eyes judged Maxine from head to foot. Odd... Seizing that notion, he grinned coldly.

"Your words contradict your actions, Maxine. You say one thing, yet your face tells another."

Unico slithered into a more relaxed position, assuming Siobhan would wait a moment. As Maxine stormed off, he called to her in his most sincere, venomous tone imaginable.

"-Perhaps it is the Marten's fondness of Kisho that draws her back."

Slightly tilting his silver head to the side, Unico smiled warmly at Siobhan.
"As we were discussing... I for one am in favor of moving. Now."[/SIZE]
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:24 pm

Maxine stopped in her tracks (again..) and squeezed her eyes shut. Don't blow up.. Don't blow up! She spun around to face Unico, and put her finger up, pointing at him. "Don't you--!.." She stopped herself from saying any more, clenching her teeth down and flaring her nostrils. "Don't go there, unicorn." She said through gritted teeth. She turned around and started walking, but stopped to say one last thing. "And you know what?" She narrowed her eyes, her hands in a fist. "You're a--jerk." She stormed through the orphanage door. Well, that was smooth, Max. She thought, letting out a long breath. You know what.. Just find Kisho and forget about them.. They're nobodies.. She thought, moving for the stairs, keeping her eyes open for Kisho.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:25 pm

OOC:Is it day or night? I can't tell.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:16 pm

OOC: Night as far as I know.
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:05 am

"Man do I love the night sky here. It's so peaceful. I wonder how it became like this?"said Storm.
Derek -The Daring Pokemon - A cool, totally awesome Pokemon that uses his power of song, medical skills and powers of cool to make others see things differently. He is not temperamental, but he likes to pull pranks and grins when you fall into his traps. Usually, he styles a fedora and prances around on all fours, he's all black with a white belly.

"Although I look into infinity. I only see the lords eyes, always shining upon my face and smiling in my heart. He will always be with me, no matter where I may go. Always watch over me lord. For I shall be eternal in your light."-Derek.
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Postby Nami » Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:57 am

Kisho was walking down the steps from his bedroom when he heard Maxine shouting at Unico, he blinked rapidly startled to hear her voice and trotted down the last steps his baggy cargo pants with chains and trips in the back jiggling as he did so. "Max?" he said slowly, coming around the corner in time to run right into her. "Gah!" he jumped slightly, "ah...I thought you were leaving?" he said.

OOC: >.> just friends! :lol::lol::lol:

Affinity smiled at Conri, "I am here to help too." she shrugged, "how else would I get in here?" she said evasively.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:18 pm

Maxine was startled at Kisho bumping into her, and his reaction. Kish!.. Oh great.. What do I say?! She looked down, her eyes darting back and forward. It's fine, relax. Just play it cool.. The reason you came was to say goodbye and that's it. Keep it short and sweet. "I--uh.." She cleared her throat and looked up at him, avoiding eye contact. She was still a bit on edge from Unico and Siobhan. "I came back because.. You know.. Uh--" Oh great! She couldn't manage to spit it out. She didn't want to disappoint him again..
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:30 pm

[font="palatino linotype"]Siobhan looked a bit despairingly at Unico.
"We can't just up and go right this moment. We'll have to get everyone packed up and find a solid location."

Her ears burned slightly, as she was able to hear bits and pieces of Kisho and Maxine's conversation.
She just couldn't help it, she had to butt into their conversation. Raising her voice, Siobhan spoke up just loud enough for those two to hear.
"Because she told me that she was staying. Now, I wonder just what her reason was. Kisho, do you suppose that you know?"[/font]
[SIZE="1"][color="Plum"]WHY GOD MADE J-ROCK: Kamijo[/color][/SIZE]
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:39 pm

Conri shrugged at Affinity. "Oh, I don't know. Sneaking in or something?" He joked. "Hey, I'm going to go check on the others. I'll talk to you later." He told her as he started moving away. I'll have to keep an eye on her.. he thought as started walking down the hall. He glanced in one of the open doors as he passed and he spotted a kid unpacking his bag. He stopped by the doorway and poked his head in the room. "Hey there. I just came to check up. Settling in alright?"
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Postby Robin Firedrake » Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:50 pm

"Uh... sure. Good enough." Answered Leano. "Were those gunshots I heard earlier?"
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:01 pm

Conri nodded. "Yeah, but everything's under control now." He smiled. "No need to worry." He leaned against the door frame, his hands in his pockets. "So, where you from, kid?"
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Postby Robin Firedrake » Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:17 pm

"I, uh... I dunno. My parent's always told me they found me in the jungle. Probably joking around but I can't really rule out the possibility."
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Postby Nami » Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:55 pm

Kisho arched a brow, 'What's she trying to..' he looked up when he heard Sio, "oh you decided to stay?" he felt a smile coming to his face, but he didn't smile, not yet. "Thought you were going to leave, because I always found you to be a loner." he arched a brow.

Affinity smiled at his joke and waved as Conri walked off, 'Of course he would be suspicious, but I will earn their trust. And then break it.' She grinned wickedly and went to the kitchen.
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