rocklobster (post: 1265912) wrote:AM I the only Heroes fan left on this forum?
I'm a fan.
I think Season 2 used up a lot of grace from Heroes fans, but I actually enjoyed parts of it and when Season 3 started up, I was ready for the game.
I'm just having a hard time reading this thread because I can't really read the spoilers. The shade of blue that my computer uses when I highlight something makes it impossible to read.
I'm really enjoying what they've been doing, and the plot has been moving along at a fast clip. What's cool about this season is that they've addressed any problems I've had with the plot IN the show. So when something happens (like, in the first scene of the season, where Claire thinks she can use a gun on someone who, normally, that wouldn't work on) they show us the reason why an episode or two later (and suddenly, Claire's confidence in the gun in that first scene of the season doesn't feel so misplaced).
Last episode's sequence with Hiro and the paintings was fun, especially when I caught that glimpse of the painting on the rock when they first arrived . . . and suddenly you know what's coming. Again, this is addressed in show ("hanging a lampshade on it" is the term I've seen used), where the painter says, "You finally started using your brain. That's how you succeed." Or some such.
So, yeah, I feel like it's worth my time, and it makes for a great double feature with Terminator.
Oh, and Mohinder? Man . . . I don't know where they're going with that. But the theme of this story arc seems to be "choices". What do you do with your power? Use it for good or evil? Become a hero or villain?
You see it with the Peter/Sylar arc; the HRG/Sylar arc; the Mohinder arc; the Claire arc; the speedster/Hiro/Ando/Parkman arc. All these arcs are dancing round the theme of choices.
~ Ben