CAA FAQ wrote:Politics- Political threads and posts will be closed if posted. Politics has nothing to do with Christianity or anime, our two primary topics, and furthermore only causes opportunity for division within our community. In short, there's simply no positive purpose for them here.
We have been nice, and have simply closed threads that broke the rules. It seems, however, that over time people have begun to take advantage of our leniency. People post whatever they want, disregarding the rules to get their two cents in...and don't care if it gets closed. This behavior needs to stop. If you see a thread that breaks the rules, treat it like you would a troll by ignoring it. By jumping in and debating, you are no better than the person breaking the rules to begin with.
Please think before you post. We will be enforcing this through strikes/banning if we need to. Don't force our hand on this. Things can be great around here without making the staff crack down. The staff appreciate that members have views on issues, everyone does...but that does not mean you need to use CAA as your soapbox. Get an LJ or something. Anyway, if you have any questions on CAA's rules or this post in general, feel free to message me or any other staffer. Thanks folks.