LadyRushia (post: 1270527) wrote:I don't think Imadoki or Alice 19th have any raep, but I read those so long ago that I hardly remember them.
LadyRushia (post: 1270527) wrote:I don't think Imadoki or Alice 19th have any raep, but I read those so long ago that I hardly remember them.
[SPOILER]I thought that Soshi and Riiko did end up together at the end though? Because Night was like "Well, she's yours now! Take care of her for me! Blah Blah Blaaah...[/SPOILER]
minakichan (post: 1270711) wrote:[SPOILER]Night said that, but then Riiko said that she would only love Night and Soshi gave up on her.[/SPOILER]
Plenty of people, young girls and everyone else, get life lessons from media. The reason that narrative media have themes is to send a message, and sometimes these themes can be very wholesome and positive. Stories that discuss racial tolerance and the worth of a human life and whatever aren't written just to spout air, and tons of creators and authors use their craft to promote their beliefs and worldviews. Directors and producers write movies like Hotel Rwanda or whatever not simply to entertain, but to raise an issue. The idea that humans are somehow weak-minded if they are affected by art defies the intentions and the power that art can inherently have. Media by definition exists to convey information, and one that somehow fails to do so fails as a medium. Just as the Bible or Christian commentary can have a powerful effect on its audiences, so can secular media. It's completely natural.
I know some people like to make a distinction between "high" and "low" art, but considering that "low" art can be just as pervasive and influential as "high" art, I wouldn't underestimate its impact (and people have made a living analyzing how impactful mass media and popular culture can be). Humans are affected by experiences they undergo and influences around them-- which raises all kinds of questions about free will and the definition of the human soul, but what can ya do.
That said, there are tons of girls who fantasize over Night. I was disturbed to discover that polls showed that most readers would prefer Night as a boyfriend. I mean, ignoring the fantasizing-over-anime-characters aspect aside, the perfect robot programmed to suit your desires? REALLY?
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