Cliche Hunting tools

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Cliche Hunting tools

Postby Animus Seed » Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:06 am

Just thought I'd sure a couple nifty sites I found while hunting online that might help with any writing you're doing. Especially with NaNoWriMo in full force as I type this, every trick you can use to avoid accidentally bad writing is a good one, right?

The first one is a cliche finder. Simply paste your bit of writing into the window and hit "Find Cliches," and the Finder will highlight your tired phrases in bold red. (Whether you can salvage them or even think it's better to leave them alone is up to you!)

The second one is actually the opposite. is a search engine for when you want to look up a cliche to use. Sometimes it's necessary, after all: for dialogue and/or characterization purposes, for example. Remember Grahame Coats, from Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys, is one of the most memorable villains in modern literature and could only speak in cliches.
Kyrie eléison.
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Animus Seed
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