Monster of a song!

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Monster of a song!

Postby ADXC » Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:11 pm

Hello all! I normally do not post in this forum; but due to the song choice I have made for the piano competition in either February or March, I feel inclined to post here to see if any you have heard of an arranger by the name of Rebecca Bonam. In case you don't know who she is, she is a pianist who arranges certain hymns(And really well I might add. I have one of her CDs and she sounds phenomenal). Im playing the version of the song A Mighty Fortress Is Our God which she arranged. And it is hard as mess. Well at least for me it is. There are many cluster chords, flats, a few key changes, and other things as well(Such as dynamics, tempo, and octave changes.). Now it might just be my inexperience kicking in, but I really do think it's the hardest song that Ive ever attempted. So much so that I do not know if I'll have it memorized by the time of the competition. But I will try my hardest to do it. The song is just so pretty and wonderful that I know that this is the song that Im going to play at my last competition. But getting to that point will be one of the most trying challenges in my musical quest(Sorry Im not what other word works to describe it. It's not really my job, it's just a hobby/extracurricular activity. But I could go on to playing the piano as my career in the future.) So I want you all to pray for me that I'll be able to get through this. And also if you have any tips I'll be more than welcome to hear them.
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Postby ADXC » Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:21 pm

Anyone, anyone?

Bueler, Bueler, Bueler.....
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