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Postby Nami » Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:17 pm

Kisho nodded, "Nice to meet you Max, and yes that is our destination." he smiled and then took off at a jog, "Come on" he called back as he ran, he slowed himself so she could catch up and stopped by the front door. "The Kitchen is fully stocked." he said.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:22 pm

"Coming." Maxine called back. She easily caught up to Kisho at the front door. A smile appeared on her face at Kisho's words. The only thing on her mind was food. "Sweet..." She opened the door and stepped in, scanning the area. Once she spotted the fridge, she quickly made her way to it. She opened it and scanned the contents. Let's see.. Ah, yes! She thought when she spotted what she wanted. With one swift move, she grabbed a whole cooked chicken and a fish, and closed the fridge, making her way to the table. She plopped down on a chair and began eating the fish, ignoring any trace of table manners she might have had.
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Postby Nami » Mon Sep 01, 2008 6:06 am

Kisho tried to hide his smirk as he watched her, "You enjoy, I'm going to get this bunny mended." he turned and left the room, heading down to the medical room where he found some bandaging and prepared a splint. "I know you're scared my little friend, but I won't hurt you I promise."

The rabbit shivered and shook as Kisho gently applied some medicine and then put the splint on wrapping it snuggly to make sure it would stay. "There, now you will have to stay here for a while, otherwise you won't make it." Kisho put the rabbit into a spare metal cage they always had on hand in case of an emergency, and put down some bedding. "Alright, now back to see what Max is up to."

Kisho returned to the kitchen and leaned in, "well? Is everything satisfactory?"
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:18 pm

Maxine nodded to Kisho, not taking her eyes off her mostly finished food. She ate the last couple bites and pushed her chair back from the table, wiping her mouth with her shirt. She studied the room she was in. Hmm.. So this is an orphanage, eh? I wonder what lives here.. She thought as she took the remains of her food and searched for the trashcan. That Kisho dude is an anichi, right? So that must mean anichis are accepted here or something.. She located the trashcan in the kitchen and dropped the food remains in it. Wiping her gloved hands on her pants, she looked around for Kisho. Kisho was it? He seems nice. I wonder what his animal is.. He said something about being unstable in the forest, right? So it must be a savage creature. A baboon maybe? She slightly laughed at the thought. That would be a funny creature to be.. She spun around when she heard a boys voice. "Oh, uh, yeah." She nodded. "You're out of chicken and fish now though." She told him, putting some strands of black hair behind her ear. "So.. What lives here? Is there more anichi than just you?"
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Postby Nami » Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:46 pm

Kisho nodded, "that's okay, we normally run out of meat fast." he chuckled, "well, other Anichi live here ya. Some aren't so nice so steer clear." he sighed and ran a hand through his hair and then shifted his eyes to hers, "Where did you come from?" Kisho asked cocking his head.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:00 pm

"Who doesn't." Maxine smirked. "Oh, I see. So anichis are safe here. As for the meaner ones, I can handle them." She said reassuringly with a slight smile as she folded her arms and leaned against the wall. Hah, I [I]better be able to handle them. I've grown up alone after all. And I definitely don't want to lose my reputation as the 'tough girl'.[/I] She thought jokingly. She sighed and searched her brain for a good answer to reply to Kisho. "Well, I don't really have a specific place I'm from. I move around a lot. I don't like staying in one place very long, it's too dangerous for me, too much of a risk someone will spot I'm an anichi. If you're asking where I'm from originally, I grew up on the streets of some city. From there, I just moved from spot to spot. Mostly staying in forest areas. Easier to catch food. Does that answer your question?" She cocked her head.
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Postby Nami » Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:33 pm

Kisho nodded, "Yeah, that does answer my question. So you basically wandered your whole life? Interesting..." Kisho stuck his hands into his jean pockets and watched Maxine for a long moment, "would... you like to stay here for a while? We have a fully-stocked library and a full-loaded kitchen as you well know" he grinned, "and some of the others probably wouldn't mind a new face..." After saying that Kisho remembered a rather recent new face, the girl who had come to their rescue when Sio had gone crazy. He pondered if anyone had checked on that girl, after all Unico had been really uptight about her.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:05 pm

Maxine slightly raised her eyebrow. Why the heck is he staring at me?..Dude.. He's weird.. She thought as she stood there in the awkward silence. Finally he spoke, making her relax a little. Ah, so he wants me to stay, huh? Hmm.. Staying in one place for a while will be a new one for me.. But I don't even know these people. Should I trust them so quickly? But.. I need a safe place to sleep.. She sighed and leaned her head against the wall. "Stay, huh?" She thought her options over a couple times. Well.. My options are pretty limited.. But what'll be the harm in staying? I could escape easily if all goes wrong. "I guess I could stay here for a little while.." She finally replied after much consideration. "But you wouldn't be seeing much of me. I'd be spending most of my time outside. I'm not a tame *Marten after all." She smirked. "So.. Who lives in this place anyway? I mean.. What are the animals?"

OOC: *Marten- Her Anichi animal
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:08 pm

Unico had briefly slipped away from Siobhan during their cleaning crusade, making his way down the stairs. As he dramatically slung a thick strand of silver hair off his shoulder, his mind kept returning to earlier. Much earlier, it seemed.

...I'm positive that human girl should still be here. Unless, of course, she fled when we where dealing with that ghastly business about Siobhan.

Making his last step down from the stairs, he stopped. Closing his eyes, he racked his brain for answers, but found none. They all could be the solution, the result. For now, there was no way to know for sure.

Was she even a human? Blast it all, I can't remember!

Dropping the mixed load of clothes onto the floor, he rubbed below his bottom lip as he thought.

...weren't there others? I must ask Kisho later..
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:04 pm

OOC- Hi everyone!!!

IC- Just outside of the orphanage lurking in the woods. Sat Storm in a tree just watching the odd happenings of the orphanage. He sat there thinking to himself,"What could be going on in that place?"

Wondering what he was getting himself into. Storm started to head for the orphanage making sure that he knew what his surroundings were. In case he had to escape from them if they were bad people.
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:02 pm

"Kisho? Kisho, answer me. I know you're here, I can distinctly smell you..." Unico rolled his eyes as he let slip a feeble moan.

"-which could have been accomplished from miles away. You reek."

Unico had just delivered his complaint when he noticed Maxine. Standing there in silence for a moment, he took this reprieve to study her. His golden eyes kept returning to her black hair, however.

Shaking himself free from the distraction, he turned to Kisho, trying to ignore the new girl until later.

"Ah, Kisho. I have a favor to ask of you... Have you any idea who is now in the Orphanage? I seem to have lost track..." Unico glanced at Maxine. In a monotone voice, he slipped his icy hand to Kisho's cheek and whispered cruelly:

"What's this? -Has Kisho made a friend at last? I knew if you tried diligently, someone was bound to put up with you."
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:09 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]Siobhan groaned quietly at being the one left to clear up all the clothes and load them into the washing machines.
Back and forth, the monotonous motion of picking the clothing up and placing it inside the washing machine was killing her already weak back.

After she loaded the machine full, and closed the lid, she leaned back against the wall, absentmindedly rubbing her thumb over her recent scar that had barely begun to scab over.
She walked back to her room, grabbing a small star hairclip, and pulled her bangs further back than they already were.
Meandering into the kitchen, which seemed to be the hub for all the action, she spotted a new girl standing before her, and she smelled faintly like....

Siobhan slightly sneered, but she shook it off as she called out to the girl.
"Um, hello, who might you be? I'm the caretaker of this orphanage, Siobhan Feirna. Nice to meet you!"[/font]
[SIZE="1"][color="Plum"]WHY GOD MADE J-ROCK: Kamijo[/color][/SIZE]
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:43 pm

Jairus expertly manuvered through the brush and thick vegitation in silence, crawling forward. He sniffed quietly at the air, catching a stong scent of tiger several yards ahead of him, wafting back toward his position. It was moving away from him in the direction he, too, was headed. He kept low so as not to alert the other being to his presence. He wasn't sure if the stranger ahead of him was friendly or not, so he played it safe from a distance and waited, inching forward as the other was doing.
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:14 am

Making it to the door of the orphanage Storm decided he would take a peek into the building to see what was happening in there. As he look inside he saw a man holding a rabbit just as he was leaving the room and a girl just sitting down to eat. He wondered to himself,"What kind of place is this and why does that girl smell like marten?"

"I hope I know what I'm getting myself into."said Storm to himself. Then storm started to head into the building to see if he could find someone that might be able to tell him what was going on.
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Postby Nami » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:31 am

Lil_Ninja (post: 1258564) wrote:Maxine slightly raised her eyebrow. Why the heck is he staring at me?..Dude.. He's weird.. She thought as she stood there in the awkward silence. Finally he spoke, making her relax a little. Ah, so he wants me to stay, huh? Hmm.. Staying in one place for a while will be a new one for me.. But I don't even know these people. Should I trust them so quickly? But.. I need a safe place to sleep.. She sighed and leaned her head against the wall. "Stay, huh?" She thought her options over a couple times. Well.. My options are pretty limited.. But what'll be the harm in staying? I could escape easily if all goes wrong. "I guess I could stay here for a little while.." She finally replied after much consideration. "But you wouldn't be seeing much of me. I'd be spending most of my time outside. I'm not a tame *Marten after all." She smirked. "So.. Who lives in this place anyway? I mean.. What are the animals?"

OOC: *Marten- Her Anichi animal

Erin_Artist06 (post: 1259103) wrote:"Kisho? Kisho, answer me. I know you're here, I can distinctly smell you..." Unico rolled his eyes as he let slip a feeble moan.

"-which could have been accomplished from miles away. You reek."

Unico had just delivered his complaint when he noticed Maxine. Standing there in silence for a moment, he took this reprieve to study her. His golden eyes kept returning to her black hair, however.

Shaking himself free from the distraction, he turned to Kisho, trying to ignore the new girl until later.

"Ah, Kisho. I have a favor to ask of you... Have you any idea who is now in the Orphanage? I seem to have lost track..." Unico glanced at Maxine. In a monotone voice, he slipped his icy hand to Kisho's cheek and whispered cruelly:

"What's this? -Has Kisho made a friend at last? I knew if you tried diligently, someone was bound to put up with you."

Kisho sighed and then blinked, "Well, however long you want is fine." he smiled and then he stiffened, he heard Unico's voice and heard his approach, Kisho glanced at Unico and narrowed his eyes, Kisho felt his anger boil and he gritted his teeth, Kisho smirked instead and leaned foward to Unico's face, "Aw, are you mad because I have made a friend other than Sio and you? Tsk. Tsk. Unico, jealousy doesn't become you." Kisho removed Unico's hand from his face and turned back to Maxine.

"Maxine, this is one of the one's I *told you about." he nodded at Unico, "he is Unico... and... this is Maxine, Siob." Kisho sat waving a hand lazily at Sio and back to Maxine, he shoved his hands in his pockets. "And as for the people who might be in here I believe everyone is accounted for Unico. Except that mystery person who saved us last time." he shrugged.

OOC: *The not so nice one that he mentioned earlier XD
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:33 am

Maxine studied the boy approaching. He had long silver hair and he seemed a little older than herself. But there was something about him, something faint, that made her.. *Hungry. "Yeah, Hello." She said dully with a slight wave, her lively attitude falling away. Her animal started acting up as she stood there, watching the boy. Her attention was quickly drawn away from him when she heard footsteps approaching. A girl this time. Max narrowed her eyes at the girl when she said her animal, hinting scorn in her voice. She stared at the girl for a long while before replying. She could feel something fierce in the girl. Something that didn't like her and would tear her apart if it got the chance. She already had second thoughts about staying. "Max." She told the girl, slight spite in her voice. She turned her head to Kisho. "Hey Kish, If you need me, I'll be outside. Too much animal instinct in here for my likes." She was referring to Siobhan and herself. Maxine pushed away from the wall and headed for the door. That girl.. Some member of the larger feline family. Great..Too many of those have already tried to *kill me as it is.. When she opened the door, she saw a white tiger there. "Maybe I wont be going outside after all.." She said as she backed up, away from the tiger. Gosh.. First that Siobhan girl, now a tiger at the door!.. Apparently, stuff doesn't like me today.. She thought as she got ready to bolt at the slight indication it would attack.

OOC: Sorry if you're not in animal form Derek. I'll edit if you're not.

*Hungry: Sorry Unico, Martens eat snakes XD

*Kill: Wild cats, foxes and golden eagles kill Martens.
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Mon Sep 15, 2008 1:03 pm

Right as Storm was going to enter the house the door bust open and there stood a lone girl that seemed to be scared of him. He thought to himself,"Oh crap I've been seen." So Storm hurried his way back towards the woods still in his animal form. Hoping that he wouldn't be caught by this strange yet facinating young girl. On his way back towards the forest Storm smelled the faint sent of puma and hawk.

OOC- Hey I was wanting to be in animal form anyway. ^^ Also from reading the other posts I think jericho is on my chars way to the forest or its the puma. I'm not sure. Also whoever wants to run into Storm or chase after him be my guest I'm trying to get my char to meet your chars anyway. So lets have fun here. ^^
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:24 pm

Jairus stopped and stiffened as the tiger's scent began getting stronger faster. Must've smelled me, he thought, as he was low to the grownd and therefore couldn't be seen until you were quite on top of him. When the tiger was just in front of him, Jairus suddenly stood errect in anichi form in front of the other to meet him. He held out his strong right arm in front of him to keep the stranger from barreling him over.
"And whom might I have the pleasure of stocking this day, hmmmm?" Jairus crooned, waiting for the tiger to respond.
Finish Strong - 2Tim. 4:7,8
"[color="SeaGreen"]Speak up for those who never get a chance to choose life rather than those who have rights and use them improperly."[/color] - A good friend of mine
[color="Purple"]Normal is a setting on a washing machine[/color]. -A youth pastor of mine
[SIZE="5"]JESUS IS LORD![/SIZE] End of descussion.
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:36 pm

Stopping right in front of the puma that he had smelled from quite a long ways away. Storm stood tall and firm and said,"I am Storm Wright and what may I ask pray tell do you want jumping out at me while in the bushes. But I would prefer if we didn't talk until we get a little deeper into the forest if you don't mind I think I'm being followed so if you would please move. We can talk while moving if you would like."
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:47 pm

Unico watched Maxine somberly as she made her excuse to leave. Tilting his head at Siobhan, he grinned as he jested.

"Perchance the Lady finds ill your company, Siobhan? If she is going to be bitter, she might have done it with a tad more allure."

Unico let his golden eyes slender slowly as he scowled at Kisho. Placing his hands on his hips, in a mixture of a "feminine" and "irritated" manner, he hissed.

"I'm ignoring your jealous remark. Your option is impertinent to me, dearest Kisho. I believe your just angry because-"

Unico halted in mid-sentence. He became uneasy, and quickly turned away from Kisho and Siobhan. Pretending to rub the side of his cheek, Unico hastily let his tongue *flicker in the air to smell. The last thing he wanted was to have a perfectly good argument with Kisho end with him sticking his tongue out like a child.

Turning to Siobhan, Unico announced:

"There are others here... or, were. I can't tell anymore. Kisho, did your little mongrel friend bring fleas?"

With that, he heavily brushed past Kisho towards the door.

*like snakes do, or at least all the ones I've seen
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:22 pm

Maxine watched as the tiger ran away, as if it was afraid of her. Hah, well, that's a change. she thought as she stood at the doorway, scanning the area out the door for a while, making sure there were no other surprises. Her head snapped around when she heard what Unico said about her. That was one thing she really hated. When someone she could easily kill made fun of her. Her expression grew malicious, and her eyes narrowed as she stared Unico down. She was about to do something about it when she caught the sight of Siobhan. She growled at Unico instead of doing anything that would cause harm to herself and headed out the door, turning into a marten and dashing for the forest. Hah, and I actually thought I would have a chance at fitting in there. It's probably better off anyway. Theres too many predators there for my likes. She thought as she dashed for her burrow. She froze when she caught the scent of puma in her turf. She quickly climbed up a tree and made her way through the tree tops to where the puma and tiger were. From there, she just watched them, planning her next move.
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:24 am

Jairus was about to answer when the distinct scent of marten wafted though his nostrols. He let his hand drop back to his side, keeping the same expressionless straight face he wore most of the time. With that, he turned on his heels and began jogging back threw the dense veggitation, turning his head back toward the tiger.
Finish Strong - 2Tim. 4:7,8
"[color="SeaGreen"]Speak up for those who never get a chance to choose life rather than those who have rights and use them improperly."[/color] - A good friend of mine
[color="Purple"]Normal is a setting on a washing machine[/color]. -A youth pastor of mine
[SIZE="5"]JESUS IS LORD![/SIZE] End of descussion.
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:30 am

Storm started to follow the puma. And while he followed the puma he thought to himself,"What's the deal with this puma, and why does he seem so angry at me."
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:34 am

Jairus somehow felt that the tiger was a little bewildered. As they jogged on, the big puma turned his head back to his companion.
"Name's Jairus. From Seattle. How 'bout you?" He asked in a rich baritone.
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:49 pm

"Well as I have already told you before my name is Storm and as for where I am from. Well I don't really know honestly. I was sent here by some police and I have no idea where I was at until I was sent here to this strange place. They told me at the precinct that I was special and I was going to go live with my own kind. But I have only met one person so far that seems even remotely like me and that would be you. So how did you end up here?"said Storm to Jairus.
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:34 am

"About the same."
Jairus gave Storm another expressionless sidelong glance.
"How'd they get you? All's I did was get in a minor scrap with a punk that was givin' me crap fer bein' 'diff'rent." the tall puma offered.
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:32 am

"Well, To be honest I used to be a servant for a slave trader. Well I guess you could say I was his personal slave. Anyway I was saved by some random person and then I was sent here by the police. And thats basically it for me."said Storm to Jairus.
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Postby Shilohan ninja » Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:22 pm

Jairus looked on ahead of himself at the reply.
"Sorry to hear that, bro. Kinda bites. But, hey, at least yer free now, right?"
After a few more steps, Jairus slowed down and stopped next to an old dead tree. He placed his left palm on the face of the rotting bark and uttered an old password in chinese. He then took his palm away from the tree, allowing it to fall back to his side as a section of bark suddenly popped out slightly from the tree and slid downward to reveal Jairus' laptop. He flipped it open and tapped a long combination of keys in quick succession. A screen finally popped up and the puma began rapidly pressing keys.
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:49 pm

Wondering what Jairus was doing Storm finally said,"What are you doing?"
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Postby Hana Ryuuzaki » Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:17 pm

[font="palatino Linotype"]Siobhan's eyes cut harshly at Maxine, but ignored the anger and feral thoughts bubbling up in her mind.

Sliding her hands into her black jeans pockets, she rolled her shoulders again, and stared dully at Unico.
"Ah, I see. When will we find 'em, I wonder...."

She watched blankly as Maxine ran out, and chuckled a bit. Something about that girl didn't set right with her. . . . .[/font]
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