Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:26 am
I love extras, but I also love DVDs packed with content...
So... 4-5 eps on a disc (provided it's legit and not a rackum-frackum bootleg... don't buy anime off ebay, you're funding thieves much of the time), commentary, interviews, MST style commentary... You know, except for the price (which is outrageous, let me tell you), Funi has the best DVDs... If Funi's content was matched with ADVs prices (well, normally... some ADV stuff is really expensive, like the 120 dollar season for Sailormoon)
I'd be buying a lot more anime (if I had a job) As it stands, though, 80 bucks for 26 eps is pretty steep considering I can buy, say, a season of Simpsons or King of the Hill for 25 bucks new. ADVs are normally good prices, but they have almost nothing in terms of extras... Except for the best put together trailers. They're slight modifications of the series openings rather than people talking endlessly saying "THIS IS A GREAT ANIME!!" so I prefer the trailers on ADVs vids. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess