Looking for a PSN buddy?

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Looking for a PSN buddy?

Postby IchiTone » Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:02 am

Hey! IchiTone here...

Now, everyone knows how incredibly difficult it is to deal with immature, arrogant and foul-mouth gamers on the internet. It's nothing new as it's been the case since online PC gaming came into its own. While some people play online specifically to be jerks and cause fights or call everyone they don't like a homosexual (which I just....don't....understand >.<), I'm the kind of gamer who enjoys a good game with a challenging rival (or co-op buddy) who isn't so concerned with kicking my face in during multiplayer and berating me with cuss words when he does. There's no need for any of that...and there are way too many kids (AND adults) out there who fit this description to a T. :eyeroll:

In short, I'm looking for some Christian PSN buddies! I figured...what better place than CAA? So here goes -- the PS3 games I currently own are:

Time Crisis 4
Soul Calibur IV
Metal Gear Solid IV

....and I also have the full versions of Super Stardust HD & Bionic Commando: ReArmed. Also, I don't yet own a headset, but I can communicate through messaging since my USB keyboard works perfectly in my PS3.

So, who's game? Anyone who is a fun-loving, God-fearing otaku who'd rather enjoy multiplayer to have a good time instead of being super-competitive or outright vicious...please send me a friend request! I've only got 3 friends on my list and they're hardly ever online. My PSN handle is same as it is here on CAA: IchiTone. I look forward to making some great new friends. See you online...:thumb:
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Postby IchiTone » Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:24 pm

No takers, huh? Maybe there aren't too many people on CAA who own a PS3? Seems kinda strange, though. With so many members, there have to be a few out there...
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:32 pm

We have one, but I personally never use it. But I'll ask my fiance if he wants an MGO buddy. :]
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Postby IchiTone » Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:09 pm

Thanks Shiroi. I was losing hope for a moment. That would be fun! I just hope he doesn't mind playing with an MGO noob. I've maybe played it once since getting the game and finishing the one player campaign. :sweat:
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Postby Omega Amen » Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:09 pm

IchiTone, there are a few of us who own PS3s, though not many due to its price point. But I am an owner. My PSN handle is OmegaAmen. I'll add you to my Friends List. There are few more, but I have to let them decide if they want to share their PSN names.

Although I mainly do my online gaming through my PC, I do game on my PS3 frequently. From your list, I challenge you to match my Platinum in Uncharted and see if you can get all the trophies in SSHD before I do (or even beat some of my scores). I also have Soul Calibur IV, though I have not tried online play yet with it.

As for a bluetooth headset, I suggest you wait until Sony releases their official PS3 Bluetooth headset. You can read the details here via the SOCOM: Confrontation site. And remember, although it is advertised to come packed-in with SOCOM: Confrontation later this year, it will also be sold separately.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:10 pm

IchiTone (post: 1253138) wrote:Hey! IchiTone here...

Now, everyone knows how incredibly difficult it is to deal with immature, arrogant and foul-mouth gamers on the internet. It's nothing new as it's been the case since online PC gaming came into its own. While some people play online specifically to be jerks and cause fights or call everyone they don't like a homosexual (which I just....don't....understand >.<), I'm the kind of gamer who enjoys a good game with a challenging rival (or co-op buddy) who isn't so concerned with kicking my face in during multiplayer and berating me with cuss words when he does. There's no need for any of that...and there are way too many kids (AND adults) out there who fit this description to a T. :eyeroll:

In short, I'm looking for some Christian PSN buddies! I figured...what better place than CAA? So here goes -- the PS3 games I currently own are:

Time Crisis 4
Soul Calibur IV
Metal Gear Solid IV

....and I also have the full versions of Super Stardust HD & Bionic Commando: ReArmed. Also, I don't yet own a headset, but I can communicate through messaging since my USB keyboard works perfectly in my PS3.

I have a PS3...

I don't have GTA IV, never will, nor do I have Soul Calibur IV, Stranglehold, Time Crisis 4... I don't play MGO even though I've beaten MGS4 about 3 times all the way through and played my favorite portions as many as 30 times... The konami ID thing is a hassle, and I don't want to have to get a new name... Bobtheduck2 or bobtheduck353534 just isn't for me. Stardust and BC:R aren't online, so I'd play with you, but that's how things are ATM... If you ever get Eye of Judgment, I should be picking that up in a day or two. I may be able to play taht, or Warhawk or UT3 or Resistance.
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Postby Nightshade X » Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:42 am

IchiTone (post: 1253138) wrote:Hey! IchiTone here...

Now, everyone knows how incredibly difficult it is to deal with immature, arrogant and foul-mouth gamers on the internet. It's nothing new as it's been the case since online PC gaming came into its own. While some people play online specifically to be jerks and cause fights or call everyone they don't like a homosexual (which I just....don't....understand >.<), I'm the kind of gamer who enjoys a good game with a challenging rival (or co-op buddy) who isn't so concerned with kicking my face in during multiplayer and berating me with cuss words when he does. There's no need for any of that...and there are way too many kids (AND adults) out there who fit this description to a T. :eyeroll:

In short, I'm looking for some Christian PSN buddies! I figured...what better place than CAA? So here goes -- the PS3 games I currently own are:

Time Crisis 4
Soul Calibur IV
Metal Gear Solid IV

....and I also have the full versions of Super Stardust HD & Bionic Commando: ReArmed. Also, I don't yet own a headset, but I can communicate through messaging since my USB keyboard works perfectly in my PS3.

So, who's game? Anyone who is a fun-loving, God-fearing otaku who'd rather enjoy multiplayer to have a good time instead of being super-competitive or outright vicious...please send me a friend request! I've only got 3 friends on my list and they're hardly ever online. My PSN handle is same as it is here on CAA: IchiTone. I look forward to making some great new friends. See you online...:thumb:

Count me in. My PSN ID is GenesisCross. Hm... from your list, I have Soul Calibur IV and MGS4. Though I'm not on MGO as much, I do go on from time to time. I'm also on SCIV sporadically.

XD; I suppose online gaming isn't quite my thing, but I'm willing to give it a bigger shot now. It'll just take a bit of time for me to get the time to do it.
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Postby IchiTone » Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:02 pm

Guys, thanks a lot. I'll add you as soon as I get a moment. I should own Resistance soon, so I'll definitely be on that, as well as Soul Calibur IV.

I'm also gonna open it up to anyone here on CAA who wants to share their PSN/Xbox Live handles to do so in this thread. I'm sure I'm not the only one in need of a few extra pals to play with. ^_^
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Postby Nightshade X » Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:34 pm

Just wanted to put it out there, but whoever may wish to add me may do so at their own convenience. I'm not exactly picky... here.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:30 am

My PSN name is RicoP90

Or is it Mr. SmartyPants? It's one of the two. XD
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Postby Omega Amen » Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:13 am

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1253661) wrote:My PSN name is RicoP90

Or is it Mr. SmartyPants? It's one of the two. XD

Your PSN handle is RicoP90.
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Postby NekoChan_C » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:16 pm

LOL! yeah... my PSN is in my sig... but... since Ichi currently has custody of our bouncing baby PS3... I'm not online that much... *read: EVER* >.> However... once Ichi and I again join forces to battle evil (and immature gamers)... then you guys can add me, too! ^_^

... man I miss the internet...

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:24 pm

Dude, I need to get Soul Calibur IV. Anyone want to loan me 50 bucks?
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Postby NekoChan_C » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:34 pm

Sure! I got... *rummages in purse* ...errr... sixteen cents and a gum wrapper... does that help???
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Postby TriezGamer » Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:28 am

I just picked up a PS3 last Monday, but online play is going to be out for a bit. I literally bought the console for Disgaea 3, but I heard good things about Ratchet & Clank Future. Still, my PSN ID is LunaticSongXIV. I'll probably have some online games later.
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