Playstation Portable

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Playstation Portable

Postby animewarrior » Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:51 am

Hey guys. XD
I just bought a PSP! YAY!
I already have Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core ( I LOOOOVE IT!!!!! )
as well as Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (haven't played yet)
and Daxter (came with the system *shrugs*)

I read over some previous threads but I kind of want a
specific type of game recommendation.

So please list any titles rated "Teen" or under that you guys would play
I prefer RPGs but Action/Adventure & Puzzle are alright as well
Please don't list racing or sport games. I won't look into buying them.

I am also already considering Puzzle Quest: Battle of the Warlords

So that's pretty much it.. let the recommending begin!
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Postby Kkun » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:28 pm

You have FFTactics. That's really all you'll need...that's all I needed for a good 150 hours or so, anyway. >_>

Lumines is grand, you should definitely pick it up. Puzzle Quest is a lot of fun. Jeanne D'arc is supposed to be good also, if you like FFT.
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Postby Popsicle » Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:09 pm

I second Jeanne D'Arc. It's awesome, but kinda hard at times. Really good story too.
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Postby Haruhiko » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:29 am

I don't have a PSP yet, but I know for sure I'd want Jeanne D'Arc and Sega Genesis Collection. I'd also pick up Mega Man: Powered Up! and Maverick Hunter X.

If your willing to break the T and under rule, I would definitely pick up Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and Metal Gear Acid.
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Postby Kkun » Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:09 am

Yeah, if you can break your T and under rule, I definitely second finding a copy of MGS: Portable Ops. It's fantastic and I don't remember the content as being nearly as bad as the console MGS games. It received an M simply for the gun violence, I believe, and on the PSP it isn't so terrible.
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Postby LiquidOcelot » Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:16 pm

You got two really good ones in Crisis Core and FFT: WotL.

I would suggest:

Jeanne d'Arc
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
Wild Arms: XF (Crossfire in Japan)
Breath of Fire III (European import)
Tales of Eternia (European import)

Since you like RPGs. I'll assume that you also enjoy strategy games. And yeah these next ones are M.

But, I do agree with other posters...

Metal Gear Acid 1 and 2. These are unique strategy games that uses cards. Lots of cards. The nice thing is that there are lots of tributes in the cards to past Kojima games.

MGS Portable Ops is fun as well. This is one is stealth action. It takes a little time to get used the gameplay only because the PSP lacks a right analog stick. That actually makes some other games a bit awkward at first. So, it's hard to fault MGSPO on that.

I'm also interested in some Japanese imports like Super Robot Taisen MX and SRT Portable A. As well as Tales of Phantasia Full Voice Edition. And, there is a strategy game called R-Type Command that I haven't played yet. It might be worth trying.
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Postby Mega.EXE » Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:13 pm

I have one too, I agree that Crisis Core is good. If like fighting and don't mind the language barrier The Bleach Heat the Soul series is really good. (Although it might be hard to find depending on where you live)
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