I am glad you admitted you do not know what you are talking about when it comes to the content in Resistance.Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1245292) wrote:Nah, I played through the first couple levels
You're right. I am glad Gears doesn't involve some Delta Force fighting a bunch of aliens trying to take over a planet. And I have never met a bunch of alien/robots in Half-Life or Half-Life 2 trying to take over Earth. They clearly stayed away from that for originality. Thank you, Epic and Valve. [/sarcasm]MSP wrote: but I kind of got tired with the whole overused "Year 20XX and the DELTA TACTICAL OPS FORCE must stop aliens/demons/robots from taking over Earth!"
I agree. But you are missing the point I am trying to make. I cannot recall any TV series, Movies, or other video franchise that decided to make themselves exclusive to a digital download store.MSP wrote:It's all going to eventually be available for torrent anyway. XD
Kingdom (post: 1245385) wrote:Anyways, the more the cross game franchises the more it gets closer to one console it seems, unless you go with something like nintendo, innovative people.
Bobtheduck (post: 1245511) wrote:Dude... I have to say, as for non-gaming stuff goes (and we know how much people hate having anything other than games on their gaming system) Sony's video service just took a ginormous somethingrather on Microsoft's... Not that I'll ever buy anything there (maybe I'll Check out that Xam'd if I see more on it and it looks at all interesting)
Kkun (post: 1245309) wrote:To hell with all of these new systems.
I'm buying a Sega Nomad.
Omega Amen (post: 1245492) wrote:You're right. I am glad Gears doesn't involve some Delta Force fighting a bunch of aliens trying to take over a planet. And I have never met a bunch of alien/robots in Half-Life or Half-Life 2 trying to take over Earth. They clearly stayed away from that for originality. Thank you, Epic and Valve. [/sarcasm]
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1245574) wrote:I still have my gamegear and my ONE game for it. Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya. It was the whole reason I got a gamegear!
Nightshade X (post: 1245524) wrote:Well, even more than that... the reason why I love my PS3 so much is that it's so versatile. There's so much more that you can do than just play games on it that it almost completely justifies the cost. I like to think of it like this: if you bought a PS3, you just bought a relatively inexpensive computer, if you know how to unlock its potential.
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1245597) wrote:Plus, what ever flaws they may have TF2 makes up for.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I've not had a SINGLE problem with my 360. If you do get an error, Microsoft will fix it for you for free. =)
Most of their better games are only good at best, whereas I'm finding other titles on other systems to be what I consider some of the best gaming experiences of my life. (Metal Gear series, Bioshock, anything that Valve makes, COD4, etc) I can't speak the same for the Wii.
Bob wrote:In any case, there's always TGS for me...
MangArtist (post: 1245685) wrote:Ooooo! Zis is good news for me! Heh heh. Still want to get a PS3 for Ico 3, though.
Nate (post: 1245732) wrote:That's the thing: I don't want Microsoft to fix it for me for free. I want them to make the console better so that they don't have to fix it for me for free. I don't want to buy a 360 only to turn right back around and send it off to a repair shop. That kind of defeats the purpose of buying a console, which is to y'know, play games.
Nate (post: 1245732) wrote:That's the problem. Nintendo releases really good first party games, but the rest of the library is mostly trash. The Gamecube had the same problem.
The other problem is we're just not in Nintendo's target demographic. Nintendo is focusing on the "casual gamer." Super Mario Galaxy was glossed over at last year's E3 to focus on...Wii Fit. No real gamer gave two hoots about Wii Fit but that was what Nintendo pushed. Sadly the people that are fans of Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and of course Earthbound, Nintendo doesn't care about at all. They're a minority.
This is why no matter how many gamers get frustrated with Nintendo, Nintendo will continue to turn a profit.
Kingdom wrote:Well, what I gathered from E3 this year is hints of them making core titles for the "core" gamer. concrete hints.
Yea, I know many are disappointed at Nintendo, but I think they are more into the world being able to play games.
And I see nothing wrong with it. But the world might like games as well.
I am a hardcore gamer, I guess, but it doesn't mean I only deserve games made for me.
I think they are coming out with some great titles, and I know im excited.
Aedin (post: 1248854) wrote:Did they have a Jumping Flash game for the PS2?
Etoh*the*Greato wrote:I noticed this year that the word "hard" dropped out of the game industry's term for us. We're just "core" now. As for Nintendo, I simply do not think we are their demographic any more. It would be like complaining that disney doesn't really reach you and your views. They can't, because you're simply not what their aiming for. They want the kids who are malleable and whose parents have deep wallets.
Kingdom wrote:They said they are working on a Pikmin 3, that is HARDcore for Nintendo, I guess the question is what are the titles you all want another Mario ? or what? I don't know
Kingdom wrote:If I really have to post all the games that are coming out, I will, but you could search them yourselves.
I haven't beat Mario Galaxy, and I DON'T know anyone who has!
I see a bright future and I see many new things happening with the MotionPlus which I think is a good Idea.
Read that If you want information.
I am not sick of Brawl, and I'm not sick of Mario Kart.( Maybe that's who I just am)
They said they are working on a Pikmin 3, that is HARDcore for Nintendo,
I guess the question is what are the titles you all want another Mario ? or what? I don't know.
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