All purpose PS3 Thread

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All purpose PS3 Thread

Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:20 am

So since I have just now acquired the third and final piece of next-gen gaming (The PS3), I have some questions for those PS3 Veterans out there.

1. What are your PSN names? I'd like to add you all as a friend! Mine is RicoP90

2. Recommend me some games to buy! Which ones are good and worth a rent? Which are amazing and worth a purchase? Which games should I look forward to in the upcoming month? No FPS games please. That's for PC. =)

3. What games on the PS Store are worth buying?
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Postby Omega Amen » Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:12 am

First, my PSN name is OmegaAmen.

Well, the thread says All Purpose PS3 thread, not Ryan's personal shopping list. So for other prospective PS3 owners, I will include FPSes (even though I prefer the PC version far more, if they are available).

PS3 Themes:
First, you got to play with themes on your PS3. They are all free, even on the PSN store, plus people make their own themes. This is an awesome MGS4 PS3 theme that you can install on your PS3. It even features some Metal Gear sound effects.

You can also find a bunch of themes at If you quickly want a bunch of great ones, search for "m0dus" (without the quotes).

Now here is my list of games ordered by retail/PSN and availability. Not every single game will be to everyone's taste, but the consensus is these are considered the better games for the PS3. Retail PS3 exclusives are in bold.

Available Retail Titles to consider:
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Grand Theft Auto 4
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Assassin's Creed
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue (also on PSN for download)
Burnout: Paradise
The Orange Box (if you don't have a good gaming PC or 360 and have not played Half-Life 2/Portal/Team Fortress 2, play the Orange Box since it still worth experiencing even if the performance is not consistent.)
Resistance: Fall of Man
Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Unreal Tournament 3
Heavenly Sword
Devil May Cry 4
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Virtua Fighter 5
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Warhawk (also on PSN for download)
Rock Band
SingStar (if you like karaoke, very big in Europe)

Available PSN Titles to consider:
Super Stardust HD (Best PSN game IMO, make sure to get the Solo Add-On pack, and Multiplayer Add-On pack will be released later)
Everyday Shooter (There is a PC version on Steam)
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Online
PixelJunk Monsters (Huge hit on PSN)
PixelJunk Racers (Not many people like it, but I have grown fond of it. Maybe if it gets cheaper, I can recommend it widely.)
flOw (Definitely not for everyone. It is an unusual and unique experience though.)

Future Retail Titles to keep an eye on:
Soul Calibur 4
SOCOM Confrontation (Online Military Shooter of popular franchise, should come with a very nice Bluetooth headset)
Bioshock (Yes, a PS3 version is coming in October.)
Fallout 3
Resistance 2
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
Resident Evil 5
Street Fighter IV
Killzone 2
Tekken 6
God of War III
Gran Turismo 5
White Knight Chronicles (formerly called White Knight Story)
Valkyria Chronicles (I have seen it spelled Valkyrja as well)
King of Fighters XII (I am guessing it is a retail release, may turn into PSN in the future).
Final Fantasy XIII games

Future PSN Titles to keep an eye on:
Wipeout HD (Cool trailer. Game features 1080p graphics, 60 frames per second, 5.1 surround sound.)
PixelJunk Eden
Siren: Blood Curse (An Episodic Survival Horror game)

As for rent/buy, again that depends on your taste in games, plus your financial situation. If you want to spend the least, I suggest rent before you buy as a general rule. According to reviews, the candidates for renting seem to be Heavenly Sword for its short length, and Folklore since it does not appeal to everyone.

A lot of PSN titles do not have demos for you to try. So I suggest doing some research on those games before buying them.
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I am also in the Christian gaming group, Tribe of Judah in the Christian Gamers Alliance.
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Postby Nightshade X » Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:23 pm

PSN ID: GenesisCross

Unfortunately, I have no tips for good PS3 games that haven't already been mentioned (I own Assassin's Creed, Folklore, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. I'll be getting Call of Duty 4 back soon).
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:18 am

I'm learning the new Unreal editor (I was ok, not great, with the old one, but the new one is very different), so once I get my level done and cooked to PS3 (my first cook attempt was disastrous) I'll upload it here so people can download it...

So, yes, I say UT3 is a good choice if only for the Mods... Otherwise, there are much better shooters on the console... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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