Zombie Apocolypse RPG

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Zombie Apocolypse RPG

Postby RidleyofZebes » Wed May 07, 2008 7:41 pm

The Story:
Black Orchard, North Carolina - August 12th, 20XX a.d.
It was a normal day in the not-so-distant future. All was well up until a few days ago. It started off with few missing persons cases. Standard protocol was used: Search teams were assembled, checkpoints were made, and all seemed to be going well. Then, one of the local search parties went missing. Most of them were found dead by local authorities, cause of death unknown.

The next day, a sudden influx of people with bite marks were admitted to hospitals and emergency rooms, then reported dead hours later. It was blamed on rabies. An acute, deadly, yet undiscovered strand of the rabies virus. All but the most skeptic were satisfied with this explanation. A handful of people claimed it was media suppression; that there was something much larger behind these unexplained events. They were ignored, but they couldn't have been closer to the truth.

Then suddenly, everything stopped. The missing persons cases, the rabid emergency room patients... All traces of anything suspicious just disappeared from the air. Had the authorities succeeded in stopping this new disease, or had they completely lost control...? Sadly, and horrifyingly, the latter of these proved to be true. No one was sure why. Did they think maybe if they ignored it, it would just go away? Or did they simply think that the absence of media would prevent another outbreak: one of mass hysteria and paranoia...?

Whatever their intentions, whatever their motives, an outbreak was inevitable. One that few would escape from, or live to tell about...


I've been planning this RP for quite some time now. As this is my first time GMing anything, I only hope that you guys'll take it easy on me. I might be accepting a co-GM. Although I'm a little wary of this concept, If you guys take to the story well enough, I'm game. :P

I'm afraid that this RP is going to deviate a little from most of the RPs on this forum. In those RPs, your character is allowed to have superpowers. You know, shooting lasers from your eyes, manipulating shadows, even being invulnerable to certain things. For this RP, that just can't happen. It's out.

*a thousand gasps of horror*

No, seriously. For this RP to work anything like I want it to, your character can't have inhuman superpowers. You know how much of a threat a zombie would be to, say, superman? He mashes those things brains out by the dozens! Plus, here's the flipside: If you had superpowers, and you got zombified... You know how much of a threat you would be? Not just to your fellow RPers, but the zombie hoard as well!

So, in place of superpowers, you'll have to make do with your character's history. Ex-military, Techno-wizard, lame nerd who just knows his way around zombies, etc. Be creative! In the face of a zombie outbreak, your best weapon is YOU!

Speaking of technology, remember that the story is set in relatively recent times. Keep the it basic by today's standards. You can get a little frilly, but DON'T OVERDO IT. It might not matter for too long, anyway. :evil:

So, now that I've stripped away all of your fun, and all your characters of their power, I give you the opportunity to join up. :P All you gotta do is post your character, bio and all, and wait for me to make revisions/accept it. Actually, I won't make any revisions. Sometimes it's easy to get carried away, but in those cases, I'll only make suggestions that would help your character fit in better with the storyline. :)

Also, as you may have gathered by now, this story centers around our group of characters, residing in the fictional city of Black Orchard, NC. (Not that I have anything against North Carolinians, you guys just happened to be there. No hard feelings? :sweat: ) They don't have to be from there originally, just as long as they're from somewhere on earth. That gives us a little to work with there, doesn't it? :D

In closing, I leave you with this bit of advice:
[See attachment]


If you have any questions about the zombies, just ask. I'm using a kinda' custom model, but if you're familiar with "them" from HotD, you'll have a pretty close idea.

Here's my character. Be as detailed/undetailed as you wish, but try to give your character a blood type. I have something in mind for later in the story that might rely on this. :brow:

Name: Alex "Snafu" Whittmore

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 145 lbs

Build: Slim, tall, slightly athletic.

Blood Type: AB

Hair: Short, medium brown

Eyes: Green

Clothing: Loose fitting deep purple t-shirt with text "P|-|33R T3|-| 1337" in fluorescent green stencil lettering on chest, Blue jeans. Black and gray tennis shoes.

Personality: Shy and quiet unless provoked, has violent tendencies, good natured, bit of a neat-freak/OCD.

Personal Abilities: Good with computers, fast runner, slow yet very accurate with most projectiles, expert knowledge of zombies.

Background: Alex has been around computers for most of his life; so he knows his way around them pretty well. He uses the internet alias "Snafu" as an inside joke on his uncanny ability to screw up delicate situations. This nickname has spilled over into real life recently, but is only used on a regular basis by close friends. He took an interest in zombies several years ago, and has studied them relentlessly ever since.
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Wed May 07, 2008 7:52 pm

This... looks friggin' awesome. I will be back with a character.

Also, I'm a North Carolinian myself.
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Postby Dante » Wed May 07, 2008 9:49 pm

I've been planning this RP for quite some time now. As this is my first time GMing anything, I only hope that you guys'll take it easy on me. I might be accepting a co-GM. Although I'm a little wary of this concept, If you guys take to the story well enough, I'm game.

Given that he is currently lord of the undead and Co-GM of nations and states, I could recommend Kali... but I'm not sure if he wants to GM another RP :P... but either way, you ought to tell him about this, it sounds right up his alley (he's pro-zombie of course :P)...
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Thu May 08, 2008 11:28 am

i shall post a charecter after work tonight. Sounds like alot of fun.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Thu May 08, 2008 4:51 pm

Pascal (post: 1224102) wrote:Given that he is currently lord of the undead and Co-GM of nations and states, I could recommend Kali... but I'm not sure if he wants to GM another RP :P... but either way, you ought to tell him about this, it sounds right up his alley (he's pro-zombie of course :P)...

I appreciate your recommendation. :) I'll consider talking to Kaligraphic, and I'll definitely recommend this to him, but I had a different idea in mind. Rather than approach someone who I've barely talked to with this, I'd prefer to wait until the RP has started and approach the player who seems to understand the story and basics of the RP the best.

That is, IF I decide to take on a co-GM. :P

Thanks anyway. :)
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Fri May 09, 2008 5:47 pm

Name: Ace Maaka(For anyone who knows the joke behind Maaka please laugh, for those that don't read Karin, Chibi Vampire Manga)

Gender: Male

Age: 28


Weight: 193 lbs

Build: Tall, lean, and clumsy(Hints his name[clue])

Blood type: O positive

skin color: Tan

Hair: Short brown usaly under a reverse baseball cap

Eyes: blue

Clothing: Jean shorts, white t-shirt, short sleeved green jacket

Personality: Usealy calm and collective, will snap under to much stress and could do something comepletly random

Personal Abilities: Gun accuracy is perfect under calm conditions but horrible when stressed. Is a Magiver(sp?) which means he can build something from almost nothing.

Background: Hoping to be a cop like his father, Ace tryed the Police academy time and time again but failed due to his likely hood to mess up in heated fights. Hoping to blow off some steam, he has come to his Uncle's place in Black Orchard.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Fri May 09, 2008 7:16 pm

Wow, that's three already! :DDD

I'm hoping for a wider variety of characters. We'll need a few more before we start anyway. :sweat:
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Fri May 09, 2008 11:22 pm

Name:Jason "hot shot" Williams
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 6 feet tall
Build: Rugged and in good physical condition.
Blood Type: B
Skin color: Caucasion (sp?) slighty tan
Hair: Medium length black hair , the typical emo hair style
Eyes: Blueish Green
Clothing: Grey T-shirt with black skull on it, Camo pants and a knife hanging from his right belt loop. Wears black rimmed glasses
Personality: Serious, and stern. Calm when under pressure.
Personal abilities: Highly trainer with light weapons, and in top physical shape. Fights with 100% at all times. Never ceases being always ready.
Back story: An ex marine, Left the marines when the first signs of outbreak began. Some called him a coward for leaving when they needed him. He returned to his home of 18 years to find his entire family murdered by a group of humans, not zombies, he hunted down the farm boys who went to his home and killed his sister and brother and parents and killed them. Since that day rage has filled his mind against all the individuals who attack inocent.

If any of that conflicts with your story elements in mind PM and tell me.
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Postby Doubleshadow » Sat May 10, 2008 1:37 pm

Oh, this is just too much fun to pass up.

Name: Nora Hermansdorfer

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Height: 5'7

Weight: 117 lbs

Build: Athletic, broad shoulders for a girl, long legged.

Blood Type: O

Hair: Dark brown, layered chin length.

Eyes: Brown

Clothing: Red t-shirt with John 3:16 on the back, blue jeans, running shoes, track jacket in black and green. Has her gym bag with a change of clothes, cell phone, water bottle, first aid kit, utility knife, and granola bars.

Personality: Very direct, blunt personality. A real people person but somewhat insensitive. Picks on people to show she cares. Believes strongly that girls should take care of themselves.

Personal Abilities: Long distance track runner, cross-country runner. Life-long Girl Scout with lots of experience in the woods, certified in lifeguarding, CPR and First Aid, knowledgeable about cars. Going for a Master's degree in nutrition.

Background: Is from out of state with no family nearby. She lived with her folks and three younger brothers all through undergrad., and decided to get the heck out of the house and far away for her Master's. She is commuting to campus and working on an internship in sports medicine.
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Postby Song_of_Storms » Sun May 11, 2008 3:32 pm

Name: Olivia

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 6'5

Weight: N/A

Build: Tall, physically healthy.

Blood Type: A

Hair/Eyes: Olivia

Outfit: An almost neon-green T-shirt with Kawaii written on the front in blue font, and Boko written on the back. A pair of loose blue jeans, with purple scarf threaded through the belt hoops. She always wears her silver cross necklace. She has a black backpack filled with: candy, an ipod, a stash of cash, sketchpad, pencils, an eraser, small flashlight, a couple volumes of her favorite manga, a dog-eared Bible, her laptop and a yellow folder she keeps her drawings in.

Personality: Olivia says what she thinks. She's the first to try and break the ice with people. Doesn't like silence, and can't stand snobs. She considers herself a proud Otaku/Nerd. She tries to make people laugh as much as possible.

Personal Abilities: Since she is in the Flag corp. her hands are agile and flexible. So, she jokes that she'd be good with a spear/pole. She can scream really loudly...

Raised by her single Dad in the downtown district. He works at the psychiatric ward as a psychiatrist. Olivia prefers the term quake.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Sun May 11, 2008 4:57 pm

o.O Kinda embarrassing, but I just realized that I spelled "Apocalypse" wrong in the topic title! @_@ Sorry 'bout that! ^_^;;

Anyways, we have six people now! Thanks for participating! I'm hoping to get this thing started soon. CrimsonRyu17 reserved a spot, so I'm going to wait until he's got his character up before we start.

You never know when you could find another civilian trapped somewhere, or someone could pick a wrong moment to take a detour through Black Orchard! :D
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby For_Him » Sun May 11, 2008 5:31 pm

I want to join in.
Name: Ashley "Ash" Campbell

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 245 lbs

Build: Tall, some muscle.

Blood Type: B

Hair: Short dark brown

Eyes: Dark blue

Clothing: Sky blue button down shirt, tan cargo slacks, black boots

Personality: A tough-as-nails, no-nonsense employee of the local Buy-Mart. He acts like he doesen't care, but he can be dependable. He can get pretty violent when backed against a wall, or if you make fun of his name.

Personal Abilities: He's a smart guy that knows a few things about zombies, and a gun enthusiast. He's best with shotguns and pistols.

Background: He had a troubled childhood being named "Ashley" by his estranged father, but the ridicule he endured made him tough enough. He joined the Army at 18, but was discharged a month later because of his violent tendencies when another soldier made fun of him because of his name. He is still in a coma.
He was employed by his uncle, his mother's brother, to work at the local Buy-Mart to be security. Then the zombies struck...
You can only guess where I got the idea for my character.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sun May 11, 2008 5:52 pm

Hmmm Evil Dead I think, Right?

Will it's not as bad as Ace Maaka(Basicly means EPIC FAIL if you want to know)
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Mon May 12, 2008 11:14 am

I'm not sure how many of you noticed my little wikipedia link which explained the whole blood type thing I'm going for. Some of you may have seen it, as is apparent in your character's profile, but others may need their attention drawn to it. (I didn't put the link in the most obvious of places... :sweat: )Here you go, guys:

About Blood Types:

Like I said, this may have some impact on your character in the RP. ;)
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Fri May 23, 2008 10:23 pm

Alright! CromsonRyu17 will not be joining us for the start of the RP. ;_; She has said for us to go ahead, and she'll join us (hopefully) when stuff settles down for her. I'll look forward that. :)

Anyway, I'll go ahead and take this opportunity to approve everyone who's posted their character so far. So:

Consider yourselves approved and ready to begin! That's a grand total of 7 people, counting myself of course.

If anyone else wants to join, now's the time. I'll pm-a-mod tomorrow, and we can get this thing started. :D I hope you guys are looking forward to this as much as I am! :thumb:
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby Sanji07 » Sat May 24, 2008 11:30 am

I'll save this and perhaps come back with a character(s). ^_^
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Sun May 25, 2008 12:10 am

Oooooh, this sounds really fun ^^May I join ^^?

Name: Yukino Shinomura (first last name that came to mind :P)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5'5

Weight: 100lbs ^__^

Build: Slim/Skinny

Blood Type: O?

Hair: Long light blue (like a sky blue I guess o.o?)

Eyes: Sapphire Blue ^^

Clothing: Grrrrrr, you would think this part would be easy for me, because I'm a girl >_< Let's see.... something like this http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/diaochandb/dw3a.jpg

but light blue ^__^ Oh yeah, and I want those arm/sleeve thingies like Yuna's from FF ^^
Personality: Very fun loving, but can be very serious at times. She's very protective and tends to wear her heart on her sleeve ^^ She's a bit on the naive side, but that's ok :P

Personal Abilities: Is able to control water.. kinda ^^ Still new at it ^^

Background: She has amnesia ^^ The only thing she remembers is her name, and she gets memory flashes every now and then :D

If there's anything wrong with that Ridely.. don't hesitate to let me know ^^
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Mon May 26, 2008 11:40 am

I really like that character, Tsuku-chan! Unfortunately, it goes a little out-of-universe, and there are a few things that need to change for it to fit. ;_; I hate having to make you change it, but as I mentioned in my opening post:

"...For this RP to work anything like I want it to, your character can't have inhuman superpowers. You know how much of a threat a zombie would be to, say, superman? He mashes those things brains out by the dozens! Plus, here's the flipside: If you had superpowers, and you got zombified... You know how much of a threat you would be? Not just to your fellow RPers, but the zombie hoard as well!

So, in place of superpowers, you'll have to make do with your character's history. Ex-military, Techno-wizard, lame nerd who just knows his way around zombies, etc. Be creative! In the face of a zombie outbreak, your best weapon is YOU!..."

"...Also, as you may have gathered by now, this story centers around our group of characters, residing in the fictional city of Black Orchard, NC. [...] They don't have to be from there originally, just as long as they're from somewhere on earth. That gives us a little to work with there, doesn't it?..."

Basically, try to make her a little more normal. The water powers are just, well... They kinda go out of universe. :sweat: You could, however, have one of her abilities be that she's a good swimmer, and other normal-ish abilities associated with water. Excellent idea, though! All it needs is a little tweaking. ^^;;

The whole Japanese immigrant with amnesia thing will work well. Don't need to change that unless you want to. ^_^ Oh, and I must say, I like the clothes. :thumb:

Also, you seemed to be a little in the dark about the blood type. I'll re-reference the link:
See the little red chart on the right hand side of the page? It's a little thing that matches up personality types with the blood type you choose. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! ^_^
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Sat May 31, 2008 10:24 am

*sigh* Delays, delays. I'm leaving for a week tomorrow. It seems I won't be able to get this thing going until I get back. >_< The opening post is ready, if a little long. Please look forward to it! ^_^;;
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:18 pm

o.o ...and we're back! >.< Triple Post.

Let's go ahead and get this thing started.

As I said:
, and

are accepted into the RP and will be receiving a PM with the topic link in it soon.

Unfortunately, until Tsukuyomi makes some changes to her character, I can't accept her. ;_; Please fix it soon,Tsu-chan!
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby Mister Frodo » Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:36 am

Oh, could I please create a character? I don't know if you're still taking characters, Ridley, but I'd like to join if at all possible!

This is my character...

Name: Timothy Kira (prefers to be called Timothy; hates it when people call him Tim)

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Blood Type: AB

Height: 5' 8"

Build: He's very skinny and almost seems under-nourished. I'm not quite sure what his weight would be, though. He looks younger than he is.

Hair: Black/Short, untidy

Eyes: Brown

Skin color: Asian-American

Outfit: Timothy wears a light blue collared, buttoned shirt that's never tucked in to his pants. His pants are tan khaki pants with several pockets. In the pockets are a pocket PC, a replacement pair of glasses, and his old solar-powered calculator from grade school that he carries around for nostalgic value. He wears white and gray tennis shoes. He always wears glasses.

Personality: Cool and collected; rational; to the point. He's cold to most people, as he sees as inferior to his intellect. He looks down on others and doesn't like any ideas that he doesn't come up with. He's always willing to give his two cents.

Personal Abilities: Incredibly smart. He's a whiz at math and science. He knows his way around computers fairly well. He's also very logical and can solve most conundrums that come his way. He was on the archery team in high school and knows his way around a bow and arrow, though he doubts this skill will pay off in real life.

Background: Timothy is actually from South Carolina, but he moved to Black Orchard in order to attend the nearby university. He entered college at age seventeen and is currently in his third year. He is Japanese-American; his grandparents on his father's side were immigrants from Japan, while his mother was American. He actually has a slight family complex and has trouble going the day without calling home or sending an e-mail to his parents.

Now, I don't know if I matched the blood type correctly with the personality (I did refer to the Wiki page you posted.) I couldn't find any of the blood types that really screamed "big, rotten jerk," which is basically what this character is. So, I guess AB will have to do. Hopefully.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:22 pm

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Postby RidleyofZebes » Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:11 pm

Ah, Mister Frodo! Of course you can join! :D


And I'll take the opportunity to restate this statement:

~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby Doubleshadow » Mon Jun 09, 2008 3:41 pm

How are we keeping track of time so we can maintain continuity? Will you tell us when the hour changes? How many post per day?
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:08 pm

Hmm... I was going to go by the approximate length of time it took for the events to unfold. Does that help any? At the current point in the story, I'd say it's about 9:00.

Edit: Now that I've thought about it for a minute, why not just post a little OoC comment asking what time it is whenever you need it? I can have Alex check his watch for you! :grin:
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby Doubleshadow » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:51 pm

No insult meant in my latest post! Much love fellas. XD
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:47 pm

XD "Chinese Fire Drill"
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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Postby Sanji07 » Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:12 pm

Sorry I haven't posted here in a while, here's my character. ^_^

Name: Sanji

Gender: male

Age: 13

Height: 5'2

Weight: 92 lbs.

Build: slim

Blood Type: AB

Hair: blonde, short in back with long bangs covering one eye

Eyes: seagreen

Clothing: black short-sleeved shirt with seagreen tie, seagreen wristband on right wrist, and camouflage pants, finished off with white skater shoes

Personality: quiet, interpersonal, kind

Personal Abilities: is good with the internet, can type fast, and knows a lot about anime/manga/videogames/etc.

Background: Sanji is a strange boy who's developed a love for cats and anime. He is a weak opponent but a strong Christian. His only companion is his black kitten named Max-kun (he's always been stereotyped as a loner). Together they stay up late completeing RPGs and anime series while eating pocky. Sanji is known to have struggled with depression, but is said to be cured by Christ's Will. He was seeing his sister Seis in North Carolina.

Name: Max-kun

Gender: male kitten

Age: 1

Height: 5'2 inches

Weight: 2 ounces

Build: umm...kitten build? XD;;

Blood Type: AB

Fur: white

Eyes: seagreen

Personality: Fun, Bubbly, Care-free

Personal Abilities: pocket-size, slightly fast at running

Background: Is a faithful companion for Sanji.

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\/\/ \

Whoever can guess what character I based Sanji on gets a free invisible cookie! 8D
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Postby Bunny » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:31 am

I cannot pass up an RPG based in my own state!

Name: Mackenzie Rowe
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Small but very athletic.
Blood type: A+
Hair: Medium length, deep red, always worn up.
Eyes: Light brown/green
Clothing: BDU's
Personality: Compassionate, witty, and ready for anything.
Attributes: Endurance runner and swimmer, intelligent, medical knowledge
Background: Graduated with honors from UNC as a RN and immediately enlisted in the USAF where she was given the rank of Captain. Shortly after enlisting, she was sent to Iraq where she spent close to 9 months tending to wounded and sick soldiers. She has just returned and is visiting her family and friends in her home town of Black Orchard.
"So David said to Michal, "It was before the LORD, who chose me instead of your father and all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the LORD, over Israel. Therefore I will play music before the LORD. And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight. But as for the maidservants of whom you have spoken, by them I will be held in honor."

2 Samuel 6: 21&22

"I am going to take this bucket of water and pour it on the flames of hell, and then I am going to use this torch to burn down the gates of paradise so that people will not love God for want of heaven or fear of hell, but because He is God."

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Postby RidleyofZebes » Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:47 pm

The following members are APPROVED:

Please proceed to the main topic and begin your quest! We're still getting started, have at it!

Oh, and Sanji? Excellent idea with the kitten! :3 I was hoping someone do that!!!
~Ridley [color="Green"] ;)
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