The "I love my PS3" Thread

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The "I love my PS3" Thread

Postby Cognitive Gear » Sat May 10, 2008 10:53 pm

I've owned my PS3 for about 3 months now, and I've loved every minute of it. Sony really stepped up to address all of the early complaints.

The things I love:

Blu Ray. Movies have never looked so good, and had such elegant menus.

Media Streaming: I love being able to stream all of my favorite shows from my PC to my PS3. Now my PC can be downstairs while I watch Baccano from the comfort of my room.

PSN Titles: Everyday Shooter and Echochrome are two examples of the best ten dollars I ever spent.

Remote Play: Being able to play Chrono Cross on my PSP is made of solid win.

Great Games: Between Resistance, UNcharted and Folklore I am a happy gamer. Adding the multi-platform titles is icing on the cake.

What do you love about your PS3?
[font="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"]"It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things."

-Terry Pratchett[/SIZE][/font]
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat May 10, 2008 11:25 pm

*silently sheds a tear*

Heh, seriously, I love mine... I'm a multimedia (caa inappropriate word) so I get my money's worth out of the thing:

Streaming from my PC
Watching vids and ripping CDs to it (too bad only 2 games have custom soundtracks so far...)
PS1, PS2 (I have a 60 gig), and PSN games, not to mention 10 PS3 games... I own more PS3 games now than PS2, that's just the boxed games... If I add the downloadables to that list, my PS3 collection far outshines my PS2.
Foreign PSN accounts... I get demos from Europe and Japan, and I'll be buying things off the Japanese store soon, once I get a job again and can afford the Japanese PSN cards. I got the Haze demo 2 days early and the Siren 3 Demo while the US store still doesn't have it. That, and being able to play Japanese PS1 and PS3 (but not PS2) games makes this an importer's dream... No modding needed... I just wish they'd update it to allow PS2 games from other regions... I'd really love the more recent Eyetoy games from Europe or a number of Japan only RPGs, like the second versions of FFX and FFXII...
Unreal Tournament mods... Oh, man...

The best 10 dollars I ever spent on a game would have to be Pixel Junk Monsters... that game is awesome, even though I sorta suck at it... heh, never thought I'd be into RTS (or, I suppose, "tower defense")

The things that will make this that much better is when the newest Torque is officially supported which will allow more indies to release on PSN... I really want to find a team to build a game out of torque and release to PSN as our first published title... Yeah, I'd love to have a published game even before I find a job in industry...

Resistance 2 is gonna be epic... But, of course, what I'm really waiting for is June... SNAAAAAAAKE!!! It's gonna be somewhere between MGS3 and MGS2 with its, um, post-modernism, in an effort to tie everything together, and it's the longest game in the series... I'm excited... I can't wait to see it end, actually... Not because I want it to stop, but because I love stories that end, and that doesn't happen much in games...

One thing I am NOT able to do that I'd love to is internet based Remote Play... I can't remember my PSN password... I can't find where I go to retrieve it... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Nightshade X » Sun May 11, 2008 12:36 am

I've had my PS3 for about a day... so I'm still in a state of mind-shattering awe. I'll be checking in from time to time, especially when my sanity returns.
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Postby yukoxholic » Sun May 11, 2008 9:43 am

I love my PS3 because I can see a lovely reflection of myself in its pretty, super shiny, black polish. ;)

Ok, now for why I really love my PS3. It would be for the games:

Final Fantasy XIII (Coming soon.... *____*)
Final Fantasy Versus XIII (Please Come Out Sooner!)
Time Crisis 4 (where can I buy another gun accessory!? Everywhere is sold out!)
Rachet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
Drake's Uncharted
Soul Calibur IV
Heavenly Sword
Dynasty Gundam
Eye of Judgement which utilizes a new aspect of game-play for the PS3.

Plus, we'll also be getting:

Valkyria Chronicles

I am so excited about the release of that game it's not even funny. XD

I also love the hard drive feature so I no longer need Memory cards. It's like you can use your PS3 for more than just gaming and is it just me but wouldn't another Sly Cooper game look awesome on the PS3? I also wouldn't mind another X-Men Legends game for the PS3 or Shadow Hearts.

The only feature that I think is kind of like, "who cares" for me is the Blu Ray because I think the High Definition looks the same as Blu Ray but I know a lot of people who will debate me on this and I certainly do not want to start a debate. :D I will say the graphics are crystal clear and stunning I just do not see a difference since HD looks the same quality wise to me but I'm sure there is a video purist out there which will point out the many wonders of Blu Ray. I just can't be convinced. ^___~

I was also very happy they didn't go with the boomer-rang controller because I do not want to be holding the "batman" in my hands. I like the feel of the old controller and I hope they never, ever change it...EVER.
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Postby HiddenWoodchuck » Sun May 11, 2008 10:37 am

I love the games that are currently out right now, even with people upset over the smaller game library, I have had a blast with Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Rachet and Clank, Folklore, Warhawk, Resistance, Ridge Racer and Ninja Gaiden. I'm waiting for Haze and all the other sweet looking games coming out. I like the PSN titles quite a bit, and free online play is a plus, even though I don't care for playing online much anymore.

The feature which doesn't matter to me is Blu Ray, even though I love how it looks, I don't like paying $30 bucks for movies. I have picked up about 4 Blue Ray movies, since they were on sale, but I won't be buying many for a while. I don't want to put a lot of wear and tear on something I bought for gaming either.
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Postby Nate » Sun May 11, 2008 10:47 am

yukoxholic wrote:I love my PS3 because I can see a lovely reflection of myself in it's pretty, super shiny, black polish. ]
Okay, yuko, I'm only gonna sing this one more time: Ohhhhhhh if you want it to be possessive, it's just "I-T-S." But, if it's supposed to be a contraction then it's "I-T-apostrophe-S," scalawag. :p

Anyway I finally got Remote Play to work on my PSP. Man they make you jump through some pretty ridiculous hoops to get it working. The official manual is like no help at all. -.- Still it's pretty rad.
Bob wrote:I can't remember my PSN password... I can't find where I go to retrieve it...

I had the same problem.

If you go to that website, at the top, you can enter in your email and a password. If it's wrong, it takes you to a second screen where it says "Forgot your password?" Then you follow the steps there and you should be good. :3

Also I'm waiting on Little Big Planet, which is pretty much the only game coming out on PS3 that I have any interest in. I don't know what's there as far as gameplay goes (I know it's a platformer of sorts but little else), but dang it looks nice.

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Postby yukoxholic » Sun May 11, 2008 11:00 am

Nate (post: 1225269) wrote:Okay, yuko, I'm only gonna sing this one more time: Ohhhhhhh if you want it to be possessive, it's just "I-T-S." But, if it's supposed to be a contraction then it's "I-T-apostrophe-S," scalawag. :p

All right Nate! I'll be sure to PM you all my posts so you can make sure every i is dotted and every comma is in it's proper place. ;)

It's sort of like scallywag and scalawag. Some love to spell it with a Y and double L while others like to use an A and single L but in the end it is almost the exact same. ~___^
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun May 11, 2008 5:09 pm

HiddenWoodchuck (post: 1225264) wrote:The feature which doesn't matter to me is Blu Ray, even though I love how it looks, I don't like paying $30 bucks for movies. I have picked up about 4 Blue Ray movies, since they were on sale, but I won't be buying many for a while. I don't want to put a lot of wear and tear on something I bought for gaming either.

I only own 1 bluray... I get the rest from Netflix, which has a good collection. The one I bought, I got for 10 bucks... Amazon has bogo sales all the time, and when you buy at the right time, it's not much more expensive than DVD... Of coruse, I DON'T buy, but ya know, if you wanted to... (I do want to buy eventually... Like when 300 rereleases with the features the HD-DVD version had, and once Deathly Hallows Part 2 is out on bluray and they finally have the whole Harry Potter collection in one set) Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Nate » Sun May 11, 2008 9:34 pm

[quote="yukoxholic"]All right Nate! I'll be sure to PM you all my posts so you can make sure every i is dotted and every comma is in it's proper place. ]


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Postby yukoxholic » Mon May 12, 2008 4:23 am

Nate (post: 1225516) wrote:...


Oh no! You've foiled my diabolical plan!
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Postby Nate » Mon May 12, 2008 11:11 am

Huzzah! I'm good at foiling diabolical plans!

Anyway. Back on track. I actually tried out remote play the other day with my copy of Arc the Lad II. It was pretty sweet, aside from some minor framerate issues. Which doesn't make sense to me...since the PS3 is the one actually running the game, why are there framerate issues? I guess maybe it could be based on connection strength (I was using the PS3's LAN rather than the internet connection though).

Also I'm thinking about getting Dragon's Lair on Blu-Ray, which would be pretty sweet.

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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon May 12, 2008 11:26 am

Nate (post: 1225633) wrote:Also I'm thinking about getting Dragon's Lair on Blu-Ray, which would be pretty sweet.

It's just as frustrating on bluray as it was on laserdisc... And with the option to WATCH, you have to watch every single death in the game... Still, since Bluray uses Java, you can expect more complex bluray games in the future... Dragon's Layer was possible on DVD menu system technology.

I'm just completely shocked I spent so much time on that game as a kid. Time and money. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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