Fish and Chips wrote:Have you ever read the Myst novels? For books "Based off a game," they're surprisingly well done and make for a good read. The first two cover the prehistory of the game's universe, and the third covers what happened after the fall of Riven and the rediscovery of the D'Ni.
The first book is a fine read, but relies on the reader already being familiar with the Myst chronology, games, and concepts, so it wouldn't be the best choice for making a film with mass appeal. And the third I haven't gotten to yet, but I've heard it's the weaker of the series. The second installment however, covering the fall of the D'Ni civilization, is excellent, and could easily make a plausible movie.
crossalchemist wrote:I actually have come up with a storyline/pseudo-screenplay for a movie based on the first MYST game. The story line is substantially differen than the game in that the Ages actually have natives, there's a main character (replacing the player) who gets sucked into MYST while at an old library. He then becomes aware of Atrus' and Cathrine's plight and thinks that if he can help them he they can find a way for him to return home.
It involves a few of the puzzles, fights with natives, etc. and in the end it gets left open for a sequel (meaning he doesn't get to go back, Atrus' promises to "work on it" but, as he says at the end of MYST, "there are bigger problems on the rise" which might hinder the main character's return (aluding to Riven)). I think it's very doable if you can convince foaming-at-the-mouth fans to accept changes for the sake of being able to DO the movie. A friend of mine and I are going to make a mock trailer for my MYST movie idea this summer (hopefully). If we do I'll post a link to it somewhere.
Fish and Chips wrote:I'd rather see a Final Fantasy (IX) Anime adaption, personally. I think that would work much more to everyone's liking.
Tarnish (post: 1223807) wrote:Did someone say PONG MOVIE?
Fish and Chips (post: 1223897) wrote:Sam and Max. Right now.
LadyRushia (post: 1223977) wrote:Tetris vs. Pong. It's like Alien vs. Predator, only not, XDDD.
Tales of Symphonia would make an awesome series. I wish there was more than just the OVA. . .
yukoxholic (post: 1223974) wrote:I'd love to see ICO and Shadow of the Colossus turned into some form of animated feature of course they'd have to add a lot more dialogue but they'd have awesome soundtracks!
HiddenWoodchuck (post: 1223980) wrote:Those are two awesome games... it would be interesting to see what they would look like as movies.(depending on who is behind making it...)
I would be interested in Perfect Dark, Half-Life, Metroid or even Devil May Cry(live action...). I can't think of anything else at the moment.
yukoxholic (post: 1223988) wrote:Oh, I completely forgot Devil May Cry! Though it has an anime now right? I wonder if that is any good! ^__^ It'd be neat to see it turned into a Live-Action movie.
yukoxholic (post: 1223988) wrote:Oh, I completely forgot Devil May Cry! Though it has an anime now right? I wonder if that is any good! ^__^ It'd be neat to see it turned into a Live-Action movie.
yukoxholic wrote:There was a Tales of Symphonia OVA? I thought the only Tales of release was Tales of Phantasia by Geneon but if there is an actual OVA for that one I so need to buy that! ^__^
HiddenWoodchuck (post: 1223992) wrote:Yeah, I haven't had the chance to watch it either! I'd really like to see a live action version though. I should have got the special edition of Devil May Cry 4, as it had 4 episodes of the anime as an extra I think... grrr. Gamestop was out of them at the time... and I really wanted to play the game. >_<
HiddenWoodchuck (post: 1224003) wrote:I just thought of a few more... forgot about PS3 games. Uncharted, Folklore and Heavenly Sword would all make for some interesting movies. I think so, anyway...
rii namuras wrote:(Rushia, they extended it because they couldn't finish it in four episodes. I forget how many - I need to remember to keep on watching it. I'm only on the third, I think.)
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